Javad Ibrahimli

Electronics and Communication Engineering student @ ITU | ADAS and AI Researcher | Ex ITU Solar Car Team Member | Computer Vision and ML Enthusiast|

Bio: I am a student at Istanbul Technical University, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering, with a strong interest in autonomous systems and advanced driving technologies. I aspire to embark on a career that will enable me to apply my skills and knowledge to push the boundaries of innovation and revolutionize the future of transportation. Since Jan 2022, I have been working as an Autonomous Systems Group Member at ITU ZES Solar Car Team, a student project team that designs and builds solar-powered vehicles. In this role, I have been responsible for designing and developing software modules for autonomous driving systems, including perception, planning, and control, using programming languages such as C++, Python, and ROS. I have also been involved in integrating sensors, actuators, and computing hardware into the vehicle's architecture, and configuring and calibrating them to ensure accurate data acquisition. Through this experience, I have gained valuable skills and insights into the challenges and opportunities of autonomous systems, vehicle dynamics, and robotics, and I have collaborated with other team members to deliver high-quality results.

Previously, I have explored diverse research topics including SLAM for UVs, Visual Odometry, Camera Calibration, and Simulations for ground vehicles, UVs and UAVs. Beyond academia, I am an avid chess and reading enthusiast who also enjoys travelling, judo and football.

Core Interests

Self-driving cars

Exploring the future of autonomous vehicles and their impact on transportation.

Real-time Perception

Advancing computer vision and sensor fusion for real-time environment understanding.

Autonomous Navigation

Developing algorithms for reliable and efficient autonomous navigation.


Istanbul Technical University - Istanbul, Turkey

Bachelor of Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
Research: Autonomous UAV Navigation and Inspection for Precision Agriculture.
Courses: Data Structures and Algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Signal Processing, Probability and Statistics, Electronic Circuits
Activities and societies: ITU Solar Car Team | ITU Chess Club | ITU Fitness | ITU Tennis
July 2018 - May 2022


ITU ZES Solar Car Team Istanbul, Turkey

Autonomous Systems Group Member

Software Development:

  • Design and develop software modules for autonomous driving systems, including perception, planning, and control.
  • Implement algorithms for object detection, localization, mapping, and path planning.
  • Utilize programming languages such as C++, Python, and ROS (Robot Operating System) for software development.
  • Collaborate with the software team to integrate autonomous driving software with other vehicle systems.
System Integration:
  • Integrate sensors, actuators, and computing hardware into the vehicle's architecture.
  • Configure and calibrate sensors, such as LiDAR, cameras, and GPS, to ensure accurate data acquisition.
  • Collaborate with electrical and mechanical team members to ensure seamless integration of autonomous systems with the overall vehicle design.
Testing and Validation:
  • Conduct rigorous testing of autonomous driving systems, both in simulation and real-world scenarios.
  • Analyze and interpret test results to identify areas for improvement and optimization.
  • Work closely with the safety team to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.
Documentation and Reporting:
  • Maintain comprehensive documentation of software design, system architecture, and testing procedures.
  • Prepare regular progress reports and present findings to the team and faculty advisors.
  • Contribute to technical publications and present research outcomes at conferences or competitions.

Jan 2023 - March 2024

World Coffee Portal London, England

Data Analyst Researcher

Software Development:

  • Collecting and recording beverage prices of the most popular types (filter coffee, cappuccino, and latte) from branded coffee chains across Istanbul.
  • Ensuring that the data collected is accurate and up-to-date, and that all relevant details (e.g. location, chain name) are recorded.
  • Analyzing the data collected to determine the average beverage prices for each branded coffee chain across Istanbul.
  • Ensuring that all work is completed in a timely and efficient manner, and that deadlines are met.

Jan 2023 - March 2024

Istanbul Technical University Istanbul, Turkey

Student Assistant

Software Development:

  • Updating the files shared by the professor, ensuring that the most recent and relevant materials were available for the students.
  • Adding coding assignments to in-class files and GitHub, providing students with the opportunity to practice and apply the concepts they were learning.
  • Updating the course slides, ensuring that they were accurate and up-to-date with the latest information and industry developments.
  • Regulating technical tasks such as setting up equipment, troubleshooting technical issues and making sure that the course runs smoothly.

Dec 2023 - Mar 2023

UpWork Remote

Freelance Programmer

Software Development:

  • Completed the software tasks requested by the customers within the given time.
  • Automated and optimized the data handling process for traffic signs, working with Ubuntu 20.04, did shell scripting, and employed other Linux tools.
  • Technical Skills: Python with PyTorch, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scikit‑learn, Tableau, Ubuntu Linux, Linux tools, Apt, Scripting, Git.
  • Automated and optimized the data handling process for traffic signs, working with Ubuntu 20.04, did shell scripting, and employed other Linux tools.

