BNF Syntax of the FTM Programming Language

Copyright (C) 1996 by Imagine1, Inc. All rights reserved.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this document is freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.

Version: 1996 June 25


An F program is interpreted in the same way as an Fortran 90 program.

Additional source form rules:

The character data type has only default kind. There is no way to specify a kind parameter for character data.

In an OPEN statement the status= keyword is required and shall not be "UNKNOWN".

In an OPEN statement the action= keyword is required. If status is SCRATCH action must be READWRITE. If status is NEW or REPLACE action must not be READ.

In an OPEN statement for sequential access with status OLD the position= keyword is required. The position must be REWIND or APPEND.

If a unit is connected to a file it must be closed before a subsequent OPEN of the unit. There is no reOPEN of a connected file.

The F programming language does not directly support the concept of carriage control. This is a file/OS/output-device characteristic. Files intended to be "printed" on certain devices will have to be written in a certain way.

No characters, other than blanks, shall appear after the final ")" of a format.

In a Format, the items w, w.d, w.m, w.dEe, r, n, ES, TL, TR, SS, and SP shall not have embedded blanks. Blanks may appear between tokens in a format; for example "I 5" or "3 es 10.3".

In this printed text statement keywords, etc., are usually printed in upper case to distinguish them from the surrounding text. However, all statement keywords, intrinsic function names, etc., including the E in a real constant and the edit descriptors in a format must be in lower case.

Certain processors may produce an E (or D or d) on output of real numbers and may also accept that form for input. This is provided for compatibility with existing date files produced by non-F programs.

Character values returned from an INQUIRE statement will be in upper case.

R201      program
      is      program-unit
              [ program-unit ] ...

R202      program-unit
      is      main-program
      or      module

R1101      main-program
      is      program-stmt
                [ use-stmt ] ...
                [ intrinsic-stmt ] ...
                [ other-type-declaration-stmt ] ...
                [ execution-part ]

R208      execution-part
      is      [ executable-construct ] ...

R215      executable-construct
      is      action-stmt
      or      case-construct
      or      do-construct
      or      if-construct
      or      where-construct

R216      action-stmt
      is      allocate-stmt
      or      assignment-stmt
      or      backspace-stmt
      or      call-stmt
      or      close-stmt
      or      cycle-stmt
      or      deallocate-stmt
      or      endfile-stmt
      or      exit-stmt
      or      inquire-stmt
      or      nullify-stmt
      or      open-stmt
      or      pointer-assignment-stmt
      or      print-stmt
      or      read-stmt
      or      return-stmt
      or      rewind-stmt
      or      stop-stmt
      or      write-stmt

R301      character
      is      alphanumeric-character
      or      special-character

R302      alphanumeric-character
      is      letter
      or      digit
      or      underscore

R303      underscore
      is      _

R304      name
      is      letter [ alphanumeric-character ] ...

R304x     historical-name
      is      historical-operator-name
      or      unsupported-intrinsic-name
      or      potential-name

R304y     historical-operator-name
      is      eq
      or      ne
      or      gt
      or      ge
      or      lt
      or      le

R304z     potential-name
      is      null
      or      cpu_time
      or      forall
      or      endforall
      or      elemental
      or      pure
      or      continue
      or      goto
      or      go
      or      to

Constraint:      No name, regardless of case, shall be the same as an
historical-name, logical literal constant, logical operator, or intrinsic
procedure name.

Constraint:      No name, regardless of case, shall be the same as a
statement keyword except that they may be the same as a keyword whose only
use is as an argument specifier in a spec-list, or the names stat or iolength.

Constraint:      The maximum length of a name is 31 characters.

Constraint:      The last character of a name shall not be _ .

Constraint:      All variables must be declared in type statements or
accessed by use or host association.

Constraint:      Entity names, type names, defined operator names, argument
keywords for non-intrinsic procedures, and non-intrinsic procedure names may
be in mixed upper and lower case, however all references to the names shall
use the same case convention.

Constraint:      All intrinsic procedure names and argument names for
intrinsic procedures shall be lower case.

Constraint:      All non-intrinsic procedures shall have an explicit interface.

Constraint:      All statement keywords shall be in lower case.

Constraint:      The logical literal constants .true. and .false. and the
logical operators .not., .or., .and., .eqv., and .neqv. shall be in lower case.

Constraint:      Blank characters shall not appear within any name, keyword,
operator, delimiter, or literal-constant except that one or more blank
characters may appear before or after the real-part or imag-part of a
complex-literal-constant and one or more blanks may be used in keywords as

           keyword              alternate usage
           elseif               else if
           enddo                end do
           endfile              end file
           endfunction          end function
           endif                end if
           endinterface         end interface
           endmodule            end module
           endprogram           end program
           endselect            end select
           endsubroutine        end subroutine
           endtype              end type
           endwhere             end where
           inout                in out
           selectcase           select case

Constraint:      No name, keyword, delimiter, or operator, shall be split
onto more than one line via statement continuation.  Keywords shall not be
continued at the optional blank.

Constraint:      No line shall begin with the & character.

R305      constant
      is      literal-constant
      or      named-constant

R306      literal-constant
      is      int-literal-constant
      or      real-literal-constant
      or      complex-literal-constant
      or      logical-literal-constant
      or      char-literal-constant

R307      named-constant
      is      name

R308      int-constant
      is      constant

Constraint:      int-constant shall be of type integer.

R309      char-constant
      is      constant

Constraint:      char-constant shall be of type character.

