Course Title
Evaluator's Name    
Please grade each student with respect to presentation evaluation criteria
given below (from possible lowest 0 to possible highest 100)
PS (Presentation style) Presenter's voice is audible; Verbal pace is not too fast or too slow; Presenter has good control of gestures and motions; Presenter exhibits self-confidence
L (Language) Words are pronounced correctly and clearly; Appropriate vocabulary for subject matter is used; Sentence structures are correct; Language is used appropriately
AVA (Use of audio-visual aids) Audio-visual aids are used to support the representation; Quality of audio-visual aids is approppriate
O (Organization) Makes a good introduction; Objectives are clearly stated and met; Gives necessary background information; Presents information in a logical, interesting sequence without leaving the topic, Explanations are sufficient; Highlights the conclusions clearly; Allocated time is used efficiently; comment and style is appropriate to audience level
QTI (Quality of technical information) Precise technical information is presented; Quality of discussion, conclusion, and recommendations is appropriate; Ideas presented reflect originality and innovative thinking; Response to questions and comments is competent.
Presentation title Student name Grade