Prof. Sakir BAL
Istanbul Technical University (I.T.U.)

Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Ayazaga Campus, 34469 Maslak, Sariyer Ýstanbul Türkiye
Tel: +90 212 2856485  -  Fax: +90 212 2856454





1984-1988, BSc in Naval Arachitecture and Marine Engineering, Istanbul Technical University,

1988-1990, MSc in Ship Hydromechanics, Istanbul Technical University,
1990-1996, PhD in Ship Hydromechanics, Istanbul Technical University.


1989-1996, Research Assistant, Dept. of Naval Architecture, Istanbul Technical University;
1998-2000, Assist. Prof., Dept. of Naval Architecture, Istanbul Technical University;
2000-2009, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Naval Architecture, Istanbul Technical University;

2009- up to now, Prof., Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Istanbul Technical University;


1995-1996, Visiting Researcher, Dept. of Ship Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT, Finland);

1998-1999, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin, USA);
2/2005-5/2005, Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin, USA);

7/2005-8/2005, Visiting Prof., School of Marine Science and Technology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (England);

11/2011-12/2011, Visiting Prof. (EMSHIP Programme), Institute of Civil Engineering, ANAST, University of Liege (Belgium).



10/2012-04/2013, Vice Dean, Faculty of Naval Architetcture and Ocean Engineering, Istanbul Technical University;

01/2013-10/2014, Superintendent of Ata Nutku Ship Model Testing Laboratory, Istanbul Technical University;

11/2013-11/2015, Postgraduate Program Coordinator, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Istanbul Technical University;

01//2014-12/2020, 11/2021- up to now, Postgraduate Erasmus Coordinator, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Istanbul Technical University;

01//2021-11/2021, Undergraduate Erasmus Coordinator, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Istanbul Technical University;

01//2022- up to now, Postgraduate EELISA Coordinator, Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Istanbul Technical University;

07/2016-02/2017, Dean (Act.), Faculty of Naval Architetcture and Ocean Engineering, Istanbul Technical University.

Computational Ship Hydrodynamics, Stability of Free Surface, Cavitating-Supercavitating Flows, Hydrofoil and Marine Propeller Analysis and Design, Boundary Element (Panel) Methods, Submarine Dynamics, Control and Design, Submarine Stability, Seakeeping, Ship Motions, Control Surfaces, DNS, LES and RANS Applications, Ship and Submarine Maneuvering and Control, Numerical Optimization, Hydrodynamic Ship Design, Propeller Noise, Ship Flow Acoustics, Hydrodynamics of Marine Current Turbines, Sailing Boats, High-Speed Crafts, Hydodynamics of Waterjet, Ducted Propellers, Complex Analysis, Closed-Form (Analytical) Solutions, Wave Mechanics.


1989-    , Member, TMMOB Chamber of Turkish Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,
2000 (2012)-    , Member (Fellow), The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), USA.
2006-2011, Member, The Technical Program Committee, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), USA.

2012-     , Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Ocean Systems Engineering (OSE, An International Journal).

2014-2015, Designated Representative of Turkey, International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC).

2014-2017, Member of Resistance Committee, International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC).

2017- 2020, Member, Editorial Board, The Journal of Ocean Technology.

2015-     , Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, (Ordu

University, Fatsa Faculty of Marine Sciences)

2017-    , Fellow, Royal Institute of Naval Architects (FRINA), UK.

2017-    , Member, Editorial Board, GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology.



2016, Award for Reviewing, European Journal of Mechanics, B Fluids,

2017, Award for Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Ocean Engineering,

2018, Award for Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Applied Ocean Research,

2022, Best Academic Performans Award between 2016-2020, Istanbul Technical University,

2022, Most Published Papers Awards for 2021, Istanbul Technical University.

2023, Most Published Papers Awards for 2022, Istanbul Technical University.



Academic Projects:

1998-2000, “Calculation of 2D Hydrofoils by a Higher Order Panel Method”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2001-2002, "Web Design and Creating a Database for Fortran90 computer Programming Language Used in Scientific and Engineering Calculations, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2006-2009, “Investigation of Turkish Gulets and Form Optimization”, TUBITAK Project, Researcher, (PI: A. Kukner).

2007-2008, “Podded Propeller Analysis by a Numerical Method”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2007-2008, “Numerical Investigation of Propulsion Systems of Seabuses”, Ýstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Project, PI.

2011-2015, “Hydrodynamic Design of Marine Current Turbines”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2013-2014, “Marine Systems Simulation Infrastructures”, TÜBÝTAK Project, Advisor, PI: SimSoft Company, METU TeknoPark.