R310        intrinsic-operator
      is      power-op
      or      mult-op
      or      add-op
      or      concat-op
      or      rel-op
      or      not-op
      or      and-op
      or      or-op
      or      equiv-op

R311          defined-operator
      is      defined-unary-op
      or      defined-binary-op
      or      extended-intrinsic-op

R312          extended-intrinsic-op
      is      intrinsic-operator

Constraint:      A defined-unary-op and a defined-binary-op shall not
contain more than 31 letters and shall not be the same as any
intrinsic-operator or logical-literal-constant.

R401      signed-digit-string
      is      [ sign ] digit-string

R402      digit-string
      is      digit [ digit ] ...

R403      signed-int-literal-constant
      is      [ sign ] int-literal-constant

R404      int-literal-constant
      is      digit-string [ _ kind-param ]

R405      kind-param
      is      scalar-int-constant-name

R406      sign
      is      +
      or      -

Constraint:      The value of kind-param shall be nonnegative.

Constraint:      The value of kind-param shall specify a representation
method that exists on the processor.

R412      signed-real-literal-constant
      is      [ sign ] real-literal-constant

R413      real-literal-constant
      is      significand [ exponent-letter exponent ] [ _ kind-param ]

R414      significand
      is      digit-string .  digit-string

R415      exponent-letter
      is      E

R416      exponent
      is      signed-digit-string

Constraint:      The value of kind-param shall specify an approximation
method that exists on the processor.

R417      complex-literal-constant
      is      ( real-part , imag-part )

R418      real-part
      is      signed-real-literal-constant
R419      imag-part
      is      signed-real-literal-constant

Constraint:      Both real-part and imag-part must either have no kind-param
or have the same kind-param.

R420        char-literal-constant
      is      " [ rep-char ] ...  "

Note:     Within a char-literal-constant a delimiter may be doubled to
indicate a single instance of the delimiter.

R421      logical-literal-constant
      is      .TRUE.  [ _ kind-param ]
      or      .FALSE.  [ _ kind-param ]

Constraint:      The value of kind-param shall specify a representation
method that exists on the processor.

Constraint:      No integer, real, logical, or character literal constant,
or real-part or imag-part shall be split onto more than one line via
statement continuation.

R422      derived-type-def
      is      derived-type-stmt
                [ private-stmt ]
                [ component-def-stmt ] ...

R423      derived-type-stmt
      is      TYPE , access-spec :: type-name

R424      private-stmt
      is      PRIVATE

Constraint:      A derived type type-name shall not be the same as the name
of any intrinsic type defined in this standard nor the same as any other
accessible derived type type-name.

R425      component-def-stmt
      is      type-spec [ , component-attr-spec-list ] :: component-decl-list

Constraint:      The character length specified by the char-length in a
type-spec shall be a constant specification expression.

R426      component-attr-spec
      is      POINTER
      or      DIMENSION ( component-array-spec )

R427      component-array-spec
      is      explicit-shape-spec-list
      or      deferred-shape-spec-list

Constraint:      If a component of a derived-type is of a type that is
private, either the derived type definition shall contain the PRIVATE
statement or the derived type shall be private.

Constraint:      If a derived type is private it shall not contain a PRIVATE

Constraint:      No component-attr-spec shall appear more than once in a
given component-def-stmt.

Constraint:      If the POINTER attribute is not specified for a component,
a type-spec in the component-def-stmt shall specify an intrinsic type or a
previously defined derived type.

Constraint:      If the POINTER attribute is specified for a component, a
type-spec in the component-def-stmt shall specify an intrinsic type or any
accessible derived type including the type being defined.

Constraint:      If the POINTER attribute is specified, each
component-array-spec shall be a deferred-shape-spec-list.

Constraint:      If the POINTER attribute is not specified, each
component-array-spec shall be an explicit-shape-spec-list.

Constraint:      Each bound in the explicit-shape-spec shall be a constant
specification expression.

R428      component-decl
      is      component-name

R430      end-type-stmt
      is      END TYPE type-name

Constraint:      The type-name shall be the same as that in the
corresponding derived-type-stmt.

R431      structure-constructor
      is      type-name ( expr-list )

R432      array-constructor
      is      (/ ac-value-list /)

R433      ac-value
      is      expr
      or      ac-implied-do

R434      ac-implied-do
      is      ( ac-value-list , ac-implied-do-control )

R435      ac-implied-do-control
      is      ac-do-variable = scalar-int-expr , scalar-int-expr [ ,
scalar-int-expr ]

R436      ac-do-variable
      is      scalar-int-variable

Constraint:      An ac-do-variable shall be a named variable, shall not be a
dummy argument, shall not have the POINTER attribute, shall not be
initialized, shall not have the save attribute and shall not be accessed by
use or host association, and shall be used in the scoping unit only as an

Constraint:      Each ac-value expression in the array-constructor shall
have the same type and kind type parameter.

R501      type-declaration-stmt
      is      type-spec [ , attr-spec ] ... :: entity-decl-list

R502      type-spec
      is      INTEGER [ kind-selector ]
      or      REAL [ kind-selector ]
      or      CHARACTER char-selector
      or      COMPLEX [ kind-selector ]
      or      LOGICAL [ kind-selector ]
      or      TYPE ( type-name )

R503      attr-spec
      is      PARAMETER
      or      access-spec
      or      ALLOCATABLE
      or      DIMENSION ( array-spec )
      or      INTENT ( intent-spec )
      or      OPTIONAL
      or      POINTER
      or      SAVE
      or      TARGET

R504      entity-decl
      is      object-name [ initialization ]

R505      initialization
      is      = initialization-expr

R506      kind-selector
      is      ( KIND = scalar-int-constant-name )

Constraint:      The same attr-spec shall not appear more than once in a
given type-declaration-stmt.

