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I received the BSc., MSc. degrees in EEE from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2002 and 2004 respectively. I received the PhD degree in EE from Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, NY, in 2009. In the following year, I was with the Biomedical Imaging Group at EPFL, Switzerland, as a post-doctoral researcher. In 2010, I started working at Istanbul Technical University, Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engineering. I am currently an associate professor in the same department. My research interests are in time-frequency frames, sparse signal processing, algorithms for reconstruction problems, as well as machine learning for signal processing problems. [CV]
MAT205E - Theory of Complex Functions (2014 Fall)
MAT281E - Linear Algebra and Applications (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 Fall Semesters)
TEL603E - Advanced Topics in Telecommunications (2012, 2015 Fall Semesters) [syllabus]
TEL311E - Digital Signal Processing (2010 Fall)
TEL519E - Image Processing (2010, 2011 Fall Semesters)
EHB252E - Signals and Systems (2012, 2013 Spring Semesters)
MAT271E - Probability and Statistics (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Spring Semesters)
BYM510E - Biological Signal Processing (2011, 2012, 2015 Spring Semesters)
TEL502E - Detection and Estimation Theory (2014, 2015 Spring Semesters)
BYM512E - Mathematical Methods in Tomography (2014 Spring)
EHB372E - Dig.Sig.Processing Desgn and App. (2014 Spring)
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "The Douglas-Rachford Algorithm for Weakly Convex Penalties", submitted, 2015. [arXiv]
İ. Bayram and S. Bulek, "A Penalty Function Promoting Sparsity Within and Across Groups", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 66(16):4238-4251, August 2017. [arXiv] [IEEE link] [software]
İ. Bayram, "Solution of a Bivariate l_1 Regularized Problem", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(5):653-657, May 2016. [link]
I. W. Selesnick and İ. Bayram, "Enhanced Sparsity by Non-Separable Regularization", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 64(9):2298-2313, May 2016.
İ. Bayram, "On the Convergence of the Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm With a Weakly Convex Penalty", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 64(6), 1597-1608, March 2016.
İ. Bayram, "A Multichannel Audio Denoising Formulation Based on Spectral Sparsity", IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 23(12):2272-2285, December 2015.
[link] [software]
İ. Bayram, "Proximal Mappings Involving Almost Structured Matrices", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(12):2264-2268, December 2015.
[link] [software]
İ. Bayram, "Penalty Functions Derived From Monotone Mappings", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(3):265-269, March 2015.
I. W. Selesnick, A. Parekh and İ. Bayram, "Convex 1-D total variation denoising with non-convex regularization", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(2):141-144, February 2015.
I. W. Selesnick and İ. Bayram, "Sparse Signal Estimation by Maximally Sparse Convex Optimization",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, March 2014.
İ. Bayram and D. Akyıldız, "Primal-Dual Algorithms for Audio Decomposition Using Mixed Norms",
Signal, Image and Video Processing, 8(1):95-110, January 2014.
[.pdf] [software]
İ. Bayram and M. Kamasak, "A Simple Prior for Audio Signals",
IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 21(6):1190:1200, June, 2013.
[.pdf] [software]
İ. Bayram, "An Analytic Wavelet Transform with a Flexible
Time-Frequency Covering",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 61(5): 1131-1142, March, 2013.
[.pdf] [software]
İ. Bayram and M. Kamasak, "Directional Total Variation", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 19(12):781-784, December, 2012.
[.pdf] [software]
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "A Dual-Tree Rational Dilation Wavelet Transform",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 59(12): 6251-6256, December, 2011.
[.pdf] [software]
F. I. Karahanoğlu, İ. Bayram and D. Van De Ville, "A Signal Processing Approach to Generalized 1-D Total Variation",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 59(11): 5265-5274, November, 2011.
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "A Subband Adaptive Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 58(3): 1131-1143, March 2010.
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "Frequency-Domain Design of Overcomplete Rational-Dilation Wavelet Transforms",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 57(8): 2957-2972, Aug. 2009.
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "On the Frame Bounds of Iterated Filter Banks",
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 27(2) : 255-262, Sept. 2009.
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "Orthonormal FBs with Rational Sampling Factors and Overcomplete DFT-Modulated FBs: A Connection and Filter Design",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 57(7) : 2515-2526, July 2009.
[.pdf] [software]
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "Overcomplete Discrete Wavelet Transforms with Rational Dilation Factors",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 57(1) : 131-145, Jan. 2009.
[.pdf] [software]
İ. Bayram, I. W. Selesnick, "On the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Packet and M-Band
Transforms", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 56(6) : 2298-2310, June 2008.
[.pdf] [software]
B. Dumitrescu, İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "Optimization of Symmetric Self-Hilbertian Filters for the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 15 : 146-149, 2008.
İ. Bayram, E. Mason and B. Yazıcı, "A Weakly-Convex Formulation for Phaseless Imaging",
ICASSP, 2017. [.pdf]
A. Koçanaoğulları and İ. Bayram, "A Dereverberation Formulation Employing Phase Information", SIU, 2016.
İ. Bayram ve A. Koçanaoğulları, "Mikrofon Dizisiyle Kaynak Ayrıştırma için bir Enküçükleme Düzenlemesi", SIU, 2015.
A. Koçanaoğulları ve İ. Bayram, "Oda Yankısını Gidermek için Seyreklik Tabanlı bir Düzenleme", SIU, 2015.
İ. Bayram, "Employing Phase Information for Audio Denoising",
ICASSP, 2014. [.pdf]
İ. Bayram, P.-Y. Chen and I. W. Selesnick, "Fused Lasso with a Non-Convex Sparsity Inducing Penalty",
ICASSP, 2014.
İ. Bayram, "İşaret Hizalama : Dışbükey Olmayan Eniyilemeye Dayalı Bir Yöntem",
SİU 2014.
İ. Bayram, "Combining Multiple Observations of Audio Signals",
Wavelets and Sparsity XV, 2013.
İ. Bayram, "p-Norm Minimization Over Intersections of Convex Sets",
İ. Bayram, "Esnek Bir Dalgacık Ailesiyle Ton Kaydırma",
SİU 2012.
İ. Bayram, "Denoising Formulations Based on Support Functions",
Unpublished Manuscript, 2011.
İ. Bayram, "Mixed Norms with Overlapping Groups as Signal Priors",
ICASSP 2011.
İ. Bayram, "Grup Seviyesinde Seyreklik için Normların Konveks Bileşimleri Üzerine",
SİU 2011.
İ. Bayram ve I. W. Selesnick, "Çözümleme Önseliyle Gürültüsüzleştirme",
HABTEKUS, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2010.
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "Design of Orthonormal and Overcomplete Wavelet Transforms Based on Rational Sampling Factors",
In Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing V, Proceedings of SPIE, volume 6763, September 11-12, 2007.
İ. Bayram and I. W. Selesnick, "A Simple Construction for the M-Band Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform", IEEE 12th DSP workshop, 2006. [.pdf]