6G Senior Researcher
6GEN Lab. | Next-Generation R&D | Network Technologies
Address |
Turkcell Küçükyalý Plaza (Genel Müdürlük) Aydýnevler Mahallesi, Ýnönü Caddesi, No:20, Küçükyalý Ofispark B Blok, 34854, Maltepe / ÝSTANBUL
mehmet.basaran@turkcell.com.tr mehmetbasaran@itu.edu.tr
Work Experience
02/2023 – ...
6G Senior Researcher Turkcell 6GEN Lab, Next-Generation R&D, Network Technologies www.turkcell.com.tr, http://www.turkcellteknoloji.com.tr/language/en/
Job Role: Research & Development in 6G End-to-End (E2E) Wireless Communications - EU Project Applications including EUREKA Celtic-Next and 6G SNS JU Calls - PHY-layer Enabling Technologies including AI/ML, ISAC, mMIMO, Non-Terrestrial Networks, and RIS for 6G - Protocol Designs for 6G on Upper Layers - Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN) Technologies - 6G Use Cases focusing on Intelligent Network Management for Successful Network Recovery via AI/ML/DL - contributing actively to the SDOs like 3GPP RAN WGs, ETSI ISGs, NGMN, and one6Gasssociation, as delegate.
04/2021 – 01/2023
5G Research Professional Siemens San. ve Tic. A.S. 5G Research Team, Technology and Innovation Dept., Siemens Advanta Turkiye https://www.siemens-advanta.com/
Job Role: Research & Development in 5G E2E Wireless Communications - Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN) Technologies - Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in Private Industrial Networks - Time Sensitive Networks in Private 5G Industrial Communications - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Deep Learning Implementation on Near- and Non-Real Time RAN Intelligent Controllers (RIC) - Emulation of 5G E2E Communication Stack through real COTS hardware - Democratization of 5G E2E through open-source software
05/2018 - ...
Member of “Information and Communications Research Group (ICRG)” at Informatics Institute, ÝTÜ
11/2020 – 11/2022 |
Remote Post Doc. Researcher http://wens.re.kr/members/postdoc-part Member of “Wireless and Emerging Network System (WENS) Lab.” in Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea Collaboration with Prof. Soo Young Shin http://wens.re.kr/members/professor
05/2018 – 03/2021
R&D Operations Manager Vodafone Telekomunikasyon A.S. ÝTÜ Vodafone Future Lab, Informatics Institute, Istanbul Technical University |
02/2010 - 03/2018 |
Research Assistant Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
01/2017 - 09/2017 |
Visiting Researcher Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems (ICE), RWTH Aachen University Room: 407, Tel: +49-27984, 52074, Aachen, Germany Research Area: FET EU H2020 Project: Phoenix (Ultra Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks) Advisor: Prof. Gerd ASCHEID https://www.ice.rwth-aachen.de
Teaching Experience
09/2024 – 01/2025 |
Invited Lecturer TEL505E Mobile Communication Systems (Telecommunication Eng., MSc course), Fall 2024 (CRN: 14383) Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Istanbul Technical University
09/2019 – 09/2020 |
Invited Lecturer UZB 451E Spacecraft Communications (undergraduate course), Fall 2019 & Spring 2020 (CRN: 13653 & 21716) Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Istanbul Technical University
01/2025 – 12/2027 (Active) |
6G Senior Researcher 6G Self Organising and Managing Open Radio Access Network (6G SMART) Celtic-Next Project – (labeled) Coordinator: Dr. Chuan Foh (University of Surrey) Selected Partners: Univ. of Surrey, TURKCELL, CELFINET, ALLBESMART, Future Connections, ISEP, ODINE Solutions
01/2021 – 07/2023
6G Senior Researcher at TÜBÝTAK 1001 project under grant no. 120E307. Ultra-connectivity for 6G wireless communications: UAV and intelligent reflective surface enabled heterogeneous network design Principal Executive: Prof. Lutfiye Durak-Ata (ITU) Senior Researchers: Dr. Sultan Aldirmaz-Colak (Kocaeli Univ.), Dr. Mustafa Namdar (Kutahya Dumlupinar Univ.), Dr. Arif Basgumus (Bursa Uludað University), Dr. Mehmet Akif Yazici (ITU), Dr. Mehmet Basaran (Turkcell)
01/2017 - 09/2017
Visiting Researcher at FET EU H2020 Project under grant no. 665347. Phoenix: Adaptive sampling strategies for ultra-low power wireless sensor networks
10/2014 - 09/2016
Scholarship Researcher at TÜBÝTAK 3001 project under grant no. 114E298. Compressed sensing based approaches for the design of energy efficient communication systems
09/2010 - 07/2011
Scholarship Researcher at TÜBÝTAK 1001 project under grant no. 108E054. Development of advanced signal processing algorithms for physical layer of Super 3G mobile communication systems
PhD |
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University |
MSc |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul University |
BSc |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul University |
Main Research Interests
Intelligent Autonomous Network Design Considerations for 6G,
Signal Processing for Communications,
AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning Applications.
