Refeered Journal Papers:
1-) Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Analysis of 2D Hydrofoils Moving Beneath the Free Surface”, ITU Journal, Vol. 52, No:3-4,  pp:7-12, 1994 (in Turkish).
2-) Bal, S., “A Potential-Based Panel Method for 2D Hydrofoils”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 26, pp: 343-361, 1999 (SCI).
3-) Bal, S., “A Panel Method for the Potential Flow around 2D Hydrofoils”, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental  Sciences, Vol. 23, pp: 349-361, 1999 (EI).
4-) Bal, S., Kinnas, S.A. and Lee, H., “Numerical Analysis of 2-D and 3-D Hydrofoils Under a Free surface”, Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 45, No:1,  pp: 34-49, 2001, (SCI).
5-) Bal, S. and Kinnas, S.A., “A Bem for the Prediction of Free Surface Effect on Cavitating Hydrofoils”, Computational Mechanics, Vol.28, No: 3, pp:260-274, 2002, (SCI).
6-) Bal, S. and Kinnas, S.A., “A Numerical Wave Tank Model for Cavitating Hydrofoils”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 32, No:4-6, pp:259-268, 2003, (SCI).
7-) Bal, S., “Lift and Drag Characteristics of Cavitating Swept and V-Type Hydrofoils”, Trans of RINA, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, Vol. 147, Part A, pp:51-64, 2005 (SCI).
8-) Bal, S., “High-Speed Submerged and Surface Piercing Cavitating Hydrofoils, Including Tandem Case”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 34, pp: 1935-1946, October 2007 (SCI).
9-) Bal, S., “A Numerical Method for the Prediction of Wave Pattern of Surface Piercing Cavitating Hydrofoils”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Vol. 221, No: 12, pp:1623-1633, 2007 (SCI).
10-) Bal, S., "Prediction of Wave Pattern and Wave Resistance of Surface Piercing Bodies by a Boundary Element Method”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 56, Issue 3, pp: 305-329, 2008 (SCI).
11-) Bal, S., "Performance Prediction of Surface Piercing Bodies in Numerical Towing Tank", International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 18, No: 2, 106-111, 2008 (SCI).
12-) Uslu, Y. and Bal, S., "Numerical Prediction of Wave Drag of 2-D and 3-D Bodies Under or on a Free Surface", Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 32, pp:177-188, 2008 (EI).
13-) Bal, S. and Guner, M., "Analysis of Podded Propulsors by a Numerical Method ", ITU Journal, Vol. 8, No:2, pp:3-16, 2009 (in Turkish).
14-) Bal, S. and Guner, M., "Performance Analysis of Podded Propulsors", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 36, pp: 556-563, 2009 (SCI).
15-) Bal, S., "The Effect of Finite Depth on 2-D and 3-D Cavitating Hydrofoils”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No: 2, 129-142, 2011 (SCI).

16-) Bal, S., "A Method for Optimum Cavitating Ship Propellers", Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 35, pp:139-158, 2011 (EI).

17-) Bal, S., A Practical Technique for Improvement of Open Water Propeller Performance”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol. 225, Issue 4, pp: 375-386, 2011 (SCI).

18-) Seber, S., Ekinci, S. and Bal, S., “Numerical Calculation of Cavitation Buckets for 2-D Hydrofoils”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, YTU, Vol. 30, No:3, pp: 266-280, 2012, (in Turkish).

19-) Kinaci, O.K., Kukner, A. and Bal, S., “On Propeller Performance of DTC Post-Panamax Container Ship”, International Journal of Ocean System Engineering, Vol. 3, No:2, pp: 77-89, 2013, (EI).

20-) Celik, F., Arikan Ozden, Y. and Bal, S., “Numerical Simulation of Two- and Three- Dimensional Partially Cavitating Hydrofoils”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 78, pp: 22-34, 2014, (SCI).