Constraint:      The ALLOCATABLE attribute may be used only when declaring
an array that is not a dummy argument or a function result.

Constraint:      An array declared with a POINTER or an ALLOCATABLE
attribute shall be specified with an array-spec that is a

Constraint:      An array-spec for an object-name that is a function result
that does not have the POINTER attribute shall be an explicit-shape-spec-list.

Constraint:      If the POINTER attribute is specified, neither the TARGET
nor INTENT attribute shall be specified.

Constraint:      If the TARGET attribute is specified, neither the POINTER
nor PARAMETER attribute shall be specified.

Constraint:      The PARAMETER attribute shall not be specified for dummy
arguments, pointers, allocatable arrays, or functions results.

Constraint:      The INTENT and OPTIONAL attributes may be specified only
for dummy arguments.

Constraint:      An entity shall not have the PUBLIC attribute if its type
has the PRIVATE attribute.

Constraint:      The SAVE attribute shall not be specified for an object
that is a dummy argument, a procedure, a function result, an automatic data
object, or an object with the PARAMETER attribute.

Constraint:      An array shall not have both the ALLOCATABLE attribute and
the POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      Initialization shall appear if the statement contains a
PARAMETER attribute.

Constraint:      Initialization shall not appear if object-name is a dummy
argument, a function result, an allocatable array, or an automatic object.

Constraint:      If initialization appears in a main program, the object
shall have the PARAMETER attribute.

Constraint:      If initialization appears, the object shall not have the
POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      The value of scalar-int-constant-name in kind-selector
shall be nonnegative and shall specify a representation method that exists
on the processor.

Constraint:      If initialization appears, the statement shall contain
either a PARAMETER attribute or a SAVE attribute.

R507      char-selector
      is      ( LEN = char-len-param-value )

R510      char-len-param-value
      is      specification-expr
      or      *

Constraint:      The char-len-param-value must be * for a dummy argument.

Constraint:      The char-len-param-value may be * only for a dummy argument
or a parameter.

R511      access-spec
      is      PUBLIC
      or      PRIVATE

Constraint:      An access-spec shall appear only in the specification-part
of a module.

Constraint:      An access-spec shall appear on every
type-declaration-statement in a module.

R512      intent-spec
      is      IN
      or      OUT
      or      INOUT

Constraint:      The INTENT attribute shall not be specified for a dummy
argument that is a dummy procedure or a dummy pointer.

Constraint:      A dummy argument with the INTENT(IN) attribute, or a
subobject of such a dummy argument, shall not appear as

(1)     The variable of an assignment-stmt,

(2)     The pointer-object of a pointer-assignment-stmt,

(3)     A DO variable,

(4)     An input-item in a read-stmt,

(5)     An internal-file-unit in a write-stmt,

(6)     An IOSTAT= or SIZE= specifier in an input/output statement,

(7)     A definable variable in an INQUIRE statement,

(9)     A stat-variable or allocate-object in an allocate-stmt or
a deallocate-stmt, or

(10)    An actual argument in a reference to a procedure when the
associated dummy argument has the INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT) attribute.

R513      array-spec
      is      explicit-shape-spec-list
      or      assumed-shape-spec-list
      or      deferred-shape-spec-list

Constraint:      The maximum rank is seven.

R514      explicit-shape-spec
      is      [ lower-bound : ] upper-bound

R515      lower-bound
      is      specification-expr

R516      upper-bound
      is      specification-expr

Constraint:      An explicit-shape array whose bounds depend on the values
of nonconstant expressions shall be a function result, or an automatic array
of a procedure.

R517      assumed-shape-spec
      is      [ lower-bound ] :

Constraint:      All dummy argument arrays shall be assumed-shape-arrays.

Constraint:      Only dummy argument arrays shall be assumed-shape arrays.

R518      deferred-shape-spec
      is      :

R522      access-stmt
      is      access-spec [ :: access-id-list ]

R523      access-id
      is      local-name
      or      generic-spec

Constraint:      Each local-name shall be the name of a generic-spec of a
module-procedure-interface-block or the name of a procedure that is not
accessed by use association.  Each such generic-spec or procedure shall be
named on an access-stmt.

Constraint:      A module procedure that has a dummy argument or function
result of a type that has PRIVATE accessibility shall have PRIVATE
accessibility and shall not have a generic identifier that has PUBLIC

R601      variable
      is      scalar-variable-name
      or      array-variable-name
      or      subobject

Constraint:      array-variable-name shall be the name of a data object that
is an array.

Constraint:      array-variable-name shall not have the PARAMETER attribute.

Constraint:      scalar-variable-name shall not have the PARAMETER attribute.

Constraint:      subobject shall not be a subobject designator (for example,
a substring) whose parent is a constant.

R602      subobject
      is      array-element
      or      array-section
      or      structure-component
      or      substring

R603      logical-variable
      is      variable

Constraint:      logical-variable shall be of type logical.

R604      default-logical-variable
      is      variable

Constraint:      default-logical-variable shall be of type default logical.

R605      char-variable
      is      variable

Constraint:      char-variable shall be of type character.

R607      int-variable
      is      variable

Constraint:      int-variable shall be of type integer.

R608      default-int-variable
      is      variable

Constraint:      default-int-variable shall be of type default integer.

