Curriculum Vitae |
Dr. Michael S. Bittermann
Dr. Bittermann studied architecture from 1997-2003 and graduated cum laude (highest honors in the Netherlands) as Master of Science in Architecture from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in Delft, The Netherlands. He carried out his Ph.D. during the period 2005-2009 at the chair of Design Informatics, at the Faculty of Architecture of TU Delft. The faculty has been assigned a high rank among the world’s architecture faculties.[1]
Bittermann received his PhD title cum laude (highest honors in the Netherlands) in 2009. Following his Ph.D., Bittermann received the Young Researcher Fellowship of Delft University of Technology (80k€) for outstanding research and academic achievements as one of the five preeminent researchers among the Ph.D. students of all faculties of TU Delft who graduated in 2008 and 2009. In 2014 he joined the Architecture Faculty of Maltepe University Istanbul as Assistant Professor, and in the same year he participated in the research project titled Design by Cognition and Comprehension[2]. The project was funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council in Turkey and awarded to his colleague Prof. O. Ciftcioglu. In 2015, Dr. Bittermann received an award for the significance of his scientific publications during the previous year from Maltepe University, distinguishing him among the academic members of all faculties of the university. In 2018 he joined Istanbul Technical University (ITU) as Assistant Professor. In 2018 he was awarded a grant for the research project Evolutionary Computational Design that was funded by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of ITU3. In November 2020 he was conferred the title of Associate Professor by the Inter-University Council (ÜAK) of Turkey.
His academic interest is to understand and enhance architectural design via computational representations of this cognitive activity. Accordingly, he published a number of papers in the fields of computational cognition, decision making, design theory, and visual perception. Several among the conference papers are IEEE conference papers, indicating the compliance of his work with scientific review standard. Each paper can be obtained via the link associated with its title in sections I and II. His papers have been cited by other scientists in a number of publications as seen in section III.
At TU Delft he lectured in multiple M.S. and B.S. courses. He coordinated a M.S. Program titled Computational Architecture that was a joint program by TU Delft and Middle East Technical University, Ankara. He supervised seven M.S. thesis works. One among the students he supervised graduated with cum laude distinction (highest honors in the Netherlands). Another student he supervised received the award for the best M.S. thesis of the department of the academic year 2011/2012. At Maltepe University Dr. Bittermann lectured in both the M.S. and B.S. programs. He introduced into the architectural curriculum results from the above-mentioned TUBITAK project as well as the results of his recent research on color aesthetics. At ITU he has been lecturing in in both the M.S. and B.S. programs. His current B.S. lecture titles are Introduction to Computational Tools and Methods in Architectural Design; Logic and Theory of Design; and Statistics for Research and Design. His current M.S. lecture titles are Computational Cognition, and Qualitative & Quantitative Methods in Architectural Research. His current PhD lecture title is Advanced Topics in Computational Cognition. Throughout his career Bittermann held all of his lectures in the English language.
From 2016 until 2019 Dr. Bittermann was one of the associate editors of The Journal of Cognitive Systems[3] (Vol 1-No 1 until Vol 4-No 1) , published by Istanbul Technical University. He has been reviewer for a number of conferences, including the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. He has also been member of the organizing committee for the 31st international conference held by the association Education and Research in Computer-Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) in 2013[5].
The motto he follows in his research reads: Best practice is based on theory, and best theory is inspired by practice (adopted from Prof. Dr. Özer Ciftcigolu). The motto he follows in his teaching reads: What one fool can understand another one can (adopted from Prof. Dr. Richard Feynman)
His nationality by birth is German. He also has the Dutch nationality.
[1] Rank #1: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); rank #2: University College London (UCL); rank #3: Delft University of Technology (TU DELFT); source: Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2015
[2] See Section V of this document
[3] URL: dergipark.gov.tr/jcs/
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+90 552 438 4330 |
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Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture |
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209-D |
I. Publications with peer review process
International peer-reviewed articles published in journals
1. Bittermann, M. S.: Insight into color aesthetics from probabilistic perception modeling. Color Res Appl. (2018) 1-17. DOI: 10.1002/col.22216
2. Bittermann, M.S., Akinci, T.C., Caglar, R.: Precision evolutionary optimization part II: Implementation and applications. The Journal of Cognitive Systems 1, no. 1, (2016) 10-18
3. Seker, S.S., Bittermann, M.S., Caglar, R., Datta, R.: Probabilistic sorting for effective elitism in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. The Journal of Cognitive Systems, 2016, 1, (1) 19-28
4. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Note on the Information-Theoretic Aspect of Fuzzy Neural Tree. The Journal of Cognitive Systems 1, no.1, (2016) 37-40
5. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: From perceptual towards cognitive robotics in the framework of evolutionary computation. Int. J Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing 1 (2009) 165-180
6. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Visual perception model for architectural design. Journal of Design Research 7 (2008) 35-60
7. Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö. Visual perception in design and robotics. J. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 14 (2007) 73-91
8. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: Visual perception theory underlying perceptual navigation. Int. J. Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Comp. (2007) 171-185
9. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S. Sariyildiz, I.S.: Multiresolutional fusion of perceptions applied to robot navigation . J. of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII) 11, no. 6 (2007) 688-700
Peer-reviewed articles presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings
10. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Information-based evolutionary algorithm for interactive computational design, In: Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on Multiple Criteria Decision Making - MCDM Beyond the Information Age, Istanbul, Turkey, June 16-21, 2019 (extended abstract, in press)
11. Bittermann M.S., Yavuz, E. and Ciftcioglu, Ö.: A Fuzzy Neural Tree for the Evaluation of Shape in an Architectural Design, In: Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques in Big Data Analytics and Decision Making - Proceedings of the INFUS 2019 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 23-25, 2019 (in press)
