Electrical & Electronics Faculty

The Istanbul Technical University (ITU) High Voltage Laboratory serves as independent, non-industrial, university center for high voltage engineering. The mission of the Laboratory includes research, evaluation, testing and education activities.

ITU High Voltage Laboratory consist of two main units. One of them, Fuat Külünk High Voltage Laboratory, is at City Campus Gümüşsuyu. The other is at Main Campus Maslak, constructed as a part of the Electrical & Electronics Faculty Building.

Fuat Külünk High Voltage Laboratory

Fuat Külünk High Voltage Laboratory is housed at the city center (Gümüşsuyu). The Laboratory consists of three main blocks:
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    This block contains the following laboratories and test sets:

    Impulse Voltage Laboratory
    Test set: Impulse voltage generator (1 MV, 10 kJ).

    Alternating Voltage Laboratory
    Test set: High voltage transformer (300 kV, 50 Hz, 50 kVA).

    Shielded High Voltage Room
    Test set: High voltage transformer (100 kV, 50 Hz, 20 kVA),


    This main laboratory hall has a floor area of 35 m x 26 m and a ceiling height of 20 m.

    Impulse generator
    The impulse equipment consists of a 3600 kV, 180 kJ impulse generator

    Alternating Voltage Set
    The 50 Hz equipment consists of a 1200 kV, 1000 kVA test transformer.

    DC Voltage Supply
    The ratings of dc high voltage generator set are 1 MV and 10 mA.

    Tesla Transformer
    The ratings of a Tesla Transformer are 400-500 kV, 150-300 kHz.


    This block contains power supplies for alternating high voltage set and impulse voltage generator.

High Voltage Laboratory at Main Campus

This High Voltage Laboratory, constructed as part of the Electrical & Electronics Faculty Building, was occupied in 1995. The Laboratory consists of two separate halls, and one of these halls has a floor area of 18 m x 10 m and the other has a floor area of 18 m x 7 m and both have ceiling height of 8 m. Click here for some views.

The laboratory is equipped with the following energy sources:

    - 100 kV, 5 kVA test transformer
    - 140 kV, 95 J (single-stage)/280 kV, 190 J (two-stage) impulse generator
    - 140 kV, 20 mA dc test set.

    Istanbul Technical University
    Electrical&Electronics Faculty
    34469 Maslak - Istanbul/TURKIYE

    Fax: + 90 212 285 67 00