R609      substring
      is      parent-string ( substring-range )

R610      parent-string
      is      scalar-variable-name
      or      array-element
      or      scalar-structure-component

R611      substring-range
      is      [ scalar-int-expr ] : [ scalar-int-expr ]

Constraint:      parent-string shall be of type character.

R612      data-ref
      is      part-ref [ % part-ref ] ...

R613      part-ref
      is      part-name [ ( section-subscript-list ) ]

Constraint:      In a data-ref, each part-name except the rightmost shall be
of derived type.

Constraint:      In a data-ref, each part-name except the leftmost shall be
the name of a component of the derived type definition of the type of the
preceding part-name.

Constraint:      In a part-ref containing a section-subscript-list, the
number of section-subscripts shall equal the rank of part-name.

Constraint:      In a data-ref, there shall not be more than one part-ref
with nonzero rank.  A part-name to the right of a part-ref with nonzero rank
shall not have the POINTER attribute.

R614      structure-component
      is      data-ref

Constraint:      In a structure-component, there shall be more than one
part-ref and the rightmost part-ref shall be of the form part-name.

R615      array-element
      is      data-ref

Constraint:      In an array-element, every part-ref shall have rank zero
and the last part-ref shall contain a subscript-list.

R616      array-section
      is      data-ref [ ( substring-range ) ]

Constraint:      In an array-section, exactly one part-ref shall have
nonzero rank, and either the final part-ref shall have a
section-subscript-list with nonzero rank or another part-ref shall have
nonzero rank.

Constraint:      In an array-section with a substring-range, the rightmost
part-name shall be of type character.

R617      subscript
      is      scalar-int-expr

R618      section-subscript
      is      subscript
      or      subscript-triplet
      or      vector-subscript

R619      subscript-triplet
      is      [ subscript ] : [ subscript ] [ : stride ]

R620      stride
      is      scalar-int-expr

R621      vector-subscript
      is      int-expr

Constraint:      A vector-subscript shall be an integer array expression of
rank one.

R622      allocate-stmt
      is      ALLOCATE ( allocation-list [ , STAT = stat-variable ] )

R623      stat-variable
      is      scalar-int-variable

R624      allocation
      is      allocate-object [ ( allocate-shape-spec-list ) ]

R625      allocate-object
      is      variable-name
      or      structure-component

R626      allocate-shape-spec
      is      [ allocate-lower-bound : ] allocate-upper-bound

R627      allocate-lower-bound
      is      scalar-int-expr

R628      allocate-upper-bound
      is      scalar-int-expr

Constraint:      Each allocate-object shall be a pointer or an allocatable

Constraint:      The number of allocate-shape-specs in an
allocate-shape-spec-list shall be the same as the rank of the pointer or
allocatable array.

R629      nullify-stmt
      is      NULLIFY ( pointer-object-list )

R630      pointer-object
      is      variable-name
      or      structure-component

Constraint:      Each pointer-object shall have the POINTER attribute.

R631      deallocate-stmt
      is      DEALLOCATE ( allocate-object-list [ , STAT = stat-variable ] )

Constraint:      Each allocate-object shall be a pointer or allocatable array.

R701      primary
      is      constant
      or      constant-subobject
      or      variable
      or      array-constructor
      or      structure-constructor
      or      function-reference
      or      ( expr )

R702      constant-subobject
      is      subobject

Constraint:      subobject shall be a subobject designator whose parent is a

R703      level-1-expr
      is      [ defined-unary-op ] primary

R704      defined-unary-op
      is      . letter [ letter ] ...  

Constraint:      A defined-unary-op shall not contain more than 31 letters.

R705      mult-operand
      is      level-1-expr [ power-op mult-operand ]

R706      add-operand
      is      [ add-operand mult-op ] mult-operand

R707      level-2-expr
      is      [ [ level-2-expr ] add-op ] add-operand

R708      power-op
      is      **

R709      mult-op
      is      *
      or      /

R710      add-op
      is      +
      or      -

R711      level-3-expr
      is      [ level-3-expr concat-op ] level-2-expr

R712      concat-op
      is      //

R713      level-4-expr
      is      [ level-3-expr rel-op ] level-3-expr

R714      rel-op
      is      ==
      or      /=
      or      <
      or      <=
      or      >
      or      >=

R715      and-operand
      is      [ not-op ] level-4-expr

R716      or-operand
      is      [ or-operand and-op ] and-operand

R717      equiv-operand
      is      [ equiv-operand or-op ] or-operand

R718      level-5-expr
      is      [ level-5-expr equiv-op ] equiv-operand

R719      not-op
      is      .NOT.

R720      and-op
      is      .AND.

R721      or-op
      is      .OR.

R722      equiv-op
      is      .EQV.
      or      .NEQV.

R723      expr
      is      [ expr defined-binary-op ] level-5-expr

R724      defined-binary-op
      is      . letter [ letter ] ...  .

Constraint:      A defined-binary-op shall not contain more than 31 letters.

R725      logical-expr
      is      expr

Constraint:      logical-expr shall be of type logical.

R726      char-expr
      is      expr

Constraint:      char-expr shall of be type character.

R728      int-expr
      is      expr

Constraint:      int-expr shall be of type integer.

R729      numeric-expr
      is      expr

Constraint:      numeric-expr shall be of type integer, real or complex.

R730      initialization-expr
      is      expr

Constraint:      initialization-expr shall be an initialization expression.

R731      char-initialization-expr
      is      char-expr

Constraint:      char-initialization-expr shall be an initialization expression.