12. Bittermann M.S., Ciftcioglu, O.: Situated color aesthetics by evolutionary computation. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation – CEC 2017; Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, 5-8 June (2017) 936-943 DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2017.7969409
13. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Visual perception with color for architectural aesthetics, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 July (2016) 3909 - 3916 DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7744285
14. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Computational cognitive color perception, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 July (2016) 2262 – 2271. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7744068
15. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Further note on the probabilistic constraint handling, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 July (2016) 3901 – 3908. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7744284
16. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Precision constrained optimization by exponential ranking, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 July (2016) 2296 – 2305. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7744072
17. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.:, A fuzzy neural tree based on likelihood, Proc. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (2015) 1-8. DOI: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2015.7337971
18. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.:, Architectural design by cognitive computing, Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2015, Sendai, Japan (2015) 2295 – 2302. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7257168
19. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Architectural design computing supported by multi-objective optimization, Proc. IEEE Congress Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2015, Sendai, Japan (2015) 2287 – 2294. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7257167
20. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Fuzzy neural tree in evolutionary computation for architectural design cognition, Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2015, Sendai, Japan (2015) 2319 – 2326. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7257171
21. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Generic cognitive computing for cognition, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2015, Sendai, Japan (2015) 574-581. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7256942
22. Chatzikonstantinou I., Sariyildiz, I.S., Bittermann, M.S.: Conceptual airport terminal design using evolutionary computation, Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2015, Sendai, Japan (2015) 2245 – 2252. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7257162
23. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Fusion of perceptions in architectural design. Proc. of the annual conf. By the Association for Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe - eCAADe 2013 - Computation and Performance , Delft, Netherlands (2013) 345-353
24. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Ambient surveillance by probabilistic-possibilistic perception. eCAADe 2013 Computation and Performance, Delft, Netherlands (2013)
25. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö., Mehul Bhatt, M., Schultz, C.: Ambient environment analysis by means of perception. 20th Int. Workshop Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2013 – EG-ICE 2013, Vienna, Austria (2013)
26. Datta, R., Bittermann, M.S., Deb, K., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Probabilistic constraint handling in the framework of joint evolutionary-classical optimization with robotics applications. In: Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation – CEC 2012 at World Congress on Computational Intelligence – WCCI 2012, Brisbane, Australia (2012) 1 - 8. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2012.6256603
27. Erbas, I., Bittermann, M.S., Stouffs, R.: Use of a knowledge model for integrated performance evaluation for housing (re) design towards environmental sustainability: A case study. In: Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Computer Aided Architectural Design - CAAD Futures, Liege, Belgium (2011) 281-296
28. Bittermann, M.S.: Sustainable conceptual building design using a cognitive system. In: Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Computer Aided Architectural Design - CAAD Futures, Liège, Belgium (2011) 297-314
29. Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: An adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with human-like reasoning for enhanced decision-making in building design. In: Proc. IEEE Symp. Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision-Making – MDCM 2011, Paris (2011) 105-112. DOI: 10.1109/SMDCM.2011.5949280
30. Bittermann, M.S.: A computational design system with cognitive features based on multi-objective evolutionary search with fuzzy information processing. In: Proc. Design Computing and Cognition 2010 – DCC’10, Stuttgart, July 12–14 (2011) 505-524. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0510-4_27
31. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö., Sariyildiz, I.S.: A cognitive system based on fuzzy information processing and multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation – CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway, 18-21 May (2009) 1271-1280. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2009.4983091
32. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S.: Solution diversity in multi-objective optimization: A study in virtual reality. In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation – CEC 2008 at World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI 2008, Hong Kong, June 1-6 (2008) 1019-1026. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2008.4630921
33. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S.: Multi-objective optimization for cognitive design. In: Proc. Joint 4th Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS), Nagoya, Japan, September 17-21 (2008) 1518-1524
34. Sariyildiz I.S., Bittermann M.S., Ciftcioglu Ö.: Multi-objective optimization in the construction industry. In: Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction - AEC 2008, Antalya, Turkey, June 23-25 (2008) 1-11
35. Sariyildiz, I.S., Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Performance-based Pareto optimal design. In: Proc. Int. Symp. Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2008, Izmir, Turkey, 21 to 25 April (2008) 1005-1020
36. Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Blur in human vision and increased visual realism in virtual environments. In: Proc. Third Int. Symp. ISVC 2007, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, November 26-28 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4841, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (2007) 137-148. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-76858-6_14
37. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S. Building performance analysis supported by GA. In: Proc. 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC 2007, Singapore, September 25-28 (2007) 859-866. DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2007.4424560
38. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: Further studies on visual perception for perceptual robotics. In: Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO2007, Angers, France, May 9-12 (2007) 468-744. DOI: 10.5220/0001642504680477
39. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: Sensor data fusion in autonomous robotics. In: Proc. The 2nd Int. Conf. Innov. Comp., Inf. and Contr. - ICICIC 2007, Kumamoto, Japan, September 5-7 (2007). DOI: 10.1109/ICICIC.2007.516
40. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: Fuzzy neural tree for knowledge driven design. In: Proc. The 2nd Int. Conf. Innov. Comp., Inf. and Contr. - ICICIC 2007, Kumamoto, Japan, Septermber 5-7 (2007). DOI: 10.1109/ICICIC.2007.324
41. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing. In: Proc. 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS'07, San Diego, USA, June 24-27 (2007) 489-495. DOI: 10.1109/NAFIPS.2007.383889
42. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S., Sariyildiz I.S.: Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory. In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - SMC 2006, Taipei, Taiwan, October 8-11 (2006) 5152-5159. DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2006.385126
43. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S., Sariyildiz I.S.: Fusion of perceptions for perceptual robotics. In: Proc. 25th Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS’06, Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 3-6 (2006) 511-518. DOI: 10.1109/NAFIPS.2006.365462
44. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S., Sariyildiz I.S.: Studies on visual perception for perceptual robotics. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO 2006, Setubal, Portugal, August 1-5 (2006) 468-477. DOI: 10.5220/0001221603520359
45. Bittermann M.S., Ciftcioglu Ö.: Real-time measurement of perceptual qualities in conceptual design. In: Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering -TMCE 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia April 18-22 (2006) 231-239
46. Bittermann M.S., Sariyildiz I.S., Ciftcioglu Ö.: Visual space perception model Identification by evolutionary search. In: Proc. 9th International Design Conference - Design 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 15-18 (2006) 185-192
47. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S., Sariyildiz I.S.: Application of a visual perception model in virtual reality (poster). In: Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH Symp. on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization - APGV’2006, Boston, USA, July 28-29 (2006) 143 (poster)
48. Bittermann M.S., Ciftcioglu Ö.: Validation of a visual perception model. In: Proc. Joint Int. Conf. on Construction Culture, Innovation, and Management - CCIM, Dubai, United Arabian Emirates, November 26-29 (2006) 289-299
49. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S., Sariyildiz I.S.: Autonomous robotics by perception. In: Proc. ISCIS & ISIS 2006, Joint 3rd Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th Int. Symp. on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Tokyo, Japan, September 20-24 (2006) 1963-1970
50. Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Systematic measurement of perceptual design qualities. In: Proc. ECCS 2005 Satellite Workshop: Embracing Complexity in Design at Europ. Conf. Complex Systems, Paris, France. November 15-22 (2005) 15-22
Written international books or book chapters
51. Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: A computational intelligence approach to alleviate complexity issues in design. In: Portugali, J. and Meyer, H. (eds.): Complexity Theories of Cities have come of Age - Part Two: Implications to Planning and Urban Design. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (2012) 347-368. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24544-2_19
52. Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: Virtual reality and computational design. In: Kim, J.-J. (ed.): Virtual Reality. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia (2010) 547-578. DOI: 10.5772/12938
53. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S.: Adaptive formation of Pareto front in evolutionary multi-objective optimization. In: Lazinica, A. (ed.): Evolutionary Computation. In-Tech, Vienna (2009) 417-444. DOI: 10.5772/9619
54. Ciftcioglu Ö., Bittermann M.S.: From perceptual towards cognitive robotics in the framework of evolutionary computation. In: Pennacchio, S. (ed.): Recent advances in Control Systems, Robotics and Automation – Third edition Volume 2. InternationalSAR, Palermo, Italy (2009) 160-175
55. Ciftcioglu, Ö., Bittermann, M.S., Sariyildiz, I.S.: Visual perception theory underlying perceptual navigation. In: Emerging Technologies, Robotics and Control Systems. International Society for Advanced Research, Palermo (2007) 139-153
56. Sariyildiz, I.S., Bittermann, M.S., Ciftcioglu, Ö.: Perception & Architecture. In: H. Bekkering, D. Hauptmann, A. d. Heijer, J. Klatte, U. Knaack, and S. v. Manen (Eds.): The Architecture Annual 2005-2006 Delft University of Technology. 010 Publishers, Rotterdam (2007) 104-109. books.google
II. Publications without peer review process
1. Bandaru, S., Bittermann, M.S., Deb, K.: Discovering design principles for soft multi-objective decision-making. Technical Report nr. 2011015, Kanpur Genetic Algorithm Laboratory, IITK Kanpur, India (2011) pp. 1-21, presented at 21st Int. Conf. on Multiple Criteria Decision Making - MCDM 2011, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 13-17 (2011)
2. Bittermann, M.S.: Artificial intelligence versus computational intelligence for treatment of complexity in design. In: Proc. Workshop Assessing the Impact of Complexity Science in Design at Design Computing and Cognition '10 – DCC’10, Stuttgart, July 12–14 (2011) 1-8
III. Co-authors
Dr. Bittermann has co-authored publications with academicians having backgrounds in different disciplines, reflecting the multidisciplinary character of his researches.
1. Professor Dr. Ö. Ciftcioglu (electrical engineer and nuclear engineer) Professor Emeritus of Computational Intelligence and Computational Cognition, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Senior Member of the IEEE
2. Assistant Prof. Dr. R. Datta (mechanical engineer), IIT Kanpur
3. Professor Dr. K. Deb (mechanical engineer), Koenig Endowed Chair Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, USA, Fellow of the IEEE
4. Associate Prof. Dr. R. Stouffs (architect), National University of Singapore, Singapore
5. Professor M. Bhatt (cognition researcher), University of Bremen, Germany and Örebro University, Sweden
6. Assistant Prof. Dr. S. Bandaru (mechanical engineer) University of Skövde, Sweden
7. Assistant Prof. Dr. C. Schultz (cognition researcher), Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany
In Ph.D. and M.S. Theses
1. Schagen R. Structural Design Exploration of High-rise Design Concepts Using Genetic Algorithms. MSc Thesis, Master in Building Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology (2018) (referring to his paper: Artificial Intelligence (AI) versus Computational Intelligence (CI) for treatment of complexity in design )
2. Schneider S. Sichtbarkeitsbasierte Raumerzeugung-Automatisierte Erzeugung räumlicher Konfigurationen in Architektur und Städtebau auf Basis sichtbarkeitsbasierter Raumrepräsentationen. (Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, 2016 (referring to his PhD thesis)
3. Bahrehmand, A. A Computational Model for Generating and Analysing Architectural Layouts in Virtual Environments (Doctoral dissertation, Department of Information and communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2016) Referring to two of his papers: 1. Visual space perception model identification by evolutionary search 2 Visual perception model for architectural design
4. Lin, T. 3D Visibility Analysis for Visual Quality Assessment: Approaches Based on Modelling Tools, VGE and WebGIS. (Doctoral dissertation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2016) (referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design; and referring to his PhD thesis)
5. E. Roe “Restauração Digital de Imagens Coloridas de Documentos Históricos” Ph.D. Thesis at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil, 2015 (referring to his paper Visual perception in design and robotics)
6. Siddiqui H. UWB RTLS for Construction Equipment Localization: Experimental Performance Analysis and Fusion with Video Data (M.S. Thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 2014) (Referring to his paper: Sensor data fusion in autonomous robotics)
7. Sayin, S. Proposal of a Model for Performance-based Building Design. (Doctoral dissertation, The Graduate School of natural and applied Science of Selcuk University, Turkey, 2014 (referring to his PhD thesis)
8. Zaratiegui-Fernandez JI. Intelligent Design Objects applied to the spatial allocation problem (M.S. thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, March 2014) (referring to his PhD Thesis)
9. Vierlinger, R. Multi Objective Design Interface (M.S. thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen, 2013) (referring to his PhD thesis)
10. Jaskiewicz T. Towards a methodology for complex adaptive interactive architecture (Doctoral dissertation, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, 2013 Feb 1) (Referring to his paper: A Computational Intelligence Approach to Alleviate Complexity Issues in Design)
11. Pauwels P. Reconsidering Information System Support for Architectural Design Thinking (Doctoral dissertation, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2012) (Referring to two of his papers: (1) Use of a knowledge model for integrated performance evaluation for housing (re) design towards environmental sustainability - A case study; (2) Sustainable conceptual building design using a cognitive system)
12. Loyens D. Digital design optimisation: new methods and tools for design and manufacturing of architectural objects (Doctoral dissertation, University of Minho, Spain, 2012) (Referring to his paper: A Computational Intelligence Approach to Alleviate Complexity Issues in Design)
13. Barron Adame JM, Modelling a monitoring system to air quality using sensor fusion techniques and neural networks (Doctoral dissertation, Technical University of Madrid, Spain, 2010) (referring to his paper: Sensor data fusion in autonomous robotics)
14. Volker L. Deciding about design quality: Value judgements and decision making in the selection of architects by public clients under European tendering regulations. Sidestone Press; PhD Thesis TU Delft, 2010. (Referring to his PhD Thesis)
15. Brooks DA. Control of reconfigurability and navigation of a wheel-legged robot based on active vision (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2008) (Referring to his paper: Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory)
In Journal Publications indexed in the ISI Web of Science
16. Fang W, Zhang L, Yang S, Sun J, Wu X. A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Coordinate Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2834363 (Referring to his paper: Architectural design computing supported by multi-objective optimization)
17. Manuel MC, Hsu KS, Lin SP, Lin PT. User Preference-Oriented Design of Heat Dissipating Elements for Densely Packaged Transistors With Consideration of Design Robustness. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 2017 Jun 1;9(2):021012 (Referring to his paper: Use of a knowledge model for integrated performance evaluation for housing (re) design towards environmental sustainability - A case study)
18. Lin PT, Manuel MC, Zhang J, Jaluria Y, Gea HC. Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Multiple Microchannel Heat Transfer Systems Based on Multiple Prioritized Preferences. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 2017 Jun 1;9(2):021011. (Referring to his paper: Use of a knowledge model for integrated performance evaluation for housing (re) design towards environmental sustainability: A case study)
19. Li J, Wang J, Chen M. Modeling and control of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy hyperbolic model for a class of nonlinear systems. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2017 Jan 1;33(6):3265-73 DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-161780 (referring to his paper: Probabilistic Constraint Handling in the Framework of Joint Evolutionary-Classical Optimization with Engineering Applications)
20. Slusarczyk, G. Graph-based representation of design properties in creating building floorplans. Computer-Aided Design. 2017. Elsevier, Available online 28 September 2017 (referring to his paper A computational design system with cognitive features based on multi-objective evolutionary search with fuzzy information processing)
21. Chatzikonstantinou I, Sariyildiz IS. Addressing design preferences via auto-associative connectionist models: Application in sustainable architectural Façade design. Automation in Construction. 2017 Nov 30;83:108-20. (referring to his paper Generic cognitive computing for cognition)
22. Konis K, Gamas A, Kensek K. Passive performance and building form: An optimization framework for early-stage design support. Solar Energy. 2016 Feb 29;125:161-79. (Referring to his paper: Adaptive formation of Pareto front in evolutionary multi-objective optimization)
23. Datta R, Pradhan S, Bhattacharya B. Analysis and design optimization of a robotic gripper using multiobjective genetic algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2016 Jan;46(1):16-26. (Referring to his paper: Probabilistic Constraint Handling in the Framework of Joint Evolutionary-Classical Optimization with Engineering Applications)
24. Duan R, Li J, Zhang Y, Yang Y, Chen G. Stability analysis and H∞ control of discrete T–S fuzzy hyperbolic systems. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 2016 Mar 1;26(1):133-45. (Referring to two of his papers: (1) Probabilistic Constraint Handling in the Framework of Joint Evolutionary-Classical Optimization with Engineering Applications (2) Probabilistic constraint handling in the framework of joint evolutionary-classical optimization with engineering applications)
25. Kheiri F. Pedestrian circulation simulation based on Ant Colony System in site analysis. Journal of Building Engineering. 2016 Sep 30;7:312-9. (Referring to his paper: Artificial Intelligence (AI) versus Computational Intelligence (CI) for treatment of complexity in design)
26. Hijazi IH, Koenig R, Schneider S, Li X, Bielik M, Schmit GN, Donath D. Geostatistical analysis for the study of relationships between the emotional responses of urban walkers to urban spaces. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR). 2016 Jan 1;5(1):1-9 (referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design)
27. Datta R, Jain A, Bhattacharya B. A piezoelectric model based multi-objective optimization of robot gripper design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2016 Mar 1;53(3):453-70. (Referring to his paper: Probabilistic Constraint Handling in the Framework of Joint Evolutionary-Classical Optimization with Engineering Applications)
28. Lin T, Lin H, Hu M. Three-dimensional visibility analysis and visual quality computation for urban open spaces aided by Google SketchUp and WebGIS. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 2015 Sep 21:0265813515605097 (referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design)