21-) Celik, F., Arikan Ozden, Y. and Bal, S., “Numerical Simulation of Flow Around Two-Dimensional Partially Cavitating Hydrofoils”, Journal of Marine Science and Application, Vol. 13, pp: 245-254, 2014, (SCI).

22-) Usar, D. and Bal, S., “Cavitation Simulation on Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbines”,  Renewable Energy, Vol. 80, pp: 15-25, 2015, (SCI).

23-) Bal, S., Atlar, M. And Usar, D., “Performance Prediction of Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbines”, Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 5, No:2, pp: 125-138, 2015, (ESCI).

24-) Dogrul, A., Bal, S. and Celik, F., “Effects of 2D Source Singularity Moving with Constant Speed on Free Surface”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, YTU, 5(1), pp: 149-156, 2015, (in Turkish) (ESCI).

25-) Delen, C. and Bal, S., “Uncertainty Analysis of Resistance Tests in Ata Nutku Ship Model Testing Laboratory of Istanbul Technical University”, Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, Ordu University, 1(2), pp: 8-27, 2015.

26-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of Cavitation Buckets for Hydrofoils Parametrically”, Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, Ordu University, 1(2), pp: 28-40, 2015, (in Turkish).

27-) Kinaci, O.K., Sukas, O.F. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Wave Resistance by a RANSE based CFD Approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol. 230, Issue 3, pp: 531-548, 2016, (SCI).

28-) Bal, S.,Free Surface Effects on 2-D Airfoils and 3-D Wings Moving Over Water”, Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 6, No:3, pp: 245-264, 2016 (SCI).

29-) Delen, C., Sezen, S. and Bal, S., “Computational Investigation of Self Propulsion Performance of DARPA SUBOFF Vehicle”, TAMAP Journal of Engineering, ID 4, pp:1-12, 2017, (TR-Dizin).

30-) Duman, S. and Bal, S.,Prediction of the turning and zig-zag maneuvering performance of a surface combatant with URANS”, Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No: 4, pp:435-460, 2017 (ESCI).

31-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S.,Some Remarks on the Three Dimensionality of Hydrofoil Cavitation”, Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, Ordu University, 3(2), pp: 113-120, 2017.

32-) Sezen, S., Dogrul, A., Delen, C. and Bal, S.,Investigation of Self-Propulsion of DARPA SUBOFF by RANS Method”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 150, pp: 258-271, 2018 (SCI).

33-) Bal, S., Prediction of Hydrodynamic Performance of 3-D WIG by IBEM”, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, (RINA Transactions Part A), Vol. 160, pp: 249-256, July-September 2018 (SCI).

34-) Duman, S., Sener, B. and Bal, S., “LCG Effects on Resistance, Lift and Trim Characteristics of R/V Athena Hull”, International Journal of Small Craft Technology, (RINA Transactions Part B1), pp: 43-55, Jan.-Jun. 2018 (EI).

35-) Sezen, S., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S., “An Empirical Approach for Propeller Tip Vortex Cavitation Noise”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, YTU, 36(4), pp: 1125-1137, 2018, (ESCI).

36-) Sukas, O.F., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S., “System-Based Prediction of Maneuvering Performance of Twin-Propeller and Twin-Rudder Ship Using a Modular Mathematical Model”, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 84, pp: 145-162, 2019, (SCI).

37-) Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of Propeller Skew Effect on Cavitation”, Journal of ETA Maritime Sciences, 7(2), pp: 127-136, 2019, (EI).

38-) Duman, S. and Bal, S., “A Quick-Responding Technique for Parameters of Turning Maneuver”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 179, pp: 189-201, 2019, (SCI).

39-) Soydan, A. and Bal, S., “A Practical Method for Propeller Noise”,  Naval Architect, pp: 50-51, May 2019, (SCI_E).

40-) C. Delen and Bal, S., Telfer’s GEOSIM Method Revisited By CFD”, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, (RINA Transactions Part A), Vol. 161, pp:467-478, October-December 2019 (SCI).

