ROR - Rotate Right Usage: ROR dest,count Modifies flags: CF OF +---------------+ +-+ +->|7 ----------> 0|--+->|C| | +---------------+ | +-+ +---------------------+ Rotates the bits in the destination to the right count times with all data pushed out the right side re-entering on the left. The Carry Flag will contain the value of the last bit rotated out. Clocks Size Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes reg,1 2 2 3 3 2 mem,1 15+EA 7 7 4 2-4 (W88=23+EA) reg,CL 8+4n 5+n 3 3 2 mem,CL 20+EA+4n 8+n 7 4 2-4 (W88=28+EA+4n) reg,immed8 - 5+n 3 2 3 mem,immed8 - 8+n 7 4 3-5
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