29. Chen M, Li J. Non-fragile guaranteed cost control for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy hyperbolic systems. International Journal of Systems Science. 2015 Jul 4;46(9):1614-27. (referring to his paper: Probabilistic constraint handling in the framework of joint evolutionary-classical optimization with engineering applications)
30. Kersulyte G, Navickas Z, Vainoras A, Gargasas L, Jarusevicius G. Analysis of cardiosignals cohesion based on Hankel matrix. Elektroniks and ir Elektrotechnika. 2015 Mar 30;88(8):55-8. (Referring to his paper: Systematic measurement of perceptual design qualities)
31. Mesquita RG, Mello CA, Almeida LH. A new thresholding algorithm for document images based on the perception of objects by distance. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2014 Jan 1;21(2):133-46. (Referring to his paper: Visual perception in design and robotics)
32. Natapov, A.; Czamanski, D.; Fisher-Gewirtzman, D. Visual search in urban environment simulated by random walks. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, June 2014 (referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design)
33. El Ansarya AM, Shalabyb MF, Evolutionary optimization technique for site layout planning. Sustainable Cities and Society 11 (2014) 48–55 (referring to his paper: Multi-objective optimization in the construction industry)
34. Traversari R, Goedhart R, Schraagen JM. Process simulation during the design process makes the difference: Process simulations applied to a traditional design. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal. 2013 Jan;6(2):58-76 (referring to his PhD thesis)
35. Busanelli S, Ferrari G. Improved ultra wideband-based tracking of twin-receiver automated guided vehicles. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 2012 Jan 1;19(1):3-22. (Referring to his paper: Visual perception in design and robotics)
36. Dino I. Creative design exploration by parametric generative systems in architecture. METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 2012 Jan 1;29(1):207-24 (referring to his PhD thesis)
37. Durmisevic S, Ciftcioglu Ö. Knowledge modeling tool for evidence-based design. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal. 2010 Apr;3(3):101-23 (referring to his paper: Adaptive formation of Pareto front in evolutionary multi-objective optimization)
In Other Scientific Journals
38. Kahraman MU, Sagsöz A, Alemdar ZY, Ozsariyildiz SS. The Perceptibility and readability of facades according to building types: A case study. Academic Research International Vol. 8 (1) March 2017. pp. 165-174. SAVAP International. (referring to his paper Computational cognitive color perception)
39. Lachwa A. An outline of a method of evaluating the design solutions. Machine Dynamics Research. 2016 Jun 8;39 (1) (Referring to his paper: A computational design system with cognitive features based on multi-objective evolutionary search with fuzzy information processing)
40. Aziz HY. Deep Pile Foundation Settlement Prediction Using Neurofuzzy Networks. Open Civil Engineering Journal. 2014 ;8:78-104 (referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
41. Birla N, Swarup A. Fixed structure constrained preview control design using enhanced PSO approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. 2014 Jan 1;4(2-3):120-43. (referring to his paper: Probabilistic constraint handling in the framework of joint evolutionary-classical optimization with engineering applications)
42. Alshawi IS, Allamy HK, Khan RZ. Development Multiple Neuro-Fuzzy System Using Back-propagation Algorithm. International Journal of Management & Information Technology. 2013, 6:794-804. (referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
43. Uma S, Chitra A, Suganthi J. Design of a non-linear time series prediction model for daily electricity demand forecasting. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. 2013 Jan 1;7(3):298-317 (referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
44. Ansari AQ, Gupta NK. Neuro–fuzzy integrated system with its different domain applications. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. 2012 Jan 1;11(3-4):160-78 (referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
45. El Ansary A, Shalaby M. Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization for Positioning of Residential Houses. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering. 2012 Jul 24;6(7):537-43. (referring to his paper: Multi-objective optimization in the construction industry)
46. Turrin M, von Buelow P, Stouffs R. Design explorations of performance driven geometry in architectural design using parametric modeling and genetic algorithms. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2011 Oct 31;25(4):656-75 (Referring to four of his papers: (1) Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory; (2) Multi-objective optimization in the construction industry; and (3) Fuzzy neural tree for knowledge driven design (4) A cognitive system based on fuzzy information processing and multi-objective evolutionary algorithm)
47. Khan RZ, Jabbar MH. Improvement of NeuroFuzzy Systems Using K-means Clustering. International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology (IJEERT), Volume.1, Issue.2, December 2013, pp. 27-32 (referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
48. Indraprastha A, Shinozaki M. Elaboration model for mapping architectural space. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2011 Nov 15;10(2):351-8 (referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design)
In Books or Book Chapters
49. Mahdi FP, Vasant P, Kallimani V, Abdullah-Al-Wadud M, Watada J. Quantum-Inspired Computational Intelligence for Economic Emission Dispatch Problem. In Handbook of Research on Soft Computing and Nature-Inspired Algorithms 2017 (pp. 445-468). IGI Global. (Referring to his paper: Artificial Intelligence (AI) versus Computational Intelligence (CI) for treatment of complexity in design)
50. Pleshkova, Snejana, and Alexander Bekiarski. Audio Visual Attention Models in the Mobile Robots Navigation. New Approaches in Intelligent Image Analysis. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 253-294. (referring to his paper Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory)
51. Pleshkova S, Bekiarski A, Dehkharghani SS, Peeva K. Perception of Audio Visual Information for Mobile Robot Motion Control Systems. In: Computer Vision in Control Systems-2 2015 (pp. 135-167). Springer International Publishing (Referring to his paper: Visual perception in design and robotics)
52. Grabska, E., Łachwa, A., & Ślusarczyk, G. (2016). Approximate reasoning and fuzzy evaluation in code compliance checking. In Man–Machine Interactions 4 (pp. 551-561). Springer International Publishing. (Referring to his paper: A computational design system with cognitive features based on multi-objective evolutionary search with fuzzy information processing)
53. Portugali J, Meyer H, Stolk E, Tan E, editors. Complexity theories of cities have come of age: an overview with implications to urban planning and design. Springer Science & Business Media; 2012 (Referring to four of his papers: (1) Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory; (2) A neural fuzzy system for soft computing; (3) Visual perception model for architectural design; and (4) A cognitive system based on fuzzy information processing and multi-objective evolutionary algorithm)
54. Schneider S, Fröhlich J, Bielik M, König R. Space Synthesizer-An experimental setup for investigating the relationships between urban form and emotional responses. In: Design Cognition and Behavior: Usability in the Built Environment. 2014 Sep 15:23. (Referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design)
