Meeting Times:

Elektromagnetik Alanlar ve Mikrodalga Tekniği Seminer Odası
Wednesdays EEF 2405 12.30-15.30


Office Hours:

EEF 7205  

by appointment only,

by e-mail to cilesiz[at] and/or by phone 285 67 73



BYM 503E Introduction to Biomedical Optics (CRN: 14633)


Grading: tentatively Homework (a minimum of 4) 20%, Midterm Exam 20%, Project 20%, Final Exam 40%


Midterm Exam: 27 November 2019 EEF 2106 12-14.30

Final Exam: TBA


Ninova page at

Objective: This course is designed to provide graduate students with a working knowledge of the theoretical and experimental principles underlying biomedical optics and the applications of light in medicine. The students are encouraged to search for additional reading material at the library as well as internet resources, and to participate in or initiate discussions in class.




Homework assignments are directed towards a better understanding of the material covered in class and/or presumed known. Thus, homework assignments may cover material not discussed/reviewed in class. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date indicated and late homework will not be accepted. The students are expected to use the library while working on their assignments. Group work is encouraged but each student is required to turn in his/her own assignment. Mot a mot copying and/or plagiarizing are not acceptable. All word processed work will be subject to Turnitin check.




There will be one (and possibly take-home) midterm around the 9th week of classes and a final exam at the end of the semester. All exams will cover material discussed in class and covered in homework assignments.




Each student is required to work on a short project during the second half of the semester and make a 15-20 minute presentation in class in the last week(s) of class. The project may involve either (1) an in depth review of one or more scientific papers on a specific subject NOT covered in class or (2) a specific clinical application of light/lasers along with principles, instrumentation, and devices on the market (technical data, specifications, approximate retail prices, competing companies and/or products). The instructor is open to other suggestions and students are encouraged to come up with original project ideas by the end of October. A one-page project proposal will be submitted to the instructor by mid November 2019 after the break.




Parson, William W. Modern Optical Spectroscopy. Springer eBooks.; Berlin, Heidelberg Springer, 2015.

Niemz, M. Laser-Tissue Interactions. Springer Verlag, 3rd enlarged edition, 2007.

Welch A.J. and van Gemert M.J.C. Optical-Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue. Plenum Press. 1995, 2nd Ed. Springer, 2011.

Hecht, E., Optics. 4th edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 2001.

Lacowicz J.R. Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. 3rd edition, Springer, 2006, previous edition, Springer, 1999.

Handbook of Biomedical Optics. Edited By Boas D.A, Pitris C., and Ramanujam N., Taylor and Francis, 2011.

any MODERN PHYSICS book (this one is recommended) with ample information on quantum physics, i. e., atoms, molecules, orbitals, energy levels, transitions between energy levels, etc.


Approximate Course Plan:






Introduction to Spectroscopy (= SPY)


Interaction of EM Radiation with Matter


UV and Visible Absorption SPY


Introduction to Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media


Light Transport in Tissues


Radiative Transfer Theory (= RTT)


Fluorescence SPY (= FLY)


Laser-tissue interactions - Paper Discussion


Midterm examination


Laser-tissue interactions


Laser-tissue interactions


Applications - Paper Discussion


Project presentations



Biomedical Optics
SPIE's Biomedical Optics Technical Group
Journal of Biomedical Optics
Journal of Biophotonics
Biomedical Optics Express
Optics Express
Nature Photonics
Biophotonics International Homepage
Biophotonics-Biomed Tech: News and Resources
BioOptics World
Biomedical Photonics Handbook Online (ENGNETBASE online book)
Handbook of Optics (online book)
Biophotonics: Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering (Google books in Biophotonics)
Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering
NSF Center for Biophotonics
Biomedical Optics at UCL
Center for Advanced Biomedical Photonics
Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology
Photonics Dictionary
Biotech and Biomedical Optics
Medical Physics Web
FROG Lectures in Modern Physics