Select Publications and presentations

1. An Annotated Plato Reader, (editor/translator) Global Scholarly Publications, NY, 2011.
2. Plotinus and the Platonic Metaphysical Hierarchy, Global Scholarly Publications, NY, 2004.
3. Platon’un Devlet’i Üzerine Makaleler, Sentez Kitap, 2019.

1. “Anaxagoras and Plato: From Natural Science to Socratic Humanism,” Vestnik Drevnei Istorii 82.3 (2022): 566-579.
2. “Platon’a Göre Özgürlük ve Adalet,” Düşünce Tarihinde Özgürlük, eds. Öztürk ve Çevik, Doğü-Batı Yayınevı, (2022): 52-74.
3. “The Cities of Plato and Socrates” Kent ve Kent Hakkı, ed. Kardeş, Istanbul University Press (2021): 9-18.
4. “Alexander’s Metaphysics Commentary and Some Scholastic Understandings of Automata” Schole 14.1 (2020): 7-25.
5. “Caucig’s Phaedrus,” Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14.4 (2019): 7-21.
6. “Yapı, Karakter, Sembolizm, Çevre: Prosopografi ve Peloponez Savaşı’nın Politiği,” Platon’un Devlet’i Üzerİne Makaleler, ed. Geoff Bove, Sentez Kitap (2019): 15-28.
7. “Hangi Adalet? Kimin Rasyonalitesi? Şehir-Ruh Benzetmesinde Ruh-İçi ve Ruhlar-Arası Adalet” Platon’un Devlet’i Üzerİne Makaleler, ed. Geoff Bove, Sentez Kitap (2019): 29-46.
8. “Kuklalar, Güneş Işığı ve Öteki Dünya: Asil yalan ve Orfik Mitler,” Platon’un Devlet’i Üzerİne Makaleler, ed. Geoff Bove, Sentez Kitap (2019): 47-58.
9. “Platoncu Mutluluk (Eudaimonizm): Ruhun Sağlığı Olarak Adalet,” Platon’un Devlet’i Üzerİne Makaleler, ed. Geoff Bove, Sentez Kitap (2019): 59-69.
10. “Giriş,” Platon’un Devlet’i Üzerİne Makaleler, ed. Geoff Bove, Sentez Kitap (2019): 11-14.
11. "War Teleology and Kinetic Mımesıs," Savaş Ve Toplum, eds. Kardeş and Güven, Hiperyayın (2019): 99-110.
12. “Anaxagoras and the Ephesian Artemis: Symbol and structure in Plato's Republic,” Urlali Bir Filozof: Anaksagoras, ed. Kucuradi. UNESCO Turkiye Felsefe Kurumu (2018): 49-62.
13. “Paradox and Protreptic in Plato’s Meno”, Kaygi 29 (2017): 33-45.
14. "Thaumata in Aristotle's Metaphysics A," Acta Classica 60 (2017): 50-72.
15. "Descartes and Epictetus," in Epiktetos, ed Erdem, UNESCO Turkiye Felsefe Kurumu (2014): 129-138.
16. "Socrates ve Yedi Bilge: Delfi Kahini, Protreptik ve Sokratik Problem," Felsefe Tartismalari 47 (2011): 36-91.
17. “The Case Against Teaching Virtue for Pay,” The Sophists, ed. O’Grady (Duckworth, 2008): 226-40.
18. “Euthydemus and Dionysodorus,” The Sophists, ed. O’Grady (Duckworth, 2008): 12-19.
19. “In Defense of Clitophon,” Classical Philology 102.3 (2007): 245-64.
20. “At the Mercy of the Translator,” Rethinking the Classical, ed. Erdem, (Bilim Ve Sanat Vakfi, 2007): 215-225.
21. “Heraclitus,” in Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, ed. O’Grady, (Ashgate, 2005): 63-7 .
22. “Carneades,” in Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, ed P. O’Grady. (Ashgate, 2005): 185-189.
23. “Ancient Corinth,” in Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, ed. O’Grady (Ashgate, 2005): 261-265.
24. "Glaucon's Response," New Millennium Perspectives in the Humanities, ed. Upton-Ward, New York, Global Scholarly Publications (2003): 21-35.
25. “ΦΥΣΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΧΙΑ” in Φιλοσοφια Και Οικολογια, ed. K. Boudouris, Athens, Ionia Press (2001): 17-31 (in Greek).
26. "A Platonic Approach to Environmental Education," in Philosophy and Ecology Volume, I. ed. K. Boudouris and K. Kalimtzis, 43-50. Athens: Ionia Press, 2000.
27. "Nature and Value, Science and Technology" in Philosophy and Ecology Volume II, eds. K. Boudouris and K. Kalimtzis, Athens: Ionia Press (2000): 85-96.
28. "Nature and Value: Some Contemporary and Historical Reflections on Science and Technology," in Biopolitics VII. eds. A. Arvenitis, L. Kapolyi, Athens, BIO Press (2000): 212-222.
29. "False Unity and the Fall of the Soul in the Philosophy of Plotinus." Journal of Neoplatonic Studies 8 (1999): 23-47.
30. "Why Plato is Not a Philosophical Elitist," in Platonic Political Philosophy Volume I, ed. K. Boudouris, Athens, Ionia Press (1997): 52-63.
31. "Plotinus and Unity: Three Variations on a Theme," Journal of Neoplatonic Studies 4 (1994): 19-32.