55. Alaghmandan, Matin. Considering the form of tall buildings to achieve minimum structural weight regarding along wind effect. Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014 (Referring to his paper: Multi-objective optimization in the construction industry)
56. Bekiarski A. Visual Mobile Robots Perception for Motion Control. In: Advances in Reasoning-Based Image Processing Intelligent Systems 2012 (pp. 173-209). Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Referring to his paper: Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory)
57. Gret-Regamey A, Hayek UW. Multicriteria decision analysis for the planning and design of sustainable energy landscapes. In: Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Designing, Planning, and Development 2012 Oct 22 (pp. 111-132). CRC Press. (Referring to his PhD Thesis)
58. Segura C, Segredo E, León C. Analysing the robustness of multiobjectivisation approaches applied to large scale optimisation problems. InEVOLVE-A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation 2013 (pp. 365-391). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (referring to his paper: Solution diversity in multi-objective optimization: a study in virtual reality
In Conference Proceedings of International Symposia
59. Liu Y., Tian Z., Liu Y., Li J., Fu F., Bian J, (2018) Cognitive Modeling for Robotic Assembly/Maintenance Task in Space Exploration. In: Baldwin C. (eds) Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 586. Springer, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60642-2_13 (referring to his paper: Visual perception in design and robotics)
60. Aqli W. Parametric Isovist Analysis to Determine Visibility and Quality of Urban Surveillance in Public Open Space Case Study: Bundaran Hotel Indonesia Jakarta. In International Seminar and Workshop on Urban Planning and Community Development IWUPCD 2017 : 18th-22nd September 2017 (pp. 944-947) (referring to his paper: Visual Perception Model for Architectural Design)
61. Huang YW, Wang CH, Chen YH. Discovery Augmented Reality Mobile Gaming Scheme for Understanding Color Fundamentals. In European Conference on Games Based Learning 2017 Oct 1 (pp. 944-947). Academic Conferences International Limited (referring to his paper: Visual perception with color for architectural aesthetics)
62. Salleh MN, Talpur N, Hussain K. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System: Overview, Strengths, Limitations, and Solutions. In International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data 2017 Jul 27 (pp. 527-535). Springer, Cham (referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
63. Chatzikonstantinou I, Bengisu E, Interior spatial layout with soft objectives using evolutionary computation, In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Vancouver, BC, 2016, pp. 2306-2312. doi: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7744073 (referring to his PhD Thesis)
64. Cubukcuoglu C, Chatzikonstantinou I, Ekici B, Sariyildiz S, Tasgetiren MF. Multi-objective optimization through differential evolution for restaurant design. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 Jul 24 (pp. 2288-2295). IEEE. (referring to two of his papers: (1) Visual perception model for architectural design; (2) Conceptual airport terminal design using evolutionary computation)
65. Singh HK, Alam K, Ray T. Use of Infeasible Solutions During Constrained Evolutionary Search: A Short Survey. In: Australasian Conference on Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence 2016 Feb 2 (pp. 193-205). Springer International Publishing. (Referring to his paper: Probabilistic Constraint Handling in the Framework of Joint Evolutionary-Classical Optimization with Engineering Applications)
66. Mahdi FP, Vasant P, Kallimani V, Abdullah-Al-Wadud M. A review on economic emission dispatch problems using quantum computational intelligence. In Bhat AH, Yahya NB, Ramli AB, Soleimani H, Zakariah@ Zakaria SB, Faye I, Kait CF, editors. AIP Conference Proceedings 2016 Nov 28 (Vol. 1787, No. 1, p. 020002). AIP Publishing. (Referring to his paper: Artificial Intelligence (AI) versus Computational Intelligence (CI) for treatment of complexity in design)
67. Chatzikonstantinou I. A computational intelligence decision-support environment for architectural and building design: CIDEA. In: Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on 2016 Jul 24 (pp. 3887-3894). IEEE. (Referring to three of his papers: (1) Generic cognitive computing for cognition; (2): Architectural design by cognitive computing; and (3) Generic cognitive computing for cognition)
68. Harding, John. Evolving parametric models using genetic programming with artificial selection. In Proc. eCAADe 34, (2016): 423-432. (referring to his PhD Thesis)
69. Ashour Y, Kolarevic B. Optimizing creatively in multi-objective optimization. InProceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design 2015 Apr 12 (pp. 128-135). Society for Computer Simulation International (referring to his PhD Thesis)
70. R.H. Crawford and A. Stephan (eds.), Living and Learning: Research for a Better Built Environment. In: Proc. 49th Int. Conf. of the Architectural Science Association 2015, pp.788–796. The Architectural Science Association and The University of Melbourne (referring to his PhD thesis)
71. Sayın S, Celebi G. A Review on performance-based building design models. In: 2nd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS 2015), 28-30 May 2015, Turkey (referring to his PhD thesis)
72. Ugurlu C, Chatzikonstantinou I, Sariyildiz S, Tasgetiren MF. Identification of sustainable designs for floating settlements using computational design techniques. In: Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2015 IEEE Congress on 2015 May 25 (pp. 2303-2310). IEEE. (Referring to his paper: Multi-objective optimization in the construction industry)
73. Promyarut I, Choksuriwong A. A Review Perceptual Information Fusion. In: Digital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), 2014 Fourth International Conference on 2014 May 6 (pp. 17-22). IEEE (Referring to two of his papers: (1) Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory; and (2) Fusion of perceptions in architectural design)
74. Chatzikonstantinou I. A 3-Dimensional Architectural Layout Generation Procedure for Optimization Applications: DC-RVD. In Proc. 32nd eCAADe Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 10-12 September 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 287-296. Northumbria University. (referring to his PhD thesis)
75. Koltsova, A., Tuncer, B., Schmitt, G. Visibility Analysis for 3D Urban Environments. Proc. eCAADe 2013 – Computation & Performance, Sep 2013 (referring to two his paper: (1) Visual perception model for architectural design)
76. Zubairu TO, Sariyildiz IS, Ciftcioglu O. Assessment of building performance using computational intelligence: Focus on the disabled and elderly. In Proc. 32nd eCAADe Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 10-12 September 2014. pp.217-225. Northumbria University. (Referring to three of his papers: (1) Studies on visual perception for perceptual robotics; (2) A neural fuzzy system for soft computing; (3) Building performance analysis supported by GA)
77. Promyarut I, Choksuriwong A. A Review Perceptual Information Fusion. InDigital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), 2014 Fourth International Conference on 2014 May 6 (pp. 17-22). IEEE. (Referring to his paper: Studies on visual perception for perceptual robotics)
78. Birch D, Kelly PH, Field AJ, Simondetti A. Computationally unifying urban masterplanning. InProceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2013 May 14 (p. 32). ACM (referring to his PhD thesis)