41-) Sukas, O.F., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S., “Theoretical Background and Application of MANSIM for Ship Maneuvering Simulations”, Ocean Engineering, 192, 106239, 2019, (SCI).

42-) Bal, S., “Inclination Angle Influence on Cavitating Marine Propeller”, TAMAP Journal of Engineering, ID 78, pp:1-11, 2019, (TR-Dizin).

43-) Sezen, S. and Bal, S.,A Computational Investigation of Noise Spectrum due to Cavitating and Non-Cavitating Propeller”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 234(2), pp:374-387, 2020, (SCI).

44-) Sezen, S. and Bal, S.,Computational and Empirical Investigation of Propeller Tip Vortex Cavitation Noise”, China Ocean Engineering, 34(2), pp: 232-244, 2020 (SCI_E).

45-) Bal, S.,Inclination Angle Influence on Noise of Cavitaing Marine Propeller”, Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal, 10(1), pp:49-65, 2020 (ESCI).

46-) Can, U., Delen, C. and Bal, S.,Effective Wake Estimation of KCS Hull at Full-Scale by GEOSIM Method Based on CFD”, Ocean Engineering, 218, 108052, 2020, (SCI).

47-) Delen, C., Can, U. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Resistance and Self-Propulsion Characteristics of a Full-Scale Naval Ship by CFD Based GEOSIM Method”, Journal of Ship Research, 65(4), pp: 346-361, 2021, (SCI).

48-) Sukas, O.F., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S., “Asymmetric Ship Maneuvering Due to Twisted Rudder Using System-Based and Direct CFD Approaches”, Applied Ocean Research, 108, 102529, 2021, (SCI).

49-) Soydan, A. and Bal, S., “An Investigation of Scale Effects on Marine Propeller under Cavitating and Non-cavitating Conditions”, Ship Technology Research - Schiffstechnik, 68(3), pp: 166-178, 2021, (SCI).

50-) Duman, S. and Bal, S., “Prediction of the Acceleration and Stopping Manoeuvres of a Bare Hull Surface Combatant by Closed-Form Solutions and CFD”, Ocean Engineering, 235, 109428, 2021, (SCI).

51-) Can, U. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Drag and Lift Forces of a High-Speed Vessel at Full Scale by CFD-Based GEOSIM Method”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 236(4), pp:1082-1097, 2022, (SCI).

52-) Can, U. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Nominal Wake of a Semi-Displacement High-Speed Vessel at Full Scale”, Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal, 12(2), pp: 143-157, 2022, (ESCI).

53-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of Cavitating Marine Current Turbine by BEMT Based on CFD”, Ocean Engineering, 255, 111221, 2022, (SCI).

54-) Duman, S. and Bal, S., “Turn and Zigzag Manoeuvres of Delft Catamaran 372 Using CFD-Based System Simulation Method”, Ocean Engineering, 264, 112265, 2022, (SCI).

55-) Bal, S., “Lumped Vortex Element Flying over Free Water Surface”, ITU ARI - Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University, 55(1), pp: 1-6, 2023.

56-) Bal, S., “Taper Ratio Influence on the Performance of 3-D Cavitating Hydrofoils Moving under Free Surface”, Seatific Journal, 3(1), pp: 1-8 , 2023, (TR-Dizin).

57-) Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of Curved Tip Effect on the Performance of 3-D Cavitating Hydrofoils Moving under Free Surface”, Journal of Sailing Technology, SNAME, 8(1), pp: 39-64, 2023 (EI).

58-) Delen, C. and Bal, S., “A Comprehensive Experimental Investigation of Total Drag and Wave Height of ONR Tumblehome, Including Uncertainty Analysis”, Ocean Engineering, 284, 115232, 2023 (SCI).

59-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Horizontal and Vertical Turning Maneuvers of a Generic Submarine Model by Closed-Form Solutions and CFD”, Ocean Engineering, 284, 117967, 2024 (SCI).