2013-2015, “Development of Calculation, Design and Analysis Software for Ship Propeller Manufacturing”, TÜBÝTAK Project, Advisor, PI: MÝLPER Propeller Technologies Inc.

2014-2015, “Uncertainty Analysis of Experimental Ship Resistance”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2016-2016, “Numerical Investigation of Supercavitation Properties of Marine Current Turbine Blade Sections”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2017-2019, “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Propulsion Characteristics of Model Ships and Uncertainty Analysis”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2018-2019, “Experimental Investigation of Cavitation on Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbines”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.

2019-2020, “Numerical Investigation of Maneuvering Characteristics of Multi-Hull Ships”, I. T. U. Reserach Fund, PI.


Military Projects:

2006, “MÝLGEM-Hydrodynamic Appendage Design”, Defence Industry Agency, Researcher, PI: Ö. Gören.

2012-2014, “National Propeller Technologies (MÝLPER)”, Defense Industry Agency, Advisor, PI: MÝLPER Propeller Technologies Inc.

2016-2018, “Prediction of Self-Noise of Submarines and Development Prototype of Acoustic Monitoring/Warning System”, Defense Industry Agency, Deputy PI, PI: A. Ergin.

2019-2020, "Development of Mathematical Model for Maneuvering Motion of Multi-Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship" TUBITAK-BILGEM Project, PI.

2021-2022, “Hydrodynamic Design of DEARSAN LSUB Light Submarine”, ITUNOVA TTO Project, PI.


Advances in Civil Engineering (1);

Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering (ASOE Journal) (1);

Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering (1);

AIAA Journal (1);

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (1);

Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technolog B – Theoretical Sciences (1);

Applied Energy (3);

Applied Mathematical Modelling (1);

Applied Ocean Research (39);

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (4);

China Ocean Engineering (3);

DSI Bulten (1);

El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering (1);

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (1);

Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics (1);

Engineering Computations (2);

Engineering Research Express (1);

European Journal of Mechanics/ B Fluids (1);

Gazi University Journal (1);

GMO Journal (5);

GMO Ship and Marine Technology Journal (Section Editor) (2);

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences-MarmaraUniversity (1);

Heat Transfer (1);

IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (1);

International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics (1);

International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (1);

International Journal of Maritime Engineering-RINA (4);

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (1);

International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2);

International Journal of Ocean Systems Engineering (IJOSE) (3);

International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (IJOPE) (1);

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (3);

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Trans. B-Engineering (4);

Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (20);

Journal of Brodogradnja (2);

Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Proc. IMechI, Part M) (22);

Journal of Engineering Mathematics (1);

Journal of ETA Maritime Sciences (JEMS) (2);

Journal of Fluids Engineering_ASME (3);

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (1);

Journal of Fluids and Structures (3);

Journal of Marine Science and Application (7);

Journal of Marine Science and Technology (6);

Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, (Ordu University, Fatsa Faculty of Marine Sciences) (1);

Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proc. IMechI, Part C) (3);

Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering (1);

Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (1);

Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology (1);

Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering_ASME (8);

Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy (2);

Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science (9);

Journal of Ocean Technology (6);

Journal of Ocean University of China (1);

Journal of Ship Research (2);

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics (1);

JSUZ-A (Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A) (1);

Mathematical Problems in Engineering (5);

Naval Engineers Journal (ASNE) (3);

Ocean Engineering (62);

Proceedings of the Royal Society A (1);

Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics (2);

Scientia-Iranica (15);

Ships and Offshore Structures (14);

Sigma (3);

Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences (4);

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (1).

Total: 309


Conference Proceedings:


ISOPE (5);

OCEANS Symp. (10);

IMAM 2009 (1);

INT-NAM 2011 (1);

INT-NAM 2014 (2);

NODYCON 2021 (1);

OMAE 2025 (1).

Total: 23


ITU BAP (5);


TUBITAK (Panelist) (1);

TUBITAK (External Expert) (11);

YTU BAP (9);

DEU BAP (1);

BTU BAP (1);

KTU BAP (1);

Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology (2);



EU 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, MARTEC II (5) (Evaluater, Consensus Reporter).

PRACE 24th Call for Proposals for Project Access, Reviewer (1).

Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, Reviewer (1).

Total: 47



PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania, Australian Maritime College, May 2018.

MSc Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, October 2018.

PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania, Australian Maritime College, February 2022.

PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania, Australian Maritime College, May 2023.

PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania, Australian Maritime College, August 2024.



6 PhD Supervisions, Completed

1 Phd Supervisions, In progress

18 MSc Supervisions, Completed

1 MSc Supervisions, In progress


Details can be found on the following page: