by Erdal Panayırcı, Hakan A. Çırpan, Marc Moeneclaey, Nele Noels
Erdal Panayırcı, Hakan A. Çırpan, Marc Moeneclaey, Nele Noels, "Blind Phase Noise Estimation in OFDM Systems by Sequential Monte Carlo Method", Springer, 2006. (Book Chapter edited by K. Fazel and S. Kaiser)
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Erdal Panayırcı and Hakan A. Çırpan and Marc Moeneclaey and Nele Noels, },
title = {Blind Phase Noise Estimation in OFDM Systems by Sequential Monte Carlo Method},
journal={Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum Related},
publisher = {Springer},
ISBN = {1-4020-4435-6},
year = {2006},
pp = {483-490},
url = {},
comment = {Book Chapter edited by K. Fazel and S. Kaiser},