60-) Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of 3-D Wing Moving over Free Surface in Water of Finite Depth”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 2024 (ESCI),

61-) Kirikbas, O. And Bal, S., “Calculation of Time-Independent Maneuvering Coefficients of an Underwater Vehicle Based on Single Grid Structure”, Journal of ETA MaritimeSciences, 12(2), pp: 199-212, 2024, (ESCI).

62-) Delen, C. and Bal, S.,Experimental Analysis of Self-Propelled Characteristics with Uncertainty Analysis of ONR Tumblehome Hull”, Ocean Engineering, 307, 118230, 2024 (SCI).

63-) Bal, S.,Analytic Solution for Flat-Plate under a Free Surface with Finite Depth Effects”, Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal, 14 (31), pp: 301-314, 2024 (ESCI).


International Conference Proceedings:
1-) Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Analysis of 3D Hydrofoils with Free Surface Effects”, Proceedings of the 8th Congress of IMAM, pp: 1.1-18, Istanbul,1997.
2-) Bal, S., “A Higher-Order Panel Method for 2D Hydrofoils”, Proceedings of 3rd Osaka Colloquium on Advanced CFD Applications to Ship Flow and Hull Form Design, pp: 265-274, Osaka, Japan, May 1998.
3-) Bal, S. and Kinnas, S.A., “A BEM for Cavitating Hydrofoils Under a Free Surface”, Proceedings of the Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM2000), pp: 13-17, Brescia, Italy, July 2000.
4-) Bal, S., “Second-Order Free Surface Effect on Cavitating 3-D Hydrofoils”, Proc. 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2001), Vol IV, pp:554-561, Stavanger, Norway, June 2001.
5-) Bal, S. and Kinnas, S.A., “An IBEM for Cavitating Hydrofoils Inside Numerical Wave Tunnel”, Proceedings of the Symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM2002), UT Austin, Texas, USA, May 2002.
6-) Bal, S., “Cavitating Hydrofoils Inside a Numerical Wave Tunnel”, Proceedings of the 8th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Varna, Bulgaria, October 2005.
7-) Bal, S., “Numerical Analysis of Cavitating Hydrofoils inside a Numerical Wave Tank”, Proc. 16th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2006), Vol III, pp:326-333, San Francisco, USA, May 28-June 2, 2006.
8-) Bal, S., Akyildiz, H. and Guner, M., “Preliminary Resuls of a Numerical Method for Podded Propulsors”, 2nd T-POD (Technological Advances on Podded Propulsors) Conference (T-POD 2006), Brest, France, October 2-5, 2006.
9-) Bal, S., “Surface Piercing Bodies in a Numerical Towing Tank”, Proc. 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2007), Vol III, pp:2115-2124, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-6, 2007.

10-) Usar, D. and Bal, S.,Application of Classical Blade Element Momentum Theory and a Boundary Element Method to Cavitating Marine Current Turbines”, Proc. 1st International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2011), pp: 307-316, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, October 24-25, 2011.

11-) Kinaci, O.K., Kukner, A. and Bal, S., “Interactive Effects of 2-D Bodies in Non-Lifting Flows”, Proc. 1st International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2011), pp: 817-826, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, October 24-25, 2011.

12-) Arikan, Y., Celik, F., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Cavitation on Two- and Three-Dimensional Hydrofoils by an Iterative BEM”, Proc. 8th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV 2012), pp:696-702, Singapore, August 13-16, 2012.

13-) Kinaci, O.K., Kukner, A. and Bal, S.,A Parametric Study on Tandem Hydrofoil Interaction”, Proc. (Joint) 19th International Conference on Hydrodynamics in Ship Design and 4th International Symposium on Ship Manoeuvring, pp: 145-155, Ilawa, Poland, September 19-21, 2012.

14-) Kinaci, O.K., Sukas, O.F. and Bal, S., “Computation of Total Resistance of Ships and a Submarine by a RANSE based CFD”, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014), pp: 383-402, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, October 23-24, 2014.

15-) Usar, D., Atlar, M. and Bal, S., “Prediction Performance and Cavitation Behavior of Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbines”, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014), pp: 359-371, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, October 23-24, 2014.

16-) Ilter, Y.K. and Bal, S., “Investigation of Flow Noise Around Two-dimensional Bodies”, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014), pp: 463-470, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, October 23-24, 2014.

17-) Celik, F., Bal, S. and Arikan, Y., “Optimal Geometry for 3D Supercavitating Hydrofoils”, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014), pp: 403-419, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, October 23-24, 2014.

18-) Delen, C. and Bal, S., “Uncertainty Analysis of Resistance Tests in Ata Nutku Ship Model Testing Laboratory of Istanbul Technical University”, Proceedings of the 16th Congress of IMAM, Pula, Croatia, 21-24 September, 2015.

19-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S.,Kavitasyon Yapan Sualtı Akıntı Türbin Kanadının Hidrodinamik Analizi”, 1st International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETAS2016), pp: 730-736, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, Turkey 21-22 April, 2016.

20-) Cakir, V. and Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of Supercavitating Blade Sections for Marine Current Turbines”, 1st International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETAS2016), pp: 370-377, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, Turkey 21-22 April, 2016.

21-) Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of 2D Foils Moving Above and Close to Free Surface”, Advances in Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques XVII, pp: 43-50, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, July 11-13, 2016.

22-) Dogrul, A. and Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of Wings Moving Above Free Surface”, Advances in Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques XVII, pp: 85-92, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, July 11-13, 2016.

23-) Sezen, S., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S., Investigation of Marine Propeller Noise for Steady and Transient Flow”, The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation, pp: 149-159, Bodrum, Mugla, Turkey, October 24-25, 2016.

24-) Duman, S. and Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of Viscous Effects on the Static PMM Tests of Ships”, 2nd International Meeting on Recent Advances in Prediction Techniques for Safe Manouevring of Ships and Submarines (A. Yucel Odabasi Colloquium Series), pp: 89-98, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 17-18, 2016.

25-) Duman, S. and Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of Scale Effects on Maneuvering Coefficients of DTMB 5415 Hull”, 1st International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, pp: 459-474, Piri Reis University, Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey, December 08-09, 2016.

26-) Sezen, S., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S., “Tip Vortex Index (TVI) Technique for Inboard Propeller Noise Estimation”, 1st International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, pp: 489-500, Piri Reis University, Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey, December 08-09, 2016.

27-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S., “Investigation of Hydrodynamic Performance of Cavitating Blades of Marine Current Turbines in Uniform Flow”, 1st International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, pp: 765-770, Piri Reis University, Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey, December 08-09, 2016.

28-) Delen, C., Sezen, S. and Bal, S., “Numerical Investigation of Propulsion Performance of an Underwater Vehicle”, 1st International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology, pp: 475-488, Piri Reis University, Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey, December 08-09, 2016.

29-) Dogrul, A., Sezen, S., Delen, C. and Bal, S., “Self-Propulsion Simulation of Darpa Suboff”, Proceedings of the 17th Congress of IMAM, pp: 503-512, Lisbon, Portugal, 09-11 October, 2017.

30-) Sezen, S. and Bal, S., “Cavitation Analyses of DTMB4119 Propeller with LES and URANS approach”, Proceedings of the 17th Congress of IMAM, pp: 547-556, Lisbon, Portugal, 09-11 October, 2017.

31-) Duman, S., Sezen, S. and Bal, S.,URANS Approach in Hull-Propeller-Rudder Interaction of a Surface Combatant at High Speed”, XI Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2017), pp: 131-139, Naples, Italy, 25-26 October, 2017.

32-) Duman, S., Sener, B. and Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of a Planing Vessel Using Dynamic Overset Grid Method”, XI Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2017), pp: 113-121, Naples, Italy, 25-26 October, 2017.

33-) Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of a Cavitating Marine Propeller at Very Low Froude Numbers”, Pilotage/Towage Services and Technology Congress’17, pp: 3-15, Izmir, Turkey, 27-28 October, 2017.

