Miyoglobin proteinin 3 boyutlu  yapısı





Araş. Gör. Berat Doğan


İlgi Alanları / Research Interests

· Biyomedikal işaret ve görüntü işleme / Biomedical signal and image processing

· Örüntü Tanıma / Pattern recognition

· Biyoinformatik / Bioinformatics

· Optimizasyon algoritmaları / Optimization algorithms



Google Scholar Atıfları

Scopus Atıfları

Adres / Address:     İTÜ Ayazağa Kampüsü Elektrik-Elektronik Fakültesi Oda No: 3009

E-posta / E-mail:  bdogan@itu.edu.tr

Telefon / Phone Num. :  +90 212 2853645




· I started my new job as an assistant professor at Inonu University, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Please click to visit my new website.


· My presentation entitled “Modified off-lattice AB Model for protein folding problem  using the Vortex Search algorithm” got the best presentation award in the ICMLC 2015, Florence, Italy.


· Our article entitled “A new metaheuristic for numerical function optimization: Vortex Search algorithm” is appeared in the article usage dashboard of the Elsevier.