- Advanced Topics in International Relations (STD 604E)

- Theories of International Relations (STD 603E)

- Science and Technology Policies (BTT 509E)

- Global Politics of New Technologies (BTT 505E)

- Theories of International Relations POLS 321 (Bogazici University)

- Current Issues in World Politics POLS 440 (Bogazici University)

- Issues in World Politics (ITB 206E)

- Modernitenin Oluşumu (ITB020)
- International Relations and Globalization (ITB 094E)
- Globalization and International Relations (SYC 502E)

- Introduction to World Affairs (PAZ 215)

- Perspectives on History, Society, and Human Development (GED 101)

- Ways of Knowing, (University of Minnesota, PhD)

- Global Politics, (University of Minnesota)

- International Conflict and Security, (University of Minnesota, MA,BA)

- Human Rights and Film

- Gregynog Ideas Lab V-International Politics Summer School (July 2016)