34-) Duman, S., Cakici, F. and Bal, S.,Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Maneuvering of a Surface Combatant Using Overset Grid Method”, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2018), pp: 643-655, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, April 24-25, 2018.

35-) Sezen, S., Delen, C., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S.,Computational Investigation of Hydro-Acoustic Performance of DARPA Suboff”, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2018), pp: 845-855, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, April 24-25, 2018.

36-) Sezen, S., Delen, C., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S.,Hydro-Acoustic Performance Prediction of DTMB 4119 Propeller”, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2018), pp: 857-869, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, April 24-25, 2018.

37-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S.,Nonlinear Correction to Blade Element Momentum Theory for Marine Propellers”, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2018), pp: 917-926, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, April 24-25, 2018.

38-) Duman, S., Sezen, S. and Bal, S., “Propeller Effects on Maneuvering of a Submerged Body”, 3rd International Meeting-Progress in Propeller Cavitation and its Consequences: Experimental and Computational Methods for Predictions (A. Yucel Odabasi Colloquium Series), pp: 63-70, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 15-16, 2018.

39-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S., “Investigation of Cavitating Marine Propeller Performance Using Blade Element Momentum Theory”, 3rd International Meeting-Progress in Propeller Cavitation and its Consequences: Experimental and Computational Methods for Predictions (A. Yucel Odabasi Colloquium Series), pp: 129-134, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 15-16, 2018.

40-) Sezen, S. and Bal, S., “Flow Induced Noise of a Submarine with Propeller”, 4th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018), pp: 574-583, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, December 19-21, 2018.

41-) Soydan, A. and Bal, S., “Nonlinear Large Angle Solution of Blade Element Momentum Theory for Marine Propellers”, 4th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018), pp: 960-974, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, December 19-21, 2018.

42-) Kinaci, O.K., Sukas, O.F. and Bal, S., “A Modular Mathematical Approach to Predict the Maneuvering Ability of Duisburg Test Case in Regular Waves”, 5th International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water (MASHCON 2019), pp: 252-264, Ostend, Belgium, May 19-23, 2019.

43-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S.,Hydrodynamic Performance of a Cavitating Marine Current Turbine”, Proc. 5th International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET 2019), pp: 302-306, Istanbul Technical University, Ayazaga Campus, Istanbul, August 26-27, 2019.

44-) Duman, S. and Bal, S.,Prediction of Maneuvering Coefficients of Delft Catamaran 372 Hull Form”, Proceedings of the 18th Congress of IMAM, pp: 167-174, Varna, Bulgaria, 09-11 September, 2019.

45-) Delen, C. and Bal, S.,Uncertanity Analysis of Numerical and Experimental Resistance Tests for ONR Tumblehome”, Proceedings of the 18th Congress of IMAM, pp: 142-149, Varna, Bulgaria, 09-11 September, 2019.

46-) Soydan, A., Zafer, B. and Bal, S.,Investigation of Underwater Noise Characteristics of DTMB 4119 Propeller Under Different Conditions”, 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference (AIAC-2019-068), Ankara, Turkey, 18-20 September, 2019.

47-) Duman, S. and Bal, S.,Pure Yaw Simulations of Fast Delft Catamaran 372 in Deep Water”, XII Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2020, Online), pp: 109-120, Naples, Italy, 15-16 October, 2020.

48-) Yazici, B.U. and Bal, S.,Hydrodynamic Optimization of an AUV Shape Using Open Source Libraries”, International (IDU) Engineering Symposium (IES 20, Online), Izmir, Turkey, 5-6 December, 2020.

49-) Karaalioglu, M.S. and Bal, S., “Numerical Analysis of Cavitating Flows Around Axisymmetric Bodies by OpenFoam”, 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (GMO-SHIPMAR 2021, Online), pp: 561-567, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, September 16-17, 2021.

