Emre Kaydu

Software Engineering and Photography Emre Kaydu

dependency injection

Introduction to Dependency Injection

We will talk about DI in Android projects. Aug 15, 2021

Dependency injection has been a big problem in many android projects these days. Various solutions have been presented to solve this problem. Dagger and Hilt are the most used libraries to solve this problem in Android projects. Before we get to know libraries like Dagger and Hilt in this series of articles, we need to understand what DI is.

Emre Kaydu

I graduated from Istanbul Technical University in 2021. I took part in various clubs and teams throughout my school life, I was interested in the fields of image processing and robotics. I worked on mobile platforms in my last year of school. And I am currently working as an Android developer.

My purpose in making this page is to keep in writing everything I've learned throughout my career. In short, we can call it Emre's WIKIPEDIA.

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Software Android Mobil DI Hilt Dagger