Mar 2022 - Dec 2022


Self‑Driving Cars Specialization Final project


Understanding commonly used hardware for self-driving cars, identifying the main components of the self-driving software stack, programming vehicle modeling and control, and analyzing safety frameworks and current industry practices for vehicle development are essential aspects to grasp in the realm of autonomous vehicles. These elements collectively contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the intricate ecosystem surrounding self-driving technology, encompassing both its technological underpinnings and the regulatory frameworks guiding its safe deployment.

Heart Attack Prediction using ML

ML Project

This article presents a comprehensive analysis of machine learning models for heart attack prediction by employing various analytical techniques to gain insights into the structure and characteristics of the dataset. The exploration begins with an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and delving into the distribution of individual features and the relationships among them. Correlation analysis is then employed to unveil potential interactions and dependencies among numerical variables, shedding light on their collective impact on heart disease risk. Moving beyond correlation, cluster analysis is applied to identify underlying patterns or subgroups within the data, indicative of specific risk groups or heart disease profiles. The final stage involves the development of predictive models, utilizing the dataset’s wealth of information to accurately predict heart disease diagnosis. The ultimate goal is to contribute to early detection and intervention strategies. This multi-faceted approach, encompassing EDA, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and predictive modelling, aims to enhance our understanding of heart disease prediction.

Motion planning simulation on Carla

ML Project

In the journey towards autonomous driving, a car undergoes three critical phases of planning: Short-Term, Immediate-Term, and Behavior Planning. Short-Term Planning ensures swift reaction to surroundings, deftly avoiding obstacles and changing lanes. Immediate-Term Planning maintains a consistent pace, synchronizing with traffic flow. Behavior Planning teaches adherence to traffic rules, fostering responsible driving conduct. Through seamless integration of these elements, the ultimate aim is to empower vehicles with autonomous navigation capabilities, enabling safe and efficient journeys from origin to destination.

I work with:

Achievements and Test Scores

  • Teknofest Robotaxi‑Full Scale Autonomous Vehicle Competition Finalist, Teknofest, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Chosen participant of Cyber Take Off 2023, Turkish Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • The only vehicle that can complete the race by getting full points, Teknofest, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 8.0/9.0, IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
  • 1410/1600 - SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
  • C1 - Turkish Proficiency Exam
  • Winner - Azerbaijan Student Informatics Olympics
  • The participant of the final stage of the 1st Logic Olympiad named after Lotfi Zadeh, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Courses Taken

Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Learning algorithms, neural network architectures, and practical engineering tricks for training and fine-tuning networks for visual recognition tasks.

Course Code: EECS 498.008
Organization: University of Michigan
Start Date: June 2024
Finish Date: Now

Sensor Fusion Nanodegree Program

The fundamentals of sensor fusion and perception for self-driving cars, covering lidar, radar, cameras, Kalman filters, and real-world data handling techniques.

Organization: Istanbul Technical University
Start Date: May 2024
Finish Date: Now

Machine Learning for Signal Processing

Techniques and methods for applying machine learning to signal processing problems.

Course Code: EHB 328E
Organization: Istanbul Technical University
Start Date: January 2023
Finish Date: June 2024

Self‑Driving Cars Specialization

Advanced level Specialization consists of 5 Courses.

Course Code: Coursera
Organization: University of Toronto
Start Date: September 2023
Finish Date: January 2024

Self Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program

Comprehensive training in autonomous vehicle technologies, covering computer vision, sensor fusion, localization, path planning, and control.

Organization: Udacity
Start Date: September 2023
Finish Date: February 2024

Artificial Neural Networks

Exploration of neural network architectures, training algorithms, and applications in machine learning.

Course Code: EHB 420E
Organization: Istanbul Technical University
Start Date: January 2024
Finish Date: June 2024


English - Advanced
Russian - Intermediate
Turkish - Native
Azerbaijani - Native



I enjoy playing chess and improving my strategic thinking skills.


Reading is a passion of mine, especially science fiction and technology-related books.


I love to travel and explore new cultures and places.


Playing football is a great way for me to stay active and enjoy teamwork.


Practicing judo helps me maintain discipline and physical fitness.

Contact me

My inbox is always open; glad to connect, discuss, and collaborate. Could relate to work, volunteering, or a casual talk! Feel free to shoot me an email; will get back ASAP!

Copyrights © Javad Ibrahimli / Last update 2024