Best PhD Thesis Award 2018 |
Thesis Title: Energy Efficient Approaches for Spectrum Sensing and Channel Estimation Advisor: Prof. Hakan Ali ÇIRPAN (ÝTÜ) & Co-Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serhat ERKÜÇÜK (Kadir Has Univ.)
Championship in “Knowledge and General Culture Competition” 2002 |
Among High Schools of Sisli District in Istanbul I and my dear friends (Faik Turkman and Gokhan Dumlupinar) representing Sisli Kurtulus High School (Sisli Kurtulus Lisesi) were ranked first in the Sisli district in “Knowledge and General Culture Competition (2002)”. |
Thesis Supervised (As Co-Advisor)
[T4]: Homa Maleki, “6G Artificial Intelligence-Native Autonomous Network Architecture and Design”, PhD Thesis, Information and Communication Engineering, Informatics Institute, Istanbul Technical University, (ongoing).
[T3]: Mine Ardanuc, “Energy Efficient Base Station Deployment in Vertical Heterogeneous Networks”, PhD Thesis, Information and Communication Engineering, Informatics Institute, Istanbul Technical University, (ongoing).
[T2]: Homa Maleki, “Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”, MSc Thesis, Information and Communication Engineering, Informatics Institute, Istanbul Technical University, Aug. 2021.
[T1]: Akif Kabaci, “Channel Estimation For Spatial Media-Based Modulation”, MSc Thesis, Telecommunication Eng., Istanbul Technical University, Jun. 2021.
Google Scholar Link:
ResearchGate Link:
[J17]: M.Y. Yagan, ..., I. Hokelek, M. Basaran, G.C. Alexandropoulos, E. Basar, C. Cavdar, et. al., “Fast network recovery from large-scale disasters: A resilient and self-organizing RAN framework,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (submitted on 20 Aug. 2024, under review).
[J16]: H. Maleki, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Energy efficient offloading decision for beyond 5G multi-access edge computing enabled UAV swarms,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (submitted on 28 Jul. 2024, under review).
[J15]: A. Hatipoglu, M.A. Yazici, M. Basaran, M. Ardanuc, L. Durak-Ata, “Handover management in beyond 5G HetNet topologies with unbalanced user distribution,” Digital Communications and Networks (published as pre-proof on 23 May 2024). [ELSEVIER DCAN][ResearchGate]
[J14]: A. Kabaci, M. Basaran, H.A. Cirpan, “Low-complex AI-empowered receiver for spatial media-based modulation MIMO systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 2884-2888, Feb. 2024. [IEEE_TVT] [ResearchGate]
[J13]: M. Ardanuc, M. Basaran, Y. Hmamouche, L. Durak-Ata, H. Yanikomeroglu, “Energy efficiency analysis in heterogeneous networks: A stochastic geometry perspective,” IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, vol. 4, pp. 438-443, 2023. [IEEE_OJVT] [ResearchGate]
[J12]: H. Maleki, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Handover-enabled dynamic computation offloading for vehicular edge computing networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 9394-9405, 2023. [IEEE TVT] [ResearchGate]
[J11]: B. Atan, M. Basaran, N. Calik, S. Tedik-Basaran, G. Akkuzu, L. Durak-Ata, “AI-empowered fast task execution decision for delay-sensitive IoT applications in edge computing networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 1324-1334, 2023. [IEEE_ACCESS] [ResearchGate]
[J10]: [IEEE COMSOC BEST READINGS, TOPIC: PLS for 6G] H. Alakoca, M. Namdar, S. Aldirmaz-Colak, M. Basaran, A. Basgumus, L. Durak-Ata, H. Yanikomeroglu, “Metasurface manipulation attacks: Potential security threats of RIS-aided 6G communications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 24-30, 2023. [IEEE COMMAG] [ResearchGate]
