Prof. Mustafa Bakkal


School of Mechanical Engineering

Istanbul Technical University


Citations   1243

h-index     20

i10-index  28

Inonu Cad. No:65 34437 Beyoglu-ISTANBUL



Tel : +90 212 293 1300/2775

Fax: +90 212 245 0795





NCSU, Raleigh, NC 

2021 Stanford most influential scientists in ITU

     4 PhD  students


CALTECH, Pasadena, CA

2016 Best PhD Award (as advisor), ITU

34 MSc   students


ITU, Turkey 

2016  Industry Collaboration Award


ITU, Turkey 

   2016 Best Paper Award



 2013 Elite Lecturer Award


 2003 HERE Scholarship, Univ Tennessee

Research Interests


Advanced Manufacturing Process and their modeling


Manufacturing and characterization of bulk metallic glasses (BMG)


Design, analysis, modeling and testing of composite & hybrid structures






Euro Patents

1-Comprehensive Durability Assessment of Injection Molded Composites & Hybrids with CAE Methods: 2016PF00474 - Bestellnummer: 3059315873-2016

2- Lightweight Composite/Hybrid fuel tank bracket and its adapter designs; 2017PF00541 (Patent pending)




PI                    : Horizon 2020  Integrated manufacturing of Recyclable hybrid metal-thermoplastic composites for the transport sector. (4.525.000 €)

RTD Provider: 7th Framework Programme2015 Development of new alternative cooling technique based on low cost cryogenic fluids. (1.435.500 €)

PI in 4 TUBITAK Projects Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

PI in 11 ITU Scientific Research Projects






Book Chapters



Bakkal, M., Karaguzel U, Kuzu AT, (2019) Manufacturing Techniques of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Modern Manufacturing Processes, 137-148, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Karagüzel, U., Olgun, U., Uysal, E., Budak, E., Bakkal, M. (2014). High Performance Turning of High Temperature Alloys on Multi-Tasking Machine Tools. In New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry (pp. 1-9). Springer International Publishing

Bakkal, M., Machinability of BMG, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 521 (2012) pp 225-253, (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland


Journal Papers


Sarıyarlıoğlu, E.C., Music, O., Bakkal, M. (2021),Analysis of Tube Spinning Minerals, Metals and Materials Series,  2077–2088 (SCI)



Kuzu, A.T., Karaguzel, U., Erbay, B., Bakkal, M. (2021) Effect of scanning strategies and laser parameters on metal-composite joining, Mat.and Manufacturing Processesthis link is disabled, 36(10), pp. 1199–1207 (SCI)



Sonmez HE, Bodur MS, Baysan AA, Bakkal M, Serhatli, E (2021)  Photostabilizers performance on the surface analysis of green composites, Polymers & Polymer Composıtes, 29 (1) 57-64(SCI)  



Kayihan M, Karaguzel U, Bakkal, M, (2021), Experimental analysis on drilling of Al/Ti/CFRP hybrid composites,Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 36-2, 215-222 (SCI)



Wu W.,Kuzu A.T., Stephenson D., Hong J., Bakkal M., Shih A., (2018)  Dry and minimum quantity lubrication high-throughput drilling of compacted graphite iron, Machining Science and Technology, 1-19 (SCI)



Cakir E., Ozlu E., Bakkal M., Budak E., (2018) Investigation of temperature distribution in orthogonal cutting through dual-zone contact model on the rake face, The Int. J of Advanced Manufacturing Tech., 1-9 (SCI exp)



Bodur M.S., Bakkal M., Sonmez H.E. (2017) A study on the photo stabilizer additives on the textile fiber reinforced polymer composites: Mechanical, thermal, and physical analysis, Polymer Engineering and Science, DOI:10.1002/pen.24670 (SCI)



Bodur M.S. Englund K., Bakkal M., (2017) Water absorption behavior and kinetics of glass fiber / waste cotton fabric hybrid composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134 (47) (SCI)



Kuzu, A.T., Berenji, K.R., Ekim, B.C., Bakkal, M., (2017) The thermal modeling of deep-hole drilling process under MQL condition, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 29, 194-203  (SCI)



Yildiz, F., Parlar, A.G., Parlar, Z., Bakkal, M., (2017) Properties of Sound Panels Made from Recycled Footwear Treads, Acta Physica Polonica, A. 132 (3) (SCI exp)



Bodur, M.S., Bakkal, M., Englund, K., (2016) Experimental study on the glass fiber/waste cotton fabric reinforced hybrid composites: Mechanical and rheological investigations. Journal of Composite Materials ( 0021998316685897) (SCI)



