TEL 514
Dersi Veren: Prof. Dr. İbrahim ALTUNBAŞ
Oda No:
Giriş, Hücresel Yapı, Telsiz Haberleşme Sistemleri ve Standartları
Telsiz Haberleşmede Kanal Modelleri, Sönümleme ve Gölgeleme, Doppler
Telsiz Haberleşme İçin Benzetim (Simülasyon) Teknikleri
Telsiz Haberleşmede Sayısal Modülasyon Teknikleri
Sönümlemeli Kanallar Üzerinden Sayısal Haberleşme, Hata Performans Analizi
Sönümlemeli Kanallarda Kodlama, Serpiştirme
Çeşitleme (Diversity) Teknikleri, Alıcı/Verici Anten Çeşitlemesi
MIMO Sistemler, Uzay-Zaman Kodlama
İndis Modülasyonu, Uzaysal Modülasyon
İşbirlikli (Cooperative) Haberleşme
Dik Frekans Bölmeli Çoğullama (OFDM), MIMO-OFDM
Çoklu Erişim Teknikleri, Dik Olmayan Çoklu Erişim (NOMA)
Kaynaklar - Grup I:
Wireless Communications, A. Goldsmith, Cambridge University Press,
Principles of Mobile Communication, G.L. Stüber, 4th Ed., Springer,
Wireless Communications: Principles, Theory and Methodology, K.Q.T.
Zhang, John Wiley and Sons, 2016.
Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies, H.-C. Yang, M.-S. Alouini, Cambridge University Press,
Wireless Communication Signals: A Laboratory-Based Approach, H.Arslan, John Wiley and Sons, 2021.
Wireless Communications: From Fundamentals to Beyond 5G, A.F. Molisch, 3rd Ed., Wiley-IEEE Press,
Modeling the Wireless Propagation Channel: A Simulation Approach with MATLAB,
F.P. Fontan and P.M. Espineira, Wiley, 2008.
Digital Communication over Fading Channels, M.K. Simon and M.-S. Alouini,
2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
Space-Time Coding, B. Vucetic and J. Yuan, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
Modulation and Coding Techniques in Wireless Communications, Krouk
E., Semenov S., Editors, John Wiley and Sons, 2011.
Dergi Makaleleri ve Konferans Bildirileri
Kaynaklar - Grup II:
Modern Wireless Communications, S. Haykin and M. Moher, Pearson, 2005.
Fading and Shadowing in Wireless Systems, P.M. Shankar, 2nd Ed., Springer,
Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, T.S. Rappaport, 2nd
Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2002.
MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB, ,
Y.S. Cho, J. Kim, W.Y. Yang, and G.C. Kang, John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
MIMO Wireless Communications, E. Biglieri, R. Calderbank, A.
Constantinides, A. Goldsmith, A. Paulraj, H.V. Poor, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, D. Tse, P. Viswanath,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Principles of Digital Transmission with Wireless Applications, S.
Benedetto and E. Biglieri, Kluwer Academic, 1999.
Simulation of Communication Systems: Modeling, Methodology and Techniques,
M.C. Jeruchim, P. Balaban and K.S. Shanmugan, 2nd Ed., Kluwer Academic, 2000.
Mobile Fading Channels: Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, M.
Patzold, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications,
W.H. Tranter, Prentice-Hall, 2004.
Mobile Wireless Communications, M. Schwartz, Cambridge University
Press, 2005.
Coded Modulation Techniques for Fading Channels, S.H. Jamali and T.
Le-Ngoc, Kluwer Academic, 1994.
Order Statistics in Wireless Communications,
H.-C. Yang, M.-S. Alouini, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Kaynaklar - Grup III:
6G Frontiers: Towards Future Wireless Systems,
C. de Alwis, Q.-V. Pham, M. Liyanage, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2022.
Design and Optimization for 5G Wireless Communications,
H. Kim, , John Wiley and Sons, 2020
5G and Beyond Wireless Systems: Physical Layer Perspective,
M. Mandloi, D. Gurjar, P. Pattanayak, H. Nguyen, Editors, Springer, 2021.
6G: The Road to the Future Wireless Technologies 2030,
P.S.R. Henrique, R. Prasad, River Publishers, 2021.
From 5G to 6G: Technologies, Architecture, AI, and Security,
A. Yarali, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2023.
Flexible and Cognitive Radio Access Technologies for 5G and Beyond,
H. Arslan, E. Başar, IET, 2020.
5G Mobile Communications,
W. Xiang, K. Zheng, X. (Sherman) Shen, Editors, Springer, 2017.
6G Mobile Wireless Networks,
Y. Wu, S. Singh, T. Taleb, A. Roy, H.S. Dhillon, M.R. Kanagarathinam, A. De, Editors, Springer, 2022.
Wireless Communication Systems: From RF Subsystems to 4G Enabling Technologies,
K.-L. Du, M.N.S. Swamy, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Sınavlar ve Değerlendirme:
- Ara Sınav % 25
- Ödevler % 20
- Proje (Sunum + Rapor) % 15
- Final % 40
Final Sınavına Girme Koşulu:
- Arasınava Girmek VEYA En Az 1 Ödevi Teslim Etmiş Olmak
Ders Zamanı ve Yeri:
Çarşamba, 9:30-12:30, Bedri Karafakıoğlu Seminer Odası