Welcome to the home page of the very İnci Çilesiz


Ayrıntılı Özgeçmiş


Professional Portfolio
Bilimsel ve Akademik Çalışmalar





Haftalık Program



itu akademi site

alternately new research.itu.edu.tr site



Biomedical Engineering Program
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Elektrik-Elektronik Fakültesi 7205

Istanbul Technical University
Ayazaga/Maslak Campus (map)
Maslak 34469,

e-mail: cilesiz[at]itu.edu.tr

Telephone (office):

+90 212 285 67 73

Telephone (GSM):

+90 536 995 98 26

Telephone (dept):

+90 212 285 36 13

Facsimile (dept):

+90 212 285 36 79

Facsimile (dept):

+90 212 285 35 65





Palindrome Dates in the 21st Century

"Çalışmadan, öğrenmeden, yorulmadan rahat yaşamanın yollarını aramayı alışkanlık haline getirmiş uluslar, önce onurlarını, sonra özgürlüklerini ve daha sonra da geleceklerini yitirmeye mahkumdurlar."                                                                                                                                                                                                     M.K. Atatürk



My Very Personal Links (for those who might be interested)




Although I try to update links frequently, sometimes I miss one or two. If you notice them, please let me know.

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