18-19-20 May 2001


    The recent and very rapid developments in the larger areas of science and technology continually impact our profession. We must therefore respond to these changes with more innovative methodologies and work towards to continuing development of our profession, both within Turkey and internationally. As scientific discoveries are made, and the laws and regulations concerning our profession are changed, we must keep pace with these changes and continually redefine the goals and boundaries of our diciplines, we are expanding our primary focus as an engineering dicipline and responding to the needs and requirements of the different diciplines with which we work.

    The "Young Surveyors’ Days" program is intended as a step in realizing the educational, academic and professional goals of our profession. Through lectures, interactive seminars, and the exchange of technical and practical information related to surveying we provide a forum where participants from Turkey and other countries can acquire both theoretical and practical experience with the new developments and technology in our field. The "Young Surveyors’ Days" program serves as a link between the national and international members of our dicipline and encourages the exchange of information between surveyors around the world who are interested in the many challenges –present and future- of our profession.

    The "Young Surveyors’ Days" is open to participants in all ages. All surveyors who are enthusiastic and excited about engaging in the challenges of our profession are welcome to participate.


