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World  Banknotes Issued in Airvehicles Theme

Last Update:10 February 2008

My name is Ali Fuat Aydın. I am an academician in Istanbul Technical University Environmental Engineering Department. I am collecting  phonecards, stamps, coins and banknotes that issued in airvehicles theme.

 You can find World Banknotes that issued in Airvehicles theme (Airplane, Glider, Helicopter, Hot air balloon, Hang-glider, Parachute, Space shuttle and Space ship) in this page.

I have also prepared an  On-line Catalogue of World Banknotes Issued in Airvehicles Theme and you can reach this pictured informations from below link, easily.






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Catalogue of World Banknotes Issued in Airvehicles Theme 

(This catalogue includes stamps in Airplane, Glider, Helicopter, Hot hair balloon, Hang-glider, Parachute, Spaceshuttle and Spaceship theme)

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 Mobile (TURKEY):  +90 533 471 41 90


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