Bodur M. S., Sonmez, H.E. Bakkal M., (2017) An investigation for the effect of recycled matrix on the properties of textile waste cotton fiber reinforced (T-FRP) composites, Polymer Composite (10.1002/pc.23687)  (SCI)



Bakkal M, Bodur MS, Sonmez HE, Ekim BC (2016), The effects of chemical treatment methods on the outdoor performance of textile fiber reinforced polymer composites, Journal of Composite Materials, DOI: 10.1177/0021998316666335 (SCI)



Karaguzel U., Bakkal  M., Budak E., (2017) Mechanical and Thermal Modeling of Orthogonal Turn-milling Operation, Procedia CIRP, 58, Pages 287-292 (diğer)



Bodur, M.S., Bakkal, M., Englund, K., (2017) Glass Fiber/Waste Cotton Fabric Reinforced Hybrid Composites: Mechanical Investigations. Solid State Phenomena 263, 179-183 (diğer)



Bodur MS, Bakkal M, Sonmez HE (2016) The effects of different chemical treatment methods on the mechanical and thermal properties of textile fiber reinforced polymer composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 50 (27), 3817-3830 (SCI)



Kuzu A, Bakkal M, (2016) The effect of cutting parameters and tool geometry on machinability of cotton-fiber reinforced polymer composites: Cutting forces, burr formation, and chip morphology. Journal of Industrial Textiles,45, 6, 1364-1382 (SCI)



Karaguzel U, Uysal E, Budak E,  Bakkal M, (2016) Effects of tool axis offset in turn-milling process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231, 239-247  (SCI)



AT Kuzu, KR Berenji, M Bakkal, (2015) Thermal and force modeling of CGI drilling The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-14 (SCI exp)



 M Putz M., Ihlenfeldt, S., Karaguzel, U., Semmler, U., Budak, E., Bakkal, M., Wertheim, R., (2016)Improving Performance of Turn-milling by Controlling Forces and Thermally Induced Tool-center Point (TCP) Displacement, Procedia CIRP 40, 481-485 (diğer)



 Kuzu, A.T., Wu, W., Stephenson, D.A., Bakkal, M., Hong, J., Shih, A.J.,  (2016) High-throughput Dry and Minimum Quantity Lubrication Drilling of Compacted Graphite Iron, Procedia CIRP 46, 87-9 (diğer)



Karaguzel, U., Bakkal, M., Budak, E., (2016), Modeling and Measurement of Cutting Temperatures in Milling, Procedia CIRP 46, 173-176 (diğer)



 Bakkal M, Serbest E, Karipçin I, Kuzu AT,  Karagüzel U, Derin B, (2105)An experimental study on grinding of Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Advances in Manufacturing 3 (4), 282-291(diğer)



Kuzu, A.T., Bijanzad  A., Bakkal, M(2015) Experimental Investigations of Machinability in the Turning of Compacted Graphite Iron Using Minimum-Quantity Lubrication, Machining Science and Technology (Volume: 19   Issue: 4   Pages: 559-576   Published: OCT 2 2015) (SCI)



Karagüzel, U., Uysal, E., Budak, E., Bakkal, M(2015), Analytical Modeling of Turn-milling Process Geometry, Kinematics and Mechanics. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 91, 24-33 (SCI)



 Karaguzel, U., Olgun, U., Uysal, E., Budak, E., Bakkal, M. (2015), Increasing tool life in machining of difficult-to-cut materials using nonconventional turning processes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 77, 9-12, 1993-2004 (SCI)



Bodur M. S., Bakkal M., Savas M., Berkalp O. B.,  Y  A new approach for the development of textile waste cotton reinforced composites (T-FRP): laminated hybridization vs. coupling agents, J PolymEng.  2014, DOI: 10.1515/polyeng-2013-0281  (SCI)



Kuzu A. T., Rahimzadeh K., Bogasyan S., Gökasan M., Bakkal M., “Autonomous hole quality determination using image processing techniques”, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2014, Istanbul, Turkey (SCI exp)



Uysal, E., Karaguzel, U., Budak, E., Bakkal, M. (2014), Investigating eccentricity effects in turn-milling operations. Procedia CIRP, 14, 176-181. (SCI exp)



Yalcin, I., Gok Sadikoglu, T., Berkalp O. B. , Bakkal  M., Utilization Of Various Nonwoven Waste Forms As The Reinforcement In Polymeric Composites, Textile Research Journal 2013, DOI: 10.1177/0040517512474366, 1-12  (SCI)



Effect of Recycled LDPE Matrix on the Properties of Waste Cotton Fiber Reinforced (WCF-R) Composites,  MS Bodur, HE Sonmez, ÖB Berkalp, M Bakkal,  Usak University, Journal of Material Sciences 2013, 3 (1), 135 (diğer)