R732      int-initialization-expr
      is      int-expr

Constraint:      int-initialization-expr shall be an initialization expression.

R733      logical-initialization-expr
      is      logical-expr

Constraint:      logical-initialization-expr shall be an initialization

R734      specification-expr
      is      scalar-int-expr

Constraint:      The scalar-int-expr shall be a restricted expression.

R735      assignment-stmt
      is      variable = expr

R736      pointer-assignment-stmt
      is      pointer-object => target

R737      target
      is      variable
      or      expr

Constraint:      The pointer-object shall have the POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      The variable shall have the TARGET attribute or be a
subobject of an object with the TARGET attribute, or it shall have the
POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      The target shall be of the same type, kind type parameters,
and rank as the pointer.

Constraint:      The target shall not be an array with vector section subscripts

Constraint:      The expr shall deliver a pointer result.

R739      where-construct
      is      where-construct-stmt
                [ assignment-stmt ] ...
              [ elsewhere-stmt ]
                [ assignment-stmt ] ...

R740      where-construct-stmt
      is      WHERE ( mask-expr )

R743      mask-expr
      is      logical-expr

R745      elsewhere-stmt
      is      ELSEWHERE

R746      end-where-stmt
      is      ENDWHERE

Constraint:      In each assignment-stmt, the mask-expr and the variable
being defined must be arrays of the same shape.

Constraint:      The assignment-stmt must not be a defined assignment

R801      block
      is      [ executable-construct ] ...

R802      if-construct
      is      if-then-stmt
              [ else-if-stmt
                block ] ...
              [ else-stmt
                block ]

R803      if-then-stmt
      is      IF ( scalar-logical-expr ) THEN

R804      else-if-stmt
      is      ELSEIF ( scalar-logical-expr ) THEN

R805      else-stmt
      is      ELSE

R806      end-if-stmt
      is      ENDIF

R808      case-construct
      is      select-case-stmt
              [ case-stmt
                block ] ...
              [ CASE DEFAULT
                block ]

R809      select-case-stmt
      is      SELECT CASE ( case-expr )

R810      case-stmt
      is      CASE case-selector

R811      end-select-stmt
      is      END SELECT

R812      case-expr
      is      scalar-int-expr
      or      scalar-char-expr

R813      case-selector
      is      ( case-value-range-list )

R814      case-value-range
      is      case-value
      or      case-value :
      or      : case-value
      or      case-value : case-value

R815      case-value
      is      scalar-int-initialization-expr
      or      scalar-char-initialization-expr

Constraint:      For a given case-construct, each case-value shall be of the
same type as case-expr.  For character type, length differences are allowed.

Constraint:      For a given case-construct, the case-value-ranges shall not
overlap; that is, there shall be no possible value of the case-expr that
matches more than one case-value-range.

R816      do-construct
      is      block-do-construct

R817      block-do-construct
      is      do-stmt

R818      do-stmt
      is      [ do-construct-name : ] DO [ loop-control ]

Constraint:      The do-construct-name shall not be the same as the name of
any accessible entity.

Constraint:      The same do-construct-name shall not be used on more than
one do-stmt in a scoping unit.

R821      loop-control
      is      do-stmt-variable = scalar-int-expr, scalar-int-expr [ ,
scalar-int-expr ]

R822      do-stmt-variable
      is      scalar-int-variable

Constraint:      A do-stmt-variable shall be a named variable, shall not be
a dummy argument, shall not have the POINTER attribute, and shall not be
accessed by use or host association.

R823      do-block
      is      block

R824      end-do
      is      ENDDO [ do-construct-name ]

Constraint:      If the do-stmt is identified by a do-construct-name, the
corresponding end-do shall specify the same do-construct-name.  If the
do-stmt is not identified by a do-construct-name, the corresponding end-do
shall not specify a do-construct-name.

R834      cycle-stmt
      is      CYCLE [ do-construct-name ]

Constraint:      If a cycle-stmt refers to a do-construct-name, it shall be
within the range of that do-construct; otherwise, it shall be within the
range of at least one do-construct.

R835      exit-stmt
      is      EXIT [ do-construct-name ]

Constraint:      If an exit-stmt refers to a do-construct-name, it shall be
within the range of that do-construct; otherwise, it shall be within the
range of at least one do-construct.

R840      stop-stmt
      is      STOP

R901      io-unit
      is      external-file-unit
      or      *
      or      internal-file-unit

R902      external-file-unit
      is      scalar-int-expr

R903      internal-file-unit
      is      char-variable

Constraint:      The char-variable shall not be an array section with a
vector subscript.

R904      open-stmt
      is      OPEN ( connect-spec-list )

R905      connect-spec
      is      UNIT = external-file-unit
      or      IOSTAT = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      FILE = file-name-expr
      or      STATUS = scalar-char-expr
      or      ACCESS = scalar-char-expr
      or      FORM = scalar-char-expr
      or      RECL = scalar-int-expr
      or      POSITION = scalar-char-expr
      or      ACTION = scalar-char-expr

R906      file-name-expr
      is      scalar-char-expr

Constraint:      A connect-spec-list shall contain exactly one UNIT =
io-unit, exactly one STATUS= scalar-char-expr, and exactly one ACTION =
scalar-char-expr and may contain at most one of each of the other specifiers.

R907      close-stmt
      is      CLOSE ( close-spec-list )

R908      close-spec
      is      UNIT = external-file-unit
      or      IOSTAT = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      STATUS = scalar-char-expr

Constraint:      A close-spec-list shall contain exactly one UNIT = io-unit
and may contain at most one of each of the other specifiers.

