• Ship stability and chronological development.

  • Stability theories and methods.

  • Analysis of dynamical ship stability.

  • Damaged stability of ships and capsize phenomena.

  • Their significance and applications for various vessels.

  • Stability of special vessels.

  • Ship rolling and parametric resonance and mitigation

  • New rules and regulations in ship and environmental safety and their immediate impact.

  • Stability and safety of ro-ro ships and probabilistic damaged stability.

  • Stability of new generation tankers.


  • Kobylinski, L.K. and Kastner, S., Stability and Safety of Ships, Elsevier, Oxford, 2003.

  • Biran, A.B., Ship Hydrostatics and Stability, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2003.

  • Lewis, E.W. (Editor), Principles of Naval Architecture, Vol. I, Stability and Strength, SNAME, 1988.

  • Nayfeh, A.H. and Mook , D.T., Nonlinear Oscillations, Wiley, New York 1979.

  • Nayfeh, A.H. and Balachandran, B., Applied Nonlinear Dynamics: Analytical, Computational and Experimental Methods, Wiley Series in Nonlinear Science, New York, 1995.

  • Stoker, J.J., Nonlinear Vibrations, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1966.

  • Derrett, D.R. and C. B. Barrass, C.B., Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, 5th Edition, Butterworth&Heinemann, 2001.

  • Rawson, K.J. and Tupper, E.C., Basic Ship Theory, Vol.I&II, 5th Edition, Butterworth&Heinemann, 2001.

  • Tupper, E.C., Introduction to Naval Architecture, 3rd Edition, Butterworth&Heinemann, 2002.

  • Various Papers on Ship Stability and Safety.

  • Spyrou, K.J., New Directions in Ship Stability Research, Lecture Notes, Ý.T.Ü. , 2001.

  • Related IMO rules, regulations, resolutions and conventions.