1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :


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A9. BAŞAR, Gü., BAŞAR, Gö., ACAR, F.G., ÖZTÜRK, İ.K., KRÖGER, S., “Hyperfine Structure Investigations of  Mn I, Part I: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Hyperfine Structure in the Even Configurations”, Physica Scripta, Vol.67, No: 6, 476-484, (2003).


A10.                     BAŞAR, Gö., BAŞAR, Gü., ACAR, F.G., ÖZTÜRK, İ.K., KRÖGER, S., “Experimental Investigation  of  the Hyperfine Structure and Theoretical Studies of the Even Configurations of  Sc I”, Physica Scripta, Vol.69, No:3, 189-195, (2004).


A11.                     BAŞAR, Gö., BAŞAR, Gü., ÖZTÜRK, İ.K., ACAR, F.G., KRÖGER, S.,  Hyperfine structure of the high lying levels of Tm I”, Physica Scripta,     Vol.71,No:2, 159-162, (2005).


A12.                    ACAR, F.G., BAŞAR, Gü., BAŞAR, Gö., ÖZTÜRK, İ.K., KRÖGER, S., “Hyperfine Structure Investigation of Mn I, Part II: Theoretical Studies of the Hyperfine Structure in the Odd Configurations”,  Physica Scripta, Vol.71, No:3 , 245-250, (2005).


A13.                     KRÖGER, S., ÖZTÜRK, İ.K., ACAR, F.G., BAŞAR, Gü., BAŞAR, Gö., WYART, J.F., “Fine and Hyperfine Structure in the Atomic Spectrum of Niobium: Theoretical Analysis of the Odd Configurations and Further New Levels”, The European Physical Journal D Vol.41, No:1, 61-70, (2007).


A14.                    ÖZTÜRK, İ.K, ACAR, F.G., BAŞAR, Gü., BAŞAR, Gö., KRÖGER, S., “Hyperfine Structure Investigations of Sc I, Part II: Theoretical Studies of the 

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