R909      read-stmt
      is      READ ( io-control-spec-list ) [ input-item-list ]
      or      READ format [ , input-item-list ]

R910      write-stmt
      is      WRITE ( io-control-spec-list ) [ output-item-list ]

R911      print-stmt
      is      PRINT format [ , output-item-list ]

R912      io-control-spec
      is      UNIT = io-unit
      or      FMT = format
      or      REC = scalar-int-expr
      or      IOSTAT = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      ADVANCE = scalar-char-expr
      or      SIZE = scalar-default-int-variable

Constraint:      An io-control-spec-list shall contain exactly one UNIT =
io-unit and may contain at most one of each of the other specifiers.

Constraint:      A SIZE= specifier shall not appear in a write-stmt.

Constraint:      If the unit specifier specifies an internal file, the
io-control-spec-list shall not contain a REC= specifier.

Constraint:      If the REC= specifier is present, the format, if any, shall
not be an asterisk specifying list-directed input/output.

Constraint:      An ADVANCE= specifier may be present only in a formatted
sequential input/output statement with explicit format specification whose
control information list does not contain an internal file unit specifier.

Constraint:      If a SIZE= specifier is present, an ADVANCE= specifier also
shall appear.

R913      format
      is      char-expr
      or      *

R914      input-item
      is      variable

R915      output-item
      is      expr

R919      backspace-stmt
      is      BACKSPACE ( position-spec-list )

R920      endfile-stmt
      is      ENDFILE ( position-spec-list )

R921      rewind-stmt
      is      REWIND ( position-spec-list )

R922      position-spec
      is      UNIT = external-file-unit
      or      IOSTAT = scalar-default-int-variable

Constraint:      A position-spec-list shall contain exactly one UNIT =
external-file-unit, and may contain at most one IOSTAT specifier.

R923      inquire-stmt
      is      INQUIRE ( inquire-spec-list )
      or      INQUIRE ( IOLENGTH = scalar-default-int-variable )

R924      inquire-spec
      is      UNIT = external-file-unit
      or      FILE = file-name-expr
      or      IOSTAT = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      EXIST = scalar-default-logical-variable
      or      OPENED = scalar-default-logical-variable
      or      NUMBER = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      NAMED = scalar-default-logical-variable
      or      NAME = scalar-char-variable
      or      ACCESS = scalar-char-variable
      or      SEQUENTIAL = scalar-char-variable
      or      DIRECT = scalar-char-variable
      or      FORM = scalar-char-variable
      or      FORMATTED = scalar-char-variable
      or      UNFORMATTED = scalar-char-variable
      or      RECL = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      NEXTREC = scalar-default-int-variable
      or      POSITION = scalar-char-variable
      or      ACTION = scalar-char-variable
      or      READ = scalar-char-variable
      or      WRITE = scalar-char-variable
      or      READWRITE = scalar-char-variable

Constraint:      An inquire-spec-list shall contain one FILE= specifier or
one UNIT= specifier, but not both, and at most one of each of the other

R1002     format-specification
      is      ( [ format-item-list ] )

R1003     format-item
      is      [ r ] data-edit-desc
      or      control-edit-desc
      or      [ r ] ( format-item-list )

R1004     r
      is      int-literal-constant

Constraint:      r shall be positive.

Constraint:      r shall not have a kind parameter specified for it.

R1005     data-edit-desc
      is      I w [ .  m ]
      or      F w .  d
      or      ES w .  d [ E e ]
      or      L w
      or      A [ w ]

R1006     w
      is      int-literal-constant

R1007     m
      is      int-literal-constant

R1008     d
      is      int-literal-constant

R1009     e
      is      int-literal-constant

Constraint:      w and e shall be positive.

Constraint:      w, m, d, and e shall not have kind parameters specified for

R1010     control-edit-desc
      is      position-edit-desc
      or      [ r ] /
      or      :
      or      sign-edit-desc

R1012     position-edit-desc
      is      T n
      or      TL n
      or      TR n

R1013     n
      is      int-literal-constant

Constraint:      n shall be positive.

Constraint:      n shall not have a kind parameter specified for it.

R1014     sign-edit-desc
      is      S
      or      SP
      or      SS

R1101     main-program
      is      program-stmt
                [ use-stmt ] ...
                [ intrinsic-stmt ] ...
                [ other-type-declaration-stmt ] ...
                [ execution-part ]

R1102     program-stmt
      is      PROGRAM program-name

R1103     end-program-stmt
      is      END PROGRAM program-name

Constraint:      In a main-program, the execution-part shall not contain a
RETURN statement.

Constraint:      The program-name in the end-program-stmt shall be identical
to the program-name specified in the program-stmt.

Constraint:      An automatic object shall not appear in the
specification-part of a main program.

R1104x    module
      is      public-module
      or      private-module

R1104y    public-module
      is      module-stmt
                [ use-stmt ] ...

R1104     private-module
      is      module-stmt
                [ use-stmt ] ...
                [ PRIVATE ]
                [ access-stmt ] ...
                [ intrinsic-stmt ] ...
                [ module-entity-def ] ...
                [ module-subprogram-part ]

Constraint:      A PRIVATE statement shall appear if any use-stmts appear.
A PRIVATE statement shall not appear if no use-stmts are present.

R1104z    module-entity-def
      is      [ derived-type-def ]
      or      [ other-type-declaration-stmt ]
      or      [ module-procedure-interface-block ]
      or      [ external-procedure-interface-block ]

R212      module-subprogram-part
      is      contains-stmt
             [ module-subprogram ] ...

R213      module-subprogram
      is      function-subprogram
      or      subroutine-subprogram

Constraint:      every function-subprogram or subroutine-subprogram in a
private-module shall be listed in an access-stmt.

R1105     module-stmt
      is      MODULE module-name

R1106     end-module-stmt
      is      END MODULE module-name

Constraint:      The module-name is specified in the end-module-stmt shall
be identical to the module-name specified in the module-stmt.

Constraint:      An automatic object shall not appear in the
specification-part of a module.

R1107     use-stmt
      is      USE module-name [ , rename-list ]
      or      USE module-name , ONLY : [ only-list ]

Constraint:      A module-name shall appear in at most one USE statement in
a scoping unit.

Constraint:      A module shall not be made accessible by more than one use
statement in a scoping unit.

Constraint:      The module shall appear in a previously processed program unit.

Constraint:      There shall be at least one only in the only-list.

R1108     rename
      is      local-name => use-name

R1109     only
      is      generic-spec
      or      only-use-name
      or      only-rename

R1110     only-use-name
      is      use-name

R1111     only-rename
      is      local-name => use-name

Constraint:      Each generic-spec shall be a public entity in the module.

Constraint:      Each use-name shall be the name of a public entity in the

Constraint:      use-name shall not be the name of an intrinsic procedure.

Constraint:      In a use-stmt a use-name shall appear only once.

Constraint:      No two accessible entities may have the same local name.

R1201     module-procedure-interface-block
      is      INTERFACE generic-spec
                 [ module-procedure-stmt ] ...
              END INTERFACE

Constraint:      Every generic-spec in a private-module shall be listed in
an access-stmt.

Constraint:      If generic-spec is also the name of an intrinsic procedure
the generic name shall appear in a previous intrinsic statement in the module.

Constraint:      If generic-spec is the same as the name of an intrinsic
procedure the arguments to generic-spec must differ from the arguments to
the intrinsic procedure in a way that allows unambiguous reference.

Constraint:      Generic-spec shall not be the same name as that of any
accessible procedure or variable.

R1206     module-procedure-stmt
      is      MODULE PROCEDURE procedure-name-list

Constraint:      A procedure-name in a module-procedure-stmt shall not be
one which previously had been specified in any module-procedure-stmt with
the same generic identifier in the same specification part.

Constraint:      Each procedure-name must be accessible as a module procedure.

R1207     generic-spec
      is      generic-name
      or      OPERATOR ( defined-operator )
      or      ASSIGNMENT ( = )

Constraint:      generic-name shall not be the same as any module procedure

R1202     dummy-procedure-interface-block
      is      INTERFACE
                [ interface-body ] ...
              END INTERFACE

Constraint:      Each procedure dummy argument shall appear in exactly one
interface body.

Constraint:      Each procedure specified shall be a dummy argument.

R1202x    external-procedure-interface-block
      is      INTERFACE
                 [ interface-body ] ...
              END INTERFACE

Constraint:      The name of an external-procedure shall not be the name of
an accessible module-procedure.

Constraint:      An external procedure shall not be used as an actual argument

Constraint:      The interface-body of a dummy or external procedure shall
specify the intents of all dummy arguments except pointer and procedure

R1205     interface-body
      is      function-stmt
                [ specification-part ]
      or      subroutine-stmt
                [ specification-part ]

R1209     intrinsic-stmt
      is      INTRINSIC intrinsic-procedure-name-list

Constraint:      Each intrinsic-procedure-name shall be the name of an
intrinsic procedure.

Constraint:      The specification-part of a dummy-procedure-interface-block
or external-procedure-interface-block shall not contain a
type-declaration-stmt or interface-block for a variable or procedure which
is not a dummy argument or function result.

R1298     intrinsic-procedure-name
      is      abs
      or      acos
      or      adjustl
      or      adjustr
      or      aimag
      or      aint
      or      all
      or      allocated
      or      anint
      or      any
      or      asin
      or      associated
      or      atan
      or      atan2
      or      bit_size
      or      btest
      or      ceiling
      or      char
      or      cmplx
      or      conjg
      or      cos
      or      cosh
      or      count
      or      cshift
      or      date_and_time
      or      digits
      or      dot_product
      or      eoshift
      or      epsilon
      or      exp
      or      exponent
      or      floor
      or      fraction
      or      huge
      or      iand
      or      ibclr
      or      ibits
      or      ibset
      or      ichar
      or      ieor
      or      index
      or      int
      or      ior
      or      ishft
      or      ishftc
      or      kind
      or      lbound
      or      len
      or      len_trim
      or      log
      or      log10
      or      logical
      or      matmul
      or      max
      or      maxexponent
      or      maxloc
      or      maxval
      or      merge
      or      min
      or      minexponent
      or      minloc
      or      minval
      or      modulo
      or      mvbits
      or      nearest
      or      nint
      or      not
      or      pack
      or      precision
      or      present
      or      product
      or      radix
      or      random_number
      or      random_seed
      or      range
      or      real
      or      repeat
      or      reshape
      or      rrspacing
      or      scale
      or      scan
      or      selected_int_kind
      or      selected_real_kind
      or      set_exponent
      or      shape
      or      sign
      or      sin
      or      sinh
      or      size
      or      spacing
      or      spread
      or      sqrt
      or      sum
      or      system_clock
      or      tan
      or      tanh
      or      tiny
      or      transpose
      or      trim
      or      ubound
      or      unpack
      or      verify

R1299     unsupported-intrinsic-name
      is      achar
      or      dble
      or      dim
      or      dprod
      or      iachar
      or      lge
      or      lgt
      or      lle
      or      llt
      or      mod
      or      transfer

Constraint:      In a reference to any intrinsic function that has a kind
argument the corresponding actual argument must be a named constant.

