Some cool journals
Science Citation Index
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
ELSEVIER Publications - Journal of Crystal Growth (QD901.J6x)
Crystal Research and Technology (QD901.K665)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (QC1.J28)
Journal of Material Science Materials in Electronics (TK7871.J665)
Computer Methods in Applied mechanics and Engineering (TA345.C6425)
KLUVER Publications - Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (TK7871.J665)
Physics of Fluids (QC150.P49x)
SIAM Publications (QA402.5 .S5442)
SPRINGER Publications - Applied Mathematics and Optimization (QA402.5 .A643)
WILEY Publications - International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (QA901. I57x)
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (QA401.M396)
Zeitschrift angewandte Mathematik und Physik. Journal of applied mathematics and physics.(QA1.Z37)
Links for solidification
Arizona State University - Alphabetical List of Electronic Journals