79. Zi L, Du J, Liang M, Lee J. A perception-motivated image interpolation algorithm. In: Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2012 10th World Congress on 2012 Jul 6 (pp. 4754-4759). IEEE. (Referring to his paper: Towards computer-based perception by modeling visual perception: a probabilistic theory)
80. Sariyildiz, I. S. "Performative computational design." Keynote speech in: Proceedings of ICONARCH-I: International congress of architecture-I, Konya, Turkey, 15-17 November 2012. Selcuk University, 2012. (Referring to his paper: Performance-based Pareto optimal design)
81. Campbell MI. The Skewboid Method: A Simple and Effective Approach to Pareto Relaxation and Filtering. InASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2012 Aug 12 (pp. 765-775). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Referring to his paper: Solution diversity in multi-objective optimization: A study in virtual reality)
82. Vega-Corona A, Barrón-Adame JM, Herrera-Delgado JA, Quintanilla-Domínguez J, Cortina-Januchs MG, Andina D. Unsupervised method to classify PM 10 pollutant concentrations. InWorld Automation Congress (WAC), 2012 2012 Jun 24 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (referring to his paper: Sensor data fusion in autonomous robotics)
83. Ansari AQ, Gupta NK. Automated diagnosis of coronary heart disease using neuro-fuzzy integrated system. InInformation and Communication Technologies (WICT), 2011 World Congress on 2011 Dec 11 (pp. 1379-1384). IEEE (Referring to his paper: A neural fuzzy system for soft computing)
84. Erbas I, Stouffs R, Sariyildiz S. Knowledge Based Integration of Sustainability Issues in the (Re) Design Process. In: AAAI Spring Symposium: Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Design, 2011 Mar 20 (Referring to two of his papers: (1) A neural fuzzy system for soft computing; and (2) Fuzzy neural tree for knowledge driven design)
85. Singh A, Dagli CH. Using quality attributes and computational intelligence to generate and evaluate system architecture alternatives. InSystems Conference, 2010 4th Annual IEEE 2010 Apr 5 (pp. 347-352). IEEE. (Referring to his paper: A cognitive system based on fuzzy information processing and multi-objective evolutionary algorithm)
86. Durmisevic S, van der Voordt T, Wagenaar C. Performance based design and management of healthcare facilities. In: Proc. 3 TU Research Day on Innovation in Design and Management of Health Care Facilities and Healthy Environments", Rotterdam, May 26, 2009 (Referring to three of his papers: (1) Visual perception model for architectural design; (2) Visual perception theory underlying perceptual navigation; and (3) Fuzzy neural tree for knowledge driven design)
87. Lin PT, Zhang J, Jaluria Y, Gea HC. Design and Optimization of Multiple Microchannel Heat Transfer Systems Based on Multiple Prioritized Preferences. InASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2012 Aug 12 (pp. 789-798). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Referring to his paper: Use of a knowledge model for integrated performance evaluation for housing (re) design towards environmental sustainability: A case study)
88. Barron-Adame JM, Cortina-Januchs MG, Vega-Corona A, Andina D, Martinez-Echevarria JS. Data fusion and neural network combination method for air pollution level monitoring. InIndustrial Informatics, 2009. INDIN 2009. 7th IEEE International Conference on 2009 Jun 23 (pp. 522-527). IEEE. (Referring to his paper: Sensor data fusion in autonomous robotics)
89. Hu, M; Lin, T; Lin, H. Cognition Research Based On VGE: A Case Study of Environment and Human’s Perception. In: Proc. 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 2012 (Referring to his paper: Validation of a Visual Perception Model)
90. Indraprastha, A.; Shinozaki, M. Elaboration Model for Mapping Architectural Space. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 10(2) November 2011 DOI: 10.3130/jaabe.10.351 (Referring to his paper: Visual perception model for architectural design)
91. Ciftcioglu O. A Fuzzy Neural Tree for Possibilistic Reliability. InSCIS & ISIS SCIS & ISIS 2008 (pp. 2132-2137). Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics (Referring to his paper: Multiobjective Optimization for Cognitive Design)
In Technical Reports
92. Badruddin SA, Ali SM. Recent developments in the optimization of space robotics for perception in planetary exploration. arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.00496. 2015 May 3. (Referring to his paper: Studies on visual perception for perceptual robotics)
93. Coello CA, Zacatenco CS. List of references on constraint-handling techniques used with evolutionary algorithms. Power. 2010 Oct;80(10):1286-92 (referring to his paper: Probabilistic constraint handling in the framework of joint evolutionary-classical optimization with engineering applications)
In Patents
94. Amid D, Anaby-Tavor A, Boaz D, Shir O, inventors; International Business Machines Corporation, assignee. Multi objective design selection. United States patent US 9,299,032. 2016 Mar 29. (Referring to his paper: An adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with human-like reasoning for enhanced decision-making in building design)
95. Khainson A, Deretsky Z, Aatresh D, Vercruysse WA, Sarao RL, Hajela S, inventors; Aditazz, Inc., assignee. System and method for realizing a building system that involves computer based matching of form to function. United States patent US 9,721,046. 2017 Aug 1. (Referring to his paper: An adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with human-like reasoning for enhanced decision-making in building design)
V. research Projects
1. Interactive Computational Design (08/06/2018 until 08/04/2020); type: personal grant;
beneficiary: Dr. Michael S. Bittermann; role of Dr. Bittermann: coordinator and
researcher; program name: BAPSIS research project; project number
MGA-2018-41526; funding body Istanbul Technical University; budget: TL 10.364,00
TL ( EUR 1.800,- EUR).
2. Design by Cognition and
Comprehension (01/06/2014 until 01/06/2015); type:
personal grant; beneficiary: Prof. Dr. Ozer Ciftcioglu; role of Dr. Bittermann:
researcher; program name: TUBITAK 2221 First Term 2014; project number
1059B211400884; funding body The Scientific and
Technological Research Council in Turkey (TUBITAK); budget: TL 96.000,00
( EUR 17.450,00).
3. User Centered Energy Reduction - UCER (20/12/2012 until 31/12/2014); type: managed project grant; beneficiary: a consortium of three universities, one governmental organization, and two companies; role of Dr. Bittermann: researcher; program name: TKI EnerGo; project number: TKIGB01006; funding body: Dutch Ministery of Economic Affairs; budget: EUR 2.137.899,00.
4. Energy Neutral Neighborhood Engine - ENNE (1/10/2011 until 12/04/2012); type: pilot project; beneficiary: a consortium of one university and two companies; role of Dr. Bittermann: coordinator and researcher; program name: Computation & Performance Research Program; funding body: Delft University of Technology; budget: EUR 14.970,00 - provided in kind.
5. De Groene Compagnie – An Energy Potential Mapping Study (1/10/2008 until 1/6/2009); type: research project funded by a governmental institution; beneficiary: Prof. Dr. Andy van den Dobbelsteen, TU Delft; role of Dr. Bittermann: researcher; funding body: Provincial Government of Groningen; budget: EUR 19.960,00.
6. Rijswijk Zuid – Neuro-fuzzy Modeling for a Sustainable Housing Development (1/9/2010 until 1/2/2011); type: research project funded by a governmental institution; beneficiary: Ir. Kristel Aalbers; role of Dr. Bittermann: researcher; funding body: the Municipality of Rijswijk; budget: EUR 5.900,00.
