These classes are so far listed as : FIZ 509 E, FIZ 651 E, FIZ 665 E, FIZ 667 E and NSE 504 E. These are; Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics I,II,III and IV classes. In these courses, I specifiacally follow a very old but a standard book A&M. However, I also cover several new books in the realted area to fix the missing knowladge. These are Quantum Mechanical Interpratation of Hole Effect, Crystalllography for Solid State Physicists, and Superconductivity with modern theories. The related books are shown on the cover banner above. I cover all the chapters between [1:20] and [30:34] in this book. The 2nd, 3rd and 5th books are also used to support the teaching the realted subjects.
These classes are so far listed as : FIZ 101 E , NSE 505 E. In these classes, my aim is to cover the Introduction to Classical and Quantum Mechanics , respectively. The books are listed as the 5th and 7th Book in the banner. The first 14 Chapters are covered for the Classical Mechanics while only first 4 Chapters are covered in the Quantum Meachnics classes.
These classes are so far listed as : BIL 106 E, BIL 112 E, FIZ 272 E and FIZ 508 E. These are Introduction to Computational Phsyics with Fortran and C and MATLAB classes. The subject covered in BIL classes are : Numerical Integration, Numerical Derivative, Random Number Gereneration and Monte Carlo Method, Root Finding and Listing Matrices in Order, Generating Linear Fits. The subjects covered in MATLAB classes are Generating Non- Linear Fit Analysis, Writting A Real Code for Marquard-Levenberg Technique, Machine Learing with MATLAB, GUI with MATLAB and MEXing FORTRAN and C Codes with MATLAB.