[J9]: I. Azam, I.N. Apraz, M. Basaran, S.Y. Shin, “Spatial media-based modulation aided uplink MIMO-NOMA with imperfect CSI,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1610-1613, 2023. [IEEE SYST_J] [ResearchGate]
[J8]: M. Basaran, E. Basar, H.A. Cirpan, “High mobility enabled spatial and media‐based modulated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems for beyond 5G wireless communications,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. e5114, 2022. [Wiley IJCS] [ResearchGate]
[J7]: A. Kabaci, M. Basaran, H.A. Cirpan, “Reference signal-aided channel estimation in spatial media-based modulation systems,” Physical Communication, vol. 47, pp. 101396, 2021. [ELSEVIER PHYCOM] [ResearchGate]
[J6]: A.B. Ozyurt, M. Basaran, M. Ardanuc, L. Durak-Ata, H. Yanikomeroglu, “Intracell frequency-band exiling for green wireless networks: Implementation, performance metrics, and use cases,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 16, no.2, pp. 31-39, 2021. [IEEE VTM] [ResearchGate]
[J5]: M. Basaran, M.C. Macit, H. Senol, S. Erkucuk, “Realistic channel estimation of IEEE 802.11af systems in TV white space,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 11066-11076, 2020. [IEEE TVT] [ResearchGate]
[J4]: M. Babaei, U. Aygolu, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “BER performance of full-duplex cognitive radio network with nonlinear energy harvesting,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 4, no.2, pp. 448-460, 2020. [IEEE TGCN] [ResearchGate]
[J3]: M. Basaran, H. Senol, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Channel estimation for TDS-OFDM systems in rapidly time-varying mobile channels,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 8123-8135, 2018. [IEEE TWC] [ResearchGate]
[J2]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Bayesian compressive sensing for primary user detection,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 10, iss. 5, pp. 514-523, 2016. [IET SP] [ResearchGate]
[J1]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Compressive sensing for UWB channel estimation: on the sparsity assumption of UWB channels,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 3383-3398, 2014. [Wiley IJCS] [ResearchGate]
[IT2]: M. Basaran, “The evolution of wireless communication systems: AI-enabled non-terrestrial networks in 6G,” ITU IEEE AESSENTIALS Aeronautics and Space Industries Summit, 18 May 2024, Cube Incubation at Istanbul Teknopark, Turkiye.
[IT1]: M. Basaran, “TURKCELL 6GEN LAB: Robotics use cases experience on the road to 6G,” one6Gsummit (one6G Association): Empowering Vertical Digital Revolution Through Global 6G, 9-10 Nov. 2023, Munich, Germany.
[IW2]: one6G Association, “6G & Robotics: Identifying use cases and potential service requirements – Methodology and examples,” Jun. 2024 (Link: https://one6g.org/resources/publications/).
[IW1]: NGMN Alliance, “ITU-R framework for IMT-2030: Review and future direction,” Next-Generation Mobile Networks, 15 Feb. 2024 (Link: https://www.ngmn.org/wp-content/uploads/ITU-R_FRAMEWORK_FOR_IMT-2030.pdf).
[IC18]: G. Kalem, S. Kosu, M. Basaran, “5G/6G technology capabilities designed for secure edge network: Smart city use cases of Turkcell, The First International Workshop on Secure Edge Networking and Applications (SENA 2024), (accepted for presentation).
[IC17]: D. Vukobratovic, M. Ghassemian, X. An, A.F. Coskun, E. Arslan, M. Basaran, et al., “A 6G vision for intelligent emergency communication: Unified 3D networking and ambient IoT,” IEEE Global Commun. Conf. Workshops on Next Generation Intelligent Wireless Emergency Communications (GC WS’24), (accepted for presentation).