50-) Yazici, B.U. and Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Optimization of a Submarine Forebody Using Bezier Curve and Genetic Algorithms”, 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (GMO-SHIPMAR 2021, Online), pp: 335-348, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, September 16-17, 2021.

51-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S., “A Review of the Rules and Regulations on Submersible Maneuvering”, 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (GMO-SHIPMAR 2021, Online), pp: 321-333, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, September 16-17, 2021.

52-) Can, U. and Bal, S., “Nominal Wake Fraction of a Semi-Displacement Type High-Speed Vessel at Full Scale”, 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (GMO-SHIPMAR 2021, Online), pp: 453-464, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey, September 16-17, 2021.

53-) Kirikbas, O., Bal, S. and Baykal, M.A. “Comparison of the Rules of Classification Societies (IACS Members) in the Area of Submersible Maneuvering”, (Abstract), 1st International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICAENS 2021, Online), pp: 178, Konya, Turkey, November 1-3, 2021.

54-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S., “A Review on Computational Fluid Dynamic Methods for Maneuvering of Submerged Vehicles”, International Conference on Postgraduate Research in Marine Technology (PostGradMarTech 2021, Online), pp: -, The Society of Polish Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (KORAB), The Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies, (CEMT) and RINA, UK, November 3-4, 2021.

55-) Yazici, B.U. and Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Comparison of Bow Forms for a Model Submarine”, 4th Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation (GMC 2021, Online), Turkey, November 18-19, 2021.

56-) Yazici, B.U. and Bal, S.,A Study on Minimum Drag of an AUV Using Integrated Optimization Platform by Open Source Libraries”, International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS 2022, Online), ITU, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-3, 2022.

57-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S.,Performance Prediction of a Generic Submarine Undergoing Accelerating and Stopping Manoeuvers by Closed-Form Solutions and CFD”, International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS 2022, Online), ITU, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-3, 2022.

58-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S.,Calculation of Maneuvering Coefficients of an Underwater Vehicle in CFD Environment Based on the Same Grid Topology”, I. International Maritime and Logistics Congress (MARLOG 2023, Hybrid), pp: 248-262, Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, Maritime Faculty, Zonguldak, Turkiye, September 22-23, 2023.

59-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S.,Simulation of Captive Model Experiments of an Underwater Vehicle by CFD Based on a Single Grid Structure”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2023), pp: 947-960, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, October 11-13, 2023.

60-) Delen, C. and Bal, S.,An Experimental Study on the Self-Propulsion Characteristics of Fully Appended ONR Tumblehome with Uncertainty Analysis”, 7th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT 2023), Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, October 24-26, 2023.

61-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S., “Decelerating Manoeuvring Performance Evaluation of a Submarine Model for Different Diving Conditions”, International Graduate Research Symposium (IGRS 2024), Poster, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey, May 8-10, 2024.


Reports and Others:
1-) Bal, S., “A Potential Based Panel Method for Steady 3D Hydrofoils”, Helsinki University of Technology Report, No: M-201, Helsinki, 1995.
2-) Bal, S., “Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of Sudden and Constant Acceleration of 2D Airfoils”, Helsinki University of Technology Report, No: M-204, Helsinki, 1996.
3-) Bal, S., “Numerical Analysis of Cavitating Hydrofoils Under a Free Surface”, Ocean Engineering Group Report, No: 99-5, Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1999.
4-) Unal, U.O. and Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Analysis of Two-dimensional Profiles with Flap”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 157, October 2002, in Turkish.
5-) Bal, S., “Calculation of Wave Drag of Ships and Hydrofoils”, Proc. of Symp. of Naval Architecture and Industry, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Istanbul, 24-25 December 2004, pp:335-343, in Turkish.
6-) Bal, S., “A Numerical Method for Analysis of Podded Propellers”, Bulletin of Turkish Naval Academy, Vol. 42, pp:43-59, April 2006, in Turkish.
7-) Bal, S., Akyildiz, H. and Guner, M., “A Numerical Method for Podded Propulsors”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 170, October 2006, pp: 13-19, in Turkish.
8-) Bal, S.,"Investigation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Cavitating Marine Propellers by a Numerical Method", Proc. of Symp. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Istanbul, 24-25 November 2008, pp:239-250, in Turkish.

9-) Bal, S. and Guner, M., "Peformance Investigation  of Podded Propellers",  Boat Builder  Turkiye,  No: 22, September/October 2010, pp: 48-53, in Turkish.

10-) Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Performance of Ship Propellers”, Shipyard, No: 17, November/December 2010, pp: 32-36, in Turkish.

11-) Bal, S., “Computation of Optimum Cavitating Ship Propellers”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 187, January 2011, pp: 29-33, in Turkish.

12-) Bal, S., “Hydrodynamic Analysis of 2D Hydrofoils with Fish Tail”, Symposium on Future Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Istanbul, 20-21 October 2011, pp:23-26, in Turkish.

13-) Aydın, M., Kepceler, T., Gundogdu, O., Sener, B., Kinaci, O.K., Yildiz, B., Yilmaz, A.I. and Bal, S., “An Ambulance System in Marmara Sea”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 190, October 2012, pp: 17-23, in Turkish.

14-) Kinaci, O.K., Kukner, A. and Bal, S., “Rudder Effect on Propeller Wake Surface”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 191, December 2012, pp: 12-15, in Turkish.

15-) Sezen, S., Dogrul, A. and Bal, S., “Tip Vortex Index (TVI) Technique for Inboard Propeller Noise Estimation ”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 207, March 2017, pp: 27-37.

16-) Sukas, O.F., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S., “A Review on Prediction of Ship Manoeuvring Performance, Part 1 ”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 210, December 2017, pp: 37-75, in Turkish.

17-) Sukas, O.F., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S., “A Review on Prediction of Ship Manoeuvring Performance, Part 2 ”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 210, December 2017, pp: 76-106, in Turkish.

18-) Soydan, A. and Bal, S., “Performance Prediction of Marine Propellers by Nonlinear BEM and RANS Methods”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 215, June 2019, pp: 78-92.

19-) Can, U. and Bal, S., “Gemi Direncinin Telfer Yöntemi ve Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği ile İncelenmesi”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 215, June 2019, pp: 43-56.

20-) Kirikbas, O., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S.,Sualtı Araçlarının Manevra Karakteristiklerinin Değerlendirilmesi-I: Manevra Analizlerinde Kullanılan Yaklaşımlar”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 219, June 2021, pp: 6-58.

21-) Kirikbas, O., Bal, S. and Baykal, M.A., “Comparison of the Rules of Classification Societies (IACS Members) in the Area of Submersible Maneuvering”, European Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue 28, November 2021, pp: 178-183.

22-) Kirikbas, O., Kinaci, O.K. and Bal, S.,Sualtı Araçlarının Manevra Karakteristiklerinin Değerlendirilmesi-II: Akışkan Sınırlarının Etkileri”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 220, December 2021, pp: 135-174.

23-) Cavdar, F.and Bal, S.,An Investigation of Hydrodynamic Maneuvering Derivatives and Horizontal Stability of Darpa Suboff Depending on Depth”, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, No: 221, June 2022, pp: 42-58.

24-) Kirikbas, O. and Bal, S.,Denizaltı Formunun İvmelenme Performansının Analitik Yöntem ve Yüksek Başarımlı HAD Analizleri ile İncelenmesi”, 8. Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Konferansı, Article 42, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 15-17 Mayıs 2024.


Chapter in Book:
1-) "Ship Resistance and Propulsion", Chapter 4 in Handbook of Naval Arctitects and Marine Engineers, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, (Ed. Prof. T.Yilmaz), Istanbul, 2008, in Turkish.

2-) "Ship Resistance and Propulsion", Chapter 4 in Handbook of Naval Arctitects and Marine Engineers, The Turkish Chamber of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, (Ed. Prof. T.Yilmaz), Istanbul, 2011, in Turkish (2nd edition).