Prof. Dr. Nilgun (DOGAN) BAYDOGAN’s Home Page
Birth Place and Date: Istanbul - March, 1969
Marital Status: Married
Phone: + (direct)
Fax: + (institute)
Address: Istanbul Technical University, Institute of
Energy, Nuclear Researches Division, Ayazaga Campus, 34469,
Maslak, Istanbul / TURKEY
Associate Prof. Dr., Nuclear
Engineering, (22 April, 2005),
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical
University, Institute for Nuclear Energy (2002).
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical
University, Institute for Nuclear Energy (1996)
B.Sc. Istanbul University, Science
Faculty, Department of Physics, (1992).
Mechanical, Optical and Solar
Properties of Irradiated Materials.
Electronic Properties on
Irradiated Amorphous and Crystalline Structures.
Thin Films and Coating on Glass
of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Accelerator and Fusion Divisions, Plasma Applications Group
(December, 2002 - May, 2003)
Istanbul Technical University,
Institute of Energy, Nuclear Researches Division, (2002-2005),
Dr. Research Assistant.
Istanbul Technical University,
Institute for Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Applications Division,
(1998-2002 ), Research Assistant.
Kocaeli University, Science and
Literature Faculty, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics
Division, (1993-1998), Research Assistant.
A) In Scientific Journals Covered by Science Citation
1. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (2001), "Dosimetric Evaluation of Gamma Doses
Using Irradiated Lead-Alkali-Silicate Glass", Radiation
Measurements , Vol. 33, Iss. 2, pp. 211-216.
Impact factor of this journal 2005: 1.023, Journal Citation Reports® 2005, published by Thomson Scientific.
2. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (2001), “Optical and Solar Parameters of
Lead-Alkali-Silicate Glass”, Solar Energy Materials
& Solar Cells, Vol. 69, Iss. 3, pp. 241-250.
Impact factor of this journal 2005: 2.002, Journal Citation Reports® 2005, published by Thomson Scientific.
3. Baydogan, N. D., (2004),
"Evaluation of Optical Properties of The Amorphous Carbon
Film on Fused Silica", Material Science and
Engineering B, 107, 1, 70-77 .
Impact factor of this journal 2005: 1.281, Journal Citation Reports® 2005, published by Thomson Scientific.
4. Zayim E.O. , Baydogan,
N. D., (2006), "Irradiation effect in
WO3 thin films", Solar Energy Materials &
Solar Cells, Vol. 90, Issue.6, pp. 402-413.
5. Baydoðan N.D., Tuðrul, A.B.,
(2006), "Evaluation of The Optical Changes For a
Soda-Lime-Silicate Glass Exposed to Radiation”, Glass
Physics and Chemistry, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 309-314.
B) International
1. Baydogan ND, Baydogan M.,
Tugrul A.B., Cimenoglu H., "Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of
Irradiated Stainless Steel As Shielding Material", 2006
International Congress on the Advances in Nuclear Power Plants
(ICAPP '06), pp.2101-2104, June 4-8, 2006, Reno,
Nevada, U.S.A.
2. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (2002), “The Evaluation of Neutron and Mixed
Radiation Effect on Severeal Type of Silicate Glass”, II
Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science And Its Application,
3. Tugrul, A.B., Baytas, F.,
Altinsoy, N., Ayaz, B., Dogan, N., Sahin, S.,
(2000), "Investigation on Golden Horn Qua Ternary Sequence
By Determination of Alpha and Beta Radioactivity Levels" , I.
Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Applications,
23-27 October, Izmir, Turkey.
4. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1999), “An Investigation of The Radiation Effect
on Lead Glass By Different Radiation”, Jahrestagung
Kerntechnik’99, Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology’99,
Tagungsbericht Proceedings-ISSN 0720-9207, pp. 681-686, Karlsruhe,
5.Ozer, N., Dogan, N.,
(1998), “Study of Electrochromism in TiWO3 Films by
Sol-Gel Process”, SPIE’s International Symposium on
Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation, Vol.3424,
pp. 106-114, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
6.Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1998), “Comparative Evaluation of Soda Glasses
That are Exposed By The Different Radiation Sources”, 15th
European Triga Conference, pp. 81-102, Espoo,
7. Bektöre, Y., Varol, S.,
Celikkol,A., Dogan, N., (1997), “Performance
Investigation of Concrete Solar Collectors”, 3rd
General Conference of The Balkan Physical Union, Vol.5, Part.4,
pp. 2563-2565, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
8. Bektöre, Y., Canel, T., Dogan,
N., Kaya, U., (1997), “Heat Effect of Exposed MOS
Structures”, 3rd General Conference
of The Balkan Physical Union, Vol.5, Part.4, pp. 2428-2432, Cluj-Napoca,
9. Bektöre, Y., Tarcan, E., Dogan,
N., (1997), “The Investigation of Beta Range
Distribution With The Approach of Many Group Energy”, 3rd
General Conference of The Balkan Physical Union, Vol.5, Part.4,
pp. 2573-2576, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
10. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1997), “Spectroscopic Investigation of Exposed
Soda Glasses”, Internatioal Symposium on Lasers, Atomic and
Molecular Physics, Istanbul, Turkey.
11. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1996), “Investigation of Soda Glasses That are
Exposed Co-60”, International Symposium on Glass Problems,
Vol.2, pp.185-191, Istanbul, Turkey.
C)National Conferences:
1. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1996), “Investigation of Behaviour of Soda
Glasses Against the Electromagnetic Radiation”, Proceedings
of 7th National Congress on Nuclear
Science and Technology, Vol.1, pp.271-278, Istanbul,
Turkey, (in Turkish).
2. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1995), “Investigation of Effectiveness of
Energetic Electromagnetic Radiation on Soda Glasses”, 15th
National Physics Conference, Kas, Antalya, Turkey, (in
Turkish). .
3. Dogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (1998), “Investigation of Optical Structure
Properties of The Soda-Lime-Silica Glass on The High Gama
Radiation”, 17th National Physics
Conference, Alanya, Turkey (in Turkish).
4. Tugrul, A.B., Dogan, N.,
(2000), "The Usage of The Lead-Alkali-Silicate Glass on
Determination of Radiation Dose Level for The Strategical
Purposes", Proceedings of 3rd
NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) Defense Symposium, pp. 61-66,
Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
5. Tugrul,
A.B., Baytas, F., Altýnsoy, N., Ayaz, B., Sahin, S., Dogan,
N., Yýlmaz, Ý., (2001),
"The Evaluation of The Radioactivity Level Indication on
Golden Horn Halosen Sequence and Its Comparison with The Other
Techniques", Proceedings of Goldenhorn (Haliç)
Symposium 2001, pp. 253-267 (in Turkish).
6. Dogan Baydogan, N.,
Tugrul, A.B., (2001), “The Usage of Dosimetric Evaluation of
The Lead-Alkali-Silicate Glass on Radiosterilisation of Medical
Products”, 8th National Medical
Physics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
D) Thesis:
Ph.D.Thesis, "Investigation of the
Behaviours of Different Type of Silicate Glasses against the
Several Type of Radiation, Evaluation of the Usage for Dosimetric
Purposes and a New Correlation", Istanbul Technical
University, Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul, Turkey,
finished in 2002, (in Turkish).
M.Sc. Thesis, “Behaviour of Soda Glasses at
The Electromagnetic Radiation”, Istanbul Technical University,
Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul, Turkey, finished in 1996,
(in Turkish).
A.B., Baytas, F., Altinsoy, N., Ayaz, B., Dogan, N.,
Sahin, S., (finished in 2002), "Investigation of Radiation
Level on Soil Samples and The Evaluation of Qua Ternary Sequence
By Determination of Alpha and Beta Radioactivity Levels", Turkish
Atomic Energy Agency (TAEK) Research Report.
A.B (Project Leader), Dogan, N.
(Researcher), finished in 2002, "Investigation of Different
Types of Silicate Glasses Using Several Types of Radiation",
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Doctorate Research
Ozkan Zayim, E. (Project Leader), Baydogan,
ND., (Researcher), started in May 2006, Preparation of
Porous WO3 Film and Imagining of Solid Electrochromic Device,
TUBITAK Research Project, Project No: 105T451.
ITU Publication Encouragement Awards,
in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2001
TUBITAK Publication Encouragement
Awards, in 2001, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2006