[IC16]: M. Basaran, S. Aktas, B. Bilgin, “6G network slicing vision for post-disaster: AI-enabled user prioritization and energy management,” IEEE Int. Conf. Advanced Telecommun. and Netw. Technologies (ATNT 2024), 9-10 Sep. 2024, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
[IC15]: A. Hatipoglu, I. Yazici, M. Basaran, M.A. Yazici, L. Durak-Ata, “Machine learning-based handover parameter estimation for beyond 5G communication networks,” 6th Int. Conf. Commun., Signal Process., and their Appl. (ICCSPA’24), 8-11 Jul. 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.
[IC14]: M. Ardanuc, M. Basaran, S. Aldirmaz-Colak, L. Durak-Ata, “Performance analysis of beyond 5G networks in the presence of spatial correlation between reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and base stations,” 6th Int. Conf. Commun., Signal Process., and their Appl. (ICCSPA’24), 8-11 Jul. 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.
[IC13]: S. Aldirmaz-Colak, M. Basaran, N.A. Bastug, N. Calik, E. Basar, L. Durak-Ata, “Estimation of correlated channels in reconfigurable intelligent surfaces-enabled 6G networks,” IEEE Int. Black Sea Conf. Commun. and Netw. (BLACKSEA’23), 4-7 Jul. 2023, pp. 96-101, Istanbul, Turkey.
[IC12]: O.T. Basaran, M. Basaran, D. Turan, H.G. Bayrak, Y. Sabucu-Sandal, “Deep autoencoder design for RF anomaly detection in 5G O-RAN near-RT RIC via xApps,” IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC’23), 28 May - 01 Jun. 2023, pp. 549-555, Rome, Italy (hybrid conf., presented in person).
[IC11]: B. Atan, N. Calik, S. Tedik-Basaran, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Learning-based fast decision for task execution in next generation wireless networks,” Int. Conf. Telecommun. (ICT’21), 1-3 Jun. 2021, London, United Kingdom (online conf., presented virtually).
[IC10]: A. Hatipoglu, M. Basaran, M.A. Yazici, L. Durak-Ata, “Handover-based load balancing algorithm for 5G and beyond heterogeneous networks,” IEEE Int. Congress Ultra Modern Telecommun. Control Syst. (ICUMT’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, pp. 7-12, (online conf., presented virtually).
[IC9]: R.A. Samo, M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, “Performance of combinational cooperative detection method under realistic conditions,” IEEE Int. Congress Ultra Modern Telecommun. Control Syst. (ICUMT’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, pp. 73-77, (online conf., presented virtually).
[IC8]: J. Angjo, M.M. Tuncer, E. Akertek, H. Alakoca, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “On the channel estimation performance of NOMA systems: experimental implementation of real-time downlink NOMA-OFDM,” IEEE Int. Black Sea Conf. Commun. and Netw. (BLACKSEA’20), 26-29 May 2020, pp. 1-6, Odesa, Ukraine (online conf., presented virtually).
[IC7]: M. Basaran, S. Schlupkothen, G. Ascheid, “Adaptive sampling techniques for autonomous agents in wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Int. Symp. Pers., Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC’19), 8-11 Sep. 2019, pp.1-6, Istanbul, Turkey.
[IC6]: A.B. Ozyurt, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Impact of self-configuration on handover performance in green cellular networks,” IEEE Advances in Wireless and Optical Commun. (RTUWO’18), 15-16 Nov. 2018, pp. 194-197, Riga, Latvia.
[IC5]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H. Senol, H.A. Cirpan, “Effect of inter-block-interference-free region on compressed sensing based channel estimation in TDS-OFDM systems,” IEEE Int. Black Sea Conf. Commun. and Networking (BLACKSEA’16), 6-9 Jun. 2016, pp. 1-3, Varna, Bulgaria.
[IC4]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Compressed sensing based approaches for the design of energy efficient communication systems,” Int. Matheon Conf. Compressed Sensing and its Applications (CSA’15), 7-11 Dec. 2015, Berlin, Germany.