1. Yavuz, E.:Understanding Shape Preferences in Architectural Design using Evolutionary Computation; graduation area: Architectural Design Computing; mentor: Bittermann, M.S., Istanbul Technical University, graduation date: 20-07-2020.
2. Smidt, D.M.: Freeform Follows Functions; graduation area: Architecture and The Built Environment; mentors: Borgart, A., De Ruiter, P., Sonneveld, P., Bittermann, M.S., Delft University of Technology, graduation date: 29-01-2014.
3. Foolady, M.: Focusing on Spatial Composition and Influence of Building Envelope on Daylight Aspects in an Art Center. Graduation area: Architecture; mentors: Plomp, H., Bittermann, M.S., Delft University of Technology; graduation date: 26-06-2011.
4. Momin, A.A.: An Inside to Outside Approach: Focussing on Parametric Pattern Generation for Spatial Organization, Satisfying Experiential Demands. Graduation area: Architecture; mentors: Plomp, H., Bittermann, M.S., Delft University of Technology; graduation date: 26-06-2013. Award: Cum Laude distinction (highest honors in The Netherlands)
5. Riazibeidokhti, A.: An Art Museum Hub for Den Haag. Graduation area: Architecture; mentors: Plomp, H., Bittermann, M.S., Delft University of Technology; graduation date: 26-06-2013.
6. Varaku, E.: Computational Architecture: Focusing on Perception and Functionality Aspects of Urban Intervention. Graduation area: Architecture; mentors: Plomp, H., Bittermann, M.S., Delft University of Technology; graduation date: 26-06-2013.
7. Zaratiegui, I.J.: Computational Architecture: Focusing on the Structural and Layout Complexity. Graduation area: Architecture; mentors: Plomp, H., Bittermann, M.S., Delft University of Technology; graduation date: 26-06-2013.
8. Chatzikonstantinou, I.: Evolutionary Computation and Parametric Pattern Generation for Airport Terminal Design. Graduation area: Architecture; mentor: Bittermann, M.S., Teuffel, P., Delft University of Technology; graduation date: 30-06-2011. Award: best M.S. thesis of the Department of Building Technology, Faculty of Architecture in the academic year 2010/2011
VII. COURSES during the last THREE ACADEMIC years
Academic |
Period |
Course title |
Weekly hours |
Number of students |
Theory |
Applica-tion |
2018/2019 |
Spring Semester |
MIM420E |
3 |
- |
26 |
2018/2019 |
Spring Semester |
MBL 617E |
2 |
1 |
5 |
2018/2019 |
Spring Semester |
MIM 120E |
2 |
2 |
65 |
2018/2019 |
Spring Semester |
MTS 505E |
2 |
1 |
32 |
2018/2019 |
Fall Semester |
MBL 617E |
2 |
1 |
3 |
2018/2019 |
Fall Semester |
MTS 505E |
2 |
1 |
26 |
2018/2019 |
Fall Semester |
TES 113E |
2 |
2 |
38 |
2018/2019 |
Fall Semester |
MBL549E |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2017/2018 |
Spring Semester |
MBL549E |
2 |
1 |
6 |
2017/2018 |
Spring Semester |
TES 122E |
2 |
2 |
39 |
2017/2018 |
Spring Semester |
SBP 205E |
2 |
1 |
45 |
2017/2018 |
Spring Semester |
SPL 506E |
2 |
1 |
24 |
2016/2017 |
Spring |
ARCH 234 |
2 |
- |
14 |
2016/2017 |
Spring |
ARCH 260 |
4 |
- |
55 |
2016/2017 |
Spring |
ARCH 310 |
2 |
8 |
18 |
2016/2017 |
Fall semester |
ARCH 309 |
2 |
8 |
18 |
* marked courses are graduate courses; ** marked courses are PhD level courses |
+ Coordinator of compulsory B.S. course Building Materials and Components, course code ARCH 260 at Maltepe University
+ Member of the scientific committees of several student congresses organized by the Faculty of Architecture and Design (Maltepe University International Student Congresses - MUSIC2014 and MUISC2016, MUISC 2017) held at Maltepe Unversity.
+ Acting research council advisor to the Research Director of the Architecture Faculty, at Delft University of Technology
+ Member of the Commission responsible for selecting PhD candidates for the Department of Architectural Engineering & Technology at Delft University of Technology.
+ Member of the commission advising to the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology on research and educational policy.
IX. PhD Thesis abstract
Design is complex. This is because it is an expression of cognition, which is a faculty of mind. The PhD research describes a novel computational approach for enhanced performance-based design. The purposes are gaining insight into design by establishing a computational counterpart of the actual cognition process, and thereby pioneering a methodology for design enhancement. Several properties of human cognition are reproduced in the computational representation. The first one is the ability to reconcile conflicting goals, some of which are vaguely defined; the second one is coping with uncertainty as to the importance of goals. This is accomplished using methods from the domain of computational intelligence, which is among the most active areas in the realm of artificial intelligence. The approach is implemented for two applications from the domain of Architecture, demonstrating its effectiveness. A significant ‘by-product’ of the gained insight into design cognition is a method allowing architects to increase certainty about the satisfaction of their design goals. The thesis addresses to students, researchers and executives in the field of Architecture and other areas of design. It may be also interesting for researchers in the domain of computational intelligence, as it provides a formalism of intelligent design, and it exemplifies the use of these modern technologies in the design domain.
Bittermann, M.S.: Intelligent Design Objects (IDO) - A cognitive approach for performance-based design, PhD Thesis, Dept. of Building Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands (2009); (retrieval of the document from the TU Delft repository).
[1] On 6th of March 2018 the academic regulations of Turkey were changed as follows; all Assistant Professorships (‘Yrd. Doc. Dr.’) at all Turkish universities were converted to positions titled ‘Doktor Ogr. Uyesi.’ The new title can be translated as ‘Academic Member,’ while ‘Assistant Professor’ is still commonly used in translations of the new title.
[2] Rank #1: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); rank #2: University College London (UCL); rank #3: Delft University of Technology (TU DELFT); source: Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2015
[3] See Section V of this document
[4] URL: dergipark.gov.tr/jcs/