Bakkal M., Bodur M. S., Berkalp O. B.,  Yılmaz S.,  The Effect Of Reprocessıng On The Mechanıcal Propertıes Of The Waste Fabrıc Reınforced Composıtes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212-11, 2012, 2541-2548  (SCI)



 Gerikalmaz S, Yilmaz S, Bakkal M, Berkalp OB (2012) Finite Element Modeling Of Random Waste Cotton Fiber Reinforced Polyethylene Composites, TEKSTIL VE KONFEKSIYON   22-4, 293-300 (SCI exp)



U Karaguzel, M Bakkal, E Budak Process modeling of turn-milling using analytical approach, 2012, Procedia CIRP 4, 131-139 (SCI exp)



Kuzu, A. T., Bakkal M., Effects of Tool Geometry on Machinability of Textile Fabric Reinforced Termoplastic Matrix Composites, Advanced Materials Research,445, 2012, 841-846 (SCI exp)



Bakkal M., Savaş M., Development of Natural Fiber reinforced Laminated Hybrid Composites, Advanced Materials Research, 628 , 2012, 15-20 (SCI exp))



Bakkal M., Sliding tribological characteristics of Zr-based bulk metallic glass under lubricated conditions, Intermetallics, 18/ 6,2010, 1251-1253 (SCI)-Kısa Makale



Bakkal M., Nakşiler V, Derin B. Machinability of bulk metallic glass materials on milling and drilling, Advanced Materials Research, 83-86 , 2010, 335-341 (SCI exp)



 Bodur, M. S., Bakkal, M., Berkalp, O. B., Sadikoglu, TG  The Effect Of Reprocessıng On The Tensıle Propertıes Of Composıtes, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1315, 2010, 215-220 (SCI exp)



Serbest, E., Bakkal, M., Karipcin, I., Derin, B., The Effect of Cutting Speed in Metallic Glass Grinding AIP Conference Proceedings, 1315, 2010, 967-972 (SCI exp))



Yalçın İ., Gok Sadıkoğlu T., Berkalp O. B. , Bakkal  M., Design and Performance Analysis of Waste Nonwoven Reinforced  Composites, 5th ITC & DC Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 3-6, 2010. (SCI exp)



M. Bakkal, Electron microscopy of bulk metallic glass machining chips Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 355, 2009, 2220–2223 (SCI)



N. Aral , O.B. Berkalp, Bakkal , T.G. Sadıkoğlu, Atık Kumaş Takviyeli Polimer Matrisli KompozitlerinDarbe Ve Çekme Davranışlarının İncelenmesi, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 2 (2009) 139-144 (SCI exp)



M. Bakkal, V. Nakşiler, Cutting Mechanics of Bulk Metallic Glass Materials on Meso-End Milling (Materials and Manufacturing Processes Vol 24 (2009)  1249–1255  (SCI exp)



Z. Parlar, M. Bakkal, A.J. Shih, “Sliding tribological characteristics of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass”, Intermetallics, 16-1, 2008, 34-42 (SCI)



R.K. Guduru, K.A. Darling , R.O. Scattergood , C.C. Koch , K.L. Murty , M. Bakkal , A.J. Shih, “Shear punch tests for a bulk metallic glass” Intermetallics, 14-12, 2006, 1411-1416 (SCI)



M. Bakkal, S.B. McSpadden, C.T. Liu, A.J. Shih, R.O. Scattergood; Light Emission, Chip Morphology, and Burr Formation in Drilling the Bulk Metallic Glass; International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45, [ 7-8 ], 2005, 741-752 (SCI)



M. Bakkal, A.J. Shih, S.B. McSpadden, C.T. Liu, R.O. Scattergood, Thrust Force, Torque, and Tool Wear in Drilling the Bulk Metallic Glass, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45,[7-8], 2005, 863-872 (SCI)



M. Bakkal , A.J. Shih, R.O. Scattergood, Chip Formation, Cutting Forces, and Tool Wear in Turning of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 44, 2004, 915-925 (SCI)



 M. Bakkal, A.J. Shih, R.O. Scattergood, C.T. Liu, Machining of a Zr-Ti-Al-Cu-Ni metallic glass, ScriptaMaterialia, 50, 2004, 583-588 (SCI)



M. Bakkal, C.T. Liu, T.R. Watkins, R.O. Scattergood , A.J. Shih, Oxidation and crystallization of Zr-based bulk metallic glass due to machining, Intermetallics, 12, 2004, 195-204 (SCI)