[IC3]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “The effect of primary user bandwidth on Bayesian compressive sensing based spectrum sensing,” IEEE Int. Congress Ultra Modern Telecommun. Control Syst. (ICUMT’15), 6-8 Oct. 2015, pp. 35-39, Brno, Czech Republic.
[IC2]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Achievable performance of Bayesian compressivesensing based spectrum sensing,” IEEE Int. Conf. Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB’14), 1-3 Sep. 2014, pp.86-90, Paris, France.
[IC1]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “The effect of channel models on compressed sensing based ultra-wideband channel estimation,” IEEE Int. Conf. Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB’11), 14-16 Sep. 2011, pp. 375 – 379, Bologna, Italy.
[NC12]: M.E. Kechagia, S. Aldirmaz-Colak, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Sum-rate analysis in reconfigurable intelligent surface-aided UAV networks,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’22), 16-18 May 2022, Karabuk, Turkey (in Turkish, hybrid conf., presented virtually).
[NC11]: A. Hashi, S. Aldirmaz-Colak, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Channel estimation effect on sum-rate analysis of RIS-aided UAV-based MISO systems,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’22), 16-18 May 2022, Karabuk, Turkey (in English, hybrid conf., presented virtually).
[NC10]: H. Maleki, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Reinforcement learning-based decision-making for vehicular edge computing,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’21), 9-11 Jun. 2021, (in English, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC9]: A. Kabaci, M. Basaran, H.A. Cirpan, “The effect of channel estimation error on the performance of spatial media-based modulation,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’21), 9-11 Jun. 2021, (in Turkish, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC8]: S. Torun, M. Basaran, N. Calik, L. Durak-Ata, “Outage probability analysis of unsupervised deployed drone-cell swarms,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey (in Turkish, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC7]: H. Maleki, M. Basaran, G. Ozdemir, L. Durak-Ata, “Lifetime enhancement in wireless sensor networks through a fuzzy logic-based tabu search algorithm,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey (in English, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC6]: M. Ardanuc, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Area spectral and network energy efficiency in heterogeneous networks using Matérn hard core-hole process,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey (in Turkish, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC5]: A. Hatipoglu, M. Basaran, M.A. Yazici, L. Durak-Ata, “Handover-based cellular network healing in heavily-used routes,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey (in Turkish, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC4]: A.A.A. Sheikh, M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, “Orbital angular momentum based communication systems under atmospheric turbulence,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey (in English, online conf., presented virtually).
[NC3]: M. Ardanuc, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Energy efficient base station deployment in ultra dense heterogeneous networks via Poisson hole process,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’19), 24-26 Apr. 2019, Sivas, Turkey (in Turkish).
[NC2]: S. Celik, M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Comparison of compressed sensing based algorithms for sparse signal reconstruction,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’16), 16-19 May 2016, pp. 1441-1444, Zonguldak, Turkey (in Turkish).
[NC1]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “The effect of channel resolution on compressed sensing based ultra-wideband channel estimation,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’11), 20-22 Apr. 2011, pp. 367 – 370, Antalya, Turkey (in Turkish).
[IP1]: S. Aktas, B. Bilgin, M. Basaran, “Resilient mobile networks under earthquake: Next-Generation disaster management,” ETSI Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference, 5-7 Feb. 2024, Sophia Antipolis, France.
[NP2]: E. Akertek, J. Angjo, M. Tuncer, H. Alakoca, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Impact of channel estimation and channel quantization on downlink NOMA-OFDM,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’20), 5-7 Oct. 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey (online conf., presented virtually).
[NP1]: S. Torun, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Performance analysis of multi drone cell deployment with JT-CoMP,” IEEE Signal Proc. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU’19), 24-26 Apr. 2019, Sivas, Turkey.
[NW2]: A.B. Ozyurt, M. Basaran, L. Durak-Ata, “Dynamic coverage area management in mobile networks,” Aselsan Communications Technologies Workshop (HBT’19), 18 Feb. 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
[NW1]: M. Basaran, S. Erkucuk, H.A. Cirpan, “Compressed sensing based spectrum sensing,” Aselsan Communications Technologies Workshop (HBT’13), 18-19 Nov. 2013, Ankara, Turkey.
Last update: 17-NOV-2024.