Example F Program--Towers of Hanoi

! Copyright (c) 1994 Unicomp, Inc.
! Developed at Unicomp, Inc.
! Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
! software is freely granted, provided that this notice 
! is preserved.

module hanoi_module

public :: hanoi


recursive subroutine hanoi (number_of_disks,  &
      starting_post, goal_post)
   integer, intent (in) ::  &
   number_of_disks, starting_post, goal_post
   ! all_posts is the sum of the post values 1+2+3
   ! so that the free post can be determined
   ! by subtracting the STARTING_POST and the
   ! goal_post from this sum.
   integer :: free_post
   integer, parameter :: all_posts = 6
   if (number_of_disks > 0) then
      free_post =  &
      all_posts - starting_post - goal_post
      call hanoi (number_of_disks - 1,  &
                  starting_post, free_post)

      print *, "Move disk", number_of_disks,  &
            "from post", starting_post,  &
            "to post", goal_post
      call hanoi (number_of_disks - 1,  &
                  free_post, goal_post)
   end if

end subroutine hanoi

end module hanoi_module

program test_hanoi

   use hanoi_module
   integer :: number_of_disks

   read *, number_of_disks
   print *, "Input data  number_of_disks:",  &
   print *
   call hanoi (number_of_disks, 1, 3)
end program test_hanoi