R1210     function-reference
      is      function-name ( [ actual-arg-spec-list ] )

R1211     call-stmt
      is      CALL subroutine-name ( [ actual-arg-spec-list ] )

R1212     actual-arg-spec
      is      [ keyword = ] actual-arg

R1213     keyword
      is      dummy-arg-name

R1214     actual-arg
      is      expr
      or      variable
      or      procedure-name

Constraint:      The keyword = may be omitted from an actual-arg-spec only
if the keyword = has been omitted from each preceding actual-arg-spec in the
argument list.

Constraint:      Each keyword shall be the name of a dummy argument of the

Constraint:      In a reference to a function, a procedure-name actual-arg
shall be the name of a function.

Constraint:      A procedure-name actual-arg shall not be the name of an
intrinsic function nor a generic-name.

R1216     function-subprogram
      is      function-stmt
                [ executable-construct ] ...

R1221     subroutine-subprogram
      is      subroutine-stmt
                [ specification-part ]
                [ execution-part ]

R1221v     specification-part        
      is      [ use-stmt ] ...
              [ intrinsic-stmt ] ...
              [ dummy-declaration-stmt] ...
              [ result-type-declaration-stmt ]
              [ other-type-declaration-stmt ] ...

R1221w    dummy-declaration-stmt
      is      dummy-type-declaration-stmt
      or      dummy-argument-interface-block

Constraint:      A result-type-declaration-stmt shall appear in the
specification-part of a function.

Constraint:      A result-type-declaration-stmt shall not appear in the
specification-part of a subroutine.

R1221x    dummy-type-declaration-stmt
      is      type-declaration-stmt

Constraint:      Each entity in the entity-decl-list of a
dummy-type-declaration-stmt shall be a dummy argument.

R1221y    result-type-declaration-stmt
      is      type-declaration-stmt

Constraint:      There shall be exactly one entity in the entity-decl-list
of a result-type-declaration-stmt and it shall be the function result.

R1221z    other-type-declaration-stmt
      is      type-declaration-stmt

Constraint:      No entity in the entity-decl-list of an
other-type-declaration-stmt shall be a dummy argument or a function result.

R1217     function-stmt
      is      prefix FUNCTION function-name
                     ( [ dummy-arg-name-list ] ) RESULT ( result-name )

Constraint:      The function-name shall not appear in any specification
statement in the scoping unit of the function subprogram.

R1218     prefix
      is      [ RECURSIVE ]

R1220     end-function-stmt
      is      ENDFUNCTION function-name

Constraint:      result-name shall not be the same as function-name.

Constraint:      The function-name in the end-function-stmt shall be
identical to the function-name specified in the function-stmt.

R1222     subroutine-stmt
      is      [ prefix ] SUBROUTINE subroutine-name ( [ dummy-arg-list ] )

R1223     dummy-arg
      is      dummy-arg-name

Constraint:      If a dummy-arg has the optional attribute all subsequent
dummy-args in dummy-arg-list shall also have the optional attribute.

R1224     end-subroutine-stmt
      is      ENDSUBROUTINE subroutine-name

Constraint:      The subroutine-name in the end-subroutine-stmt shall be
identical to the subroutine-name specified in the subroutine-stmt.

R1226     return-stmt
      is      RETURN

Constraint:      The return-stmt shall be in the scoping unit of a function
or subroutine subprogram.

R1227     contains-stmt
      is      CONTAINS

Constraint:      A local variable declared in the specification part of a
function shall not have the SAVE attribute (hence also cannot be initialized).

Constraint:      The specification-part of a function subprogram shall
specify that all dummy arguments have INTENT (IN) except procedure arguments
and arguments with the POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      The specification-part of a subroutine shall specify the
intents of all dummy arguments except procedure arguments and arguments with
the POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      In a function any variable which is accessed by host or use
association, or is a dummy argument to a function shall not be used in the
following contexts:

(1)     As the variable of an assignment-stmt;

(3)     As an input-item in a read-stmt;

(4)     As an internal-file-unit in a write-stmt;

(5)     As an IOSTAT= specifier in an input or output statement;

(6)     As the pointer-object of a pointer-assignment-stmt;

(7)     As the target of a pointer-assignment-stmt;

(8)     As the expr of an assignment-stmt in which the variable is of a
derived type if the derived type has a pointer component at any level of
component selection;

(9)     As an allocate-object or stat-variable in an allocate-stmt or
deallocate-stmt, or as a pointer-object in a nullify-stmt; or

(10)    As an actual argument associated with a dummy argument with the
POINTER attribute.

Constraint:      Any subprogram referenced in a function including one
referenced via a defined operation, shall be a function or shall be
referenced by defined assignment.

Constraint:      Any subroutine referenced by defined assignment from a
function, and any subprogram invoked during such reference, shall obey all
of the constraints above relating to variables in a function except that the
first argument to the subroutine may have intent OUT or INOUT.

Constraint:      A function shall not contain an open-stmt, close-stmt,
backspace-stmt, endfile-stmt, rewind-stmt, or inquire-stmt.

Constraint:      A function shall not contain a read-stmt or write-stmt
unless it refers to an internal file, or have unit=* and have a fmt=
specifier, or is a read-stmt with no io-control-spec-list.