Published Journal Paper
Fuat ANDAY, Ece Olcay GUNES, "Realization of nth-order transfer functions using current conveyors",
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "Realisation of nth-order voltage transfer function using CCII+", Electronics Letters, Vol.31, pp.1022-1023, June 1995.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "Realisation of current-mode lowpass filters using CFCCIIs", Electronics Letters, Vol.31, No.25, pp.2161-2162, December 1995.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "Realisation of current-mode universal filter using CFCCIIps", Electronics Letters, Vol.31, No.12, pp.1081-1082, June 1996
Serdar OZOGUZ, Ece Olcay GUNES, "Universal filter with three inputs using CCII+", Electronics Letters, Vol.32, No.23, pp.2134-2135, November 1996.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "CFA based fully integrated nth-order lowpass filter", Electronics Letters, Vol.33, No.7, pp.571-573, March 1997.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "Realization of voltage and current-mode transfer functions using unity-gain cells", International Journal of Electronics, Vol.83, No.2, pp.209-213, 1997.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "Realization of voltage/current-mode filters using four-terminal nullors", Microelectronics Journal, Vol.30, No.3, pp.211-216, 1999.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Ali TOKER, Serdar OZOGUZ, "Insensitive current-mode universal filter using dual-output current conveyors", Electronics Letters, Vol.35, No.7, pp.524-525 1999.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "An nth-order allpass voltage transfer function synthesis using commercially available active components", Microelectronics Journal, Vol.30, pp.895-898, 1999.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Serdar OZOGUZ, Ali TOKER, "Insensitive current-mode universal filter with low component spread using dual-output current conveyors", International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol.54, No.2, pp.127-132, 2000.
Serdar OZOGUZ, Cevdet ACAR, Ali TOKER, Ece Olcay GUNES, "Derivation of low-sensitivity current-mode CCII-based filters", IEE Proc. Circuit Devices and Syst , Vol.148, No.3, pp.115-120, 2001.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Ali TOKER, "On the realization of oscillators using state equations", International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol.56, No.5, pp.317-326, 2002.
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES, "An evolutionary local search algorithm for the satisfiability problem", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3949, pp. 185-193, 2006.
Alper DURUK, Ece Olcay GUNES, Hakan KUNTMAN, "A new low voltage CMOS differential OTRA for sub-micron technologies", International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol.61, 5, pp.291-299, 2007.
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES, Paulo FLORES, "Search algorithms for the multiple constant multiplications problem: Exact and approximate", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.34, 5, pp.151-162, 2010.
Ece Olcay GUNES, Ali ZEKİ, Ali TOKER, "Design of high performance mutually coupled circuits", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.66, No.1, pp.81-91, 2011.
Published Conference Papers
Ece Olcay GUNES, "Realisation of nth-Order Current-Mode Transfer Functions Using CCIIs", ECCTD'95, Proceedings vol 2 of 2, pp.812-816, 1995,Istanbul, Turkey
Ece Olcay GUNES, Fuat ANDAY, "Realisation of
nth-Order Current-Mode Transfer Functions Using CFCCIIs", ECCTD'97,
Proceedings Vol 3
of 1 pp.72-76, 1997,
Serdar OZOGUZ,
Ece Olcay GUNES, Hassan O. ELWAN, Tuna B. TARIM, "CCII-based
balanced fully-integrated continuous-time filter synthesis: Signal-flow
graph approach", ICECS98,
Proceedings Vol 3
of 3, pp. 131-133, 1998,
Serdar OZOGUZ,
Ece Olcay GUNES, Hassan O. ELWAN, Tuna B. TARIM, "CCII-based
balanced fully-integrated continuous-time current-mode filter synthesis:
Signal-flow graph approach", MWSCAS98,1998,
Ece Olcay GUNES,
Ali TOKER, "On
the realization of CFA-based oscillators using state equations and block
diagrams", First Balkan
Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, Circuits, and Systems , CD-ROM, june 2-3
Ali TOKER, Ece Olcay GUNES, Serdar OZOGUZ, "New High-Q bandpass filter configuration using current controlled current conveyor-based allpass filters", ICECS 2001, Proceedings Vol 1, pp. 165-168, 2001, Malta.
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES, "COM-TEST: A Pattern Generation System", ELECO'2003, Third International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Proc. Electronics , pp. 112-116, 2003, Bursa, Turkey
Serkan ACAR, Ece Olcay GUNES, "An implementation of elliptic curve cryptography scalar multiplication block in
GF(2m) with VHDL",
Fourth International
Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Proc. Electronics , pp.90-94,
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES, Eduardo COSTA, Paulo FLORES, Jose MONTEIRO "Effect of Number Representation on the Achievable Minimum Number of Operations in Multiple Constant Multiplications", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), pp.424-429, 2007, Shangai, China.
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES, "An approximate algorithm for the multiple constant multiplications problem", Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), pp. 58-63, 2008, Gramado, Brazil.
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES "Area Optimization Algorithms in High-Speed digital FIR filter synthesis", Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), pp. 64-69, 2008, Gramado, Brazil.
Levent AKSOY,
Ece Olcay GUNES, Paulo
Levent Aksoy, Ece Olcay Gunes, Paulo Flores, "Optimization of area under a delay constraint in multiple constant multiplications", WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, pp. 81-86, 2009.
Bahattin KOCAMAN, Murvet KIRCI, Ece Olcay GUNES, Yuksel CAKIR, Ozlem Ozbudak, "On ear biometrics", EUROCON, St. Petersburg, 2009
Ozlem OZBUDAK, Murvet KIRCI, Yuksel CAKIR, Ece Olcay GUNES, "Effects of the Facial and Racial Features on Gender Classification", MELECON 2010, pp.25-28 Malta, 2010
Murat KUS, Umit KACAR, Murvet KIRCI, Ece Olcay GUNES, "ARM based ear recognition embedded system", EUROCON, Zagreb, Crotia, 2013
Yuksel CAKIR, Murvet KIRCI, Ece Olcay GUNES, Burak Berk USTUNDAG, "Detection of oranges in outdoor conditions", Agro-Geoinformatics 2013, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 2013
Umit KACAR, Murvet KIRCI, Murat KUS, Ece Olcay GUNES, "An Embedded Biometric System", 16th International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-12, 2013
Published Turkish Conference Papers
Ali TOKER, Ece Olcay GUNES, Serdar Ozoguz "Birim akim izleyicilerle suzgec gerçeklenmesi", Elektrik-Elektronik-Bilgisayar Müh. 8. Ulusal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi, Cilt.I, S.41-44, Gaziantep, 1999
Serdar OZOGUZ, Ece Olcay GUNES, Ali TOKER, "Birim kazanc hucreli yuksek Q'lu band geciren suzgec yapisi", IEEE 2000 Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayı (SIU'2000), Bildiriler Kitabi, 478-482, Belek, Antalya, 12-14 Haziran 2000
Levent AKSOY, Ece Olcay GUNES, "An evolutionary local search algorithm for the satisfiability problem", Proc. of 14th Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural