Example F Program--Adaptive Integration

! Copyright (c) 1994 Unicomp, Inc.
! Developed at Unicomp, Inc.
! Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
! software is freely granted, provided that this notice 
! is preserved.

module function_module

   public :: f


function f (x) result (f_result)

   real, intent (in) :: x
   real :: f_result

   f_result = exp (-x ** 2)

end function f

end module function_module

module integral_module

   public :: integral


recursive function integral (f, a, b, tolerance)  &
      result (integral_result)

   function f (x) result (f_result)
      real, intent (in) :: x
      real :: f_result
   end function f
   end interface

   real, intent (in) :: a, b, tolerance
   real :: integral_result
   real :: h, mid
   real :: one_trapezoid_area, two_trapezoid_area
   real :: left_area, right_area

   h = b - a
   mid = (a + b) /2
   one_trapezoid_area = h * (f(a) + f(b)) / 2.0
   two_trapezoid_area = h/2 * (f(a) + f(mid)) / 2.0 + &
                        h/2 * (f(mid) + f(b)) / 2.0
   if (abs(one_trapezoid_area - two_trapezoid_area)  &
         < 3.0 * tolerance) then
      integral_result = two_trapezoid_area
      left_area = integral (f, a, mid, tolerance / 2)
      right_area = integral (f, mid, b, tolerance / 2)
      integral_result = left_area + right_area
   end if

end function integral

end module integral_module

program integrate

   use function_module
   use integral_module

   real :: x_min, x_max
   real :: answer, pi

   pi = 4 * atan (1.0)
   x_min = -4.0
   x_max = 4.0
   answer = integral (f, x_min, x_max, 0.01)
   print "(a, f11.6)",  &
         "The integral is approximately ",  &
   print "(a, f11.6)",  &
         "The exact answer is           ",  &
          sqrt (pi)

end program integrate