1. “Plato’s Pragmatism, by N. Baima and T. Paytas,” Classical Review 72.2 (2022): 461-463.
2. “A Wolf in the City, by Cynzia Arruzza.” Journal of Hellenic Studies, 140 (2021): 295-296.
3. “Practices of Libation, by Milette Gaiffman.” Classical Review, 71.1 (2020): 186-8.
4. “Laks, Andrê, trans. Glenn W. Most. The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy. Its Origin, Development, and Significance.” Schole, 14.2 (2020): 841-843.
5. “Against Nature by Lorraine Daston.” Journal Of The Royal Anthropological Institute, 26.1 (2020), 230-231.
6. “Xenophon and the Graces of Power, by Vincent Azoulay,” Polis 37.1 (2019): 190-193.
7. “Plato’s Moral Psychology - Intellectualism, the Divided Soul, and the Desire for Good by R. Kamtekar,” Ancient Philosophy 39.2 (2019): 477-481.*
8. “Soul, World and Idea: An Interpretation of Plato's Republic and Phaedo, by Daniel Sherman," Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 57.4 (2018): 920-21.
9. “Conversation and Self-Sufficiency in Plato by A.G. Long,” Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 53.4 (2014): 760-62.
10. “Plato: Political Philosophy, by Malcolm Schofield,” in Philosophy in Review/Comptes rendus philosophiques, 29.5 (2009): 76-78.
11. “Spinoza’s Ethics by Steven Nadler,” in Philosophy in Review/Comptes rendus philosophiques 27.4 (2007): 279- 282.
12. “Archytas of Tarentum by Carl Huffman,” in Philosophy in Review/Comptes rendus philosophiques, 26.6 (2006): 423-25.
13. “The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy edited by E. Craig,” in Philosophy in Review/Comptes rendus philosophiques 26.5 (2006): 334-336.
14. G.S. Bowe & J.D. Cowley, "Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosphy Vol XXVI, ed. David Sedley," in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, March 2006.
15. “Cosmos and Logos: Studies in Greek Philosophy, by Nicholas Rescher,” in Philosophy in Review/Comptes rendus philosophiques 25.6 (2005): 437-439.
16. “Plato's Cleitophon: On Socrates and the Modern Mind, by Mark Kremer,” The Classical Review, 55.2 (2005): 435-436.
17. “Reading Plato’s Theaetetus. By Timothy Chappell,” Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Oct, 2005.
18. “Return to the One: Plotinus' Guide to God-Realization, by Brian Hines,” Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Apr, 2005.
19. “Salt and Olives. Morality and Custom in Ancient Greece, by John Dillon,” Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Dec, 2004.
20. “The Odyssey: Homer, Edward McCrorie ,translator, with introduction by Richard P. Martin,” Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Sept, 2004.
21. “Plato’s Euthyphro & Clitophon, by J.A. Bailly,” Bryn Mawr Classical Review, May, 2004.

1. “Myth in Plato’s Republic,” Ancient Philosophy Istanbul Series on Plato’s Republic, Online, February 2022.
2. “Soul in Plato’s Republic,” Ancient Philosophy Istanbul Series on Plato’s Republic, Online, January 2021.
3. “Plato’s Cave,” Ancient Philosophy Istanbul Series on Plato’s Republic, Online, December 2021.
4. “The Oracles at Delphi and Didyma,” International Society for Neoplatonic Studies Annual Conference, Athens, June 2021.
5. “Unity,” Iyilik, Guzellik/Goodness and Beauty Seminar Series, Istanbul, December 2020.
6. “Anaxagoras and Plato ; From natural Science to Ethical Humanism,” Philosophy in Assos 20 th Annual Conference, Behramkale, Turkey, Sept, 2020.
7. “Aristotelian Mechanical Metaphors in the History of Science and Technology, University of Wroclaw, June,” 2020.
8. “Socratic Spaces,” Bilgi University Architecture Faculty, April, 2020.
9. “Structure, Character, Symbolism, Setting: Prosopography and the Politics Of The Peloponnesian War,”
10. Galatasaray University Philosophy Department, October 2, 2019.
11. “Which Justice? Whose Rationality? Inter-psychic and Intra-psychic Justice in the City-Soul Analogy,” Galatasaray University Philosophy Department, October 9, 2019.
12. “Platonic Eudaimonism: Justice As The Health Of The Soul” Galatasaray University Philosophy Department, October 23, 2019.
13. “Puppets, Sunshine and the Afterlife: Noble Lies And Orphic Myths” Galatasaray University Philosophy Department, October 30, 2019.
14. “The Cities of Plato and Socrates” The City’s Language: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi (Congist-2019), Sept, 2019.
15. "The Socratic Problem," Uludag University Philosophy Department Seminar, May, 2019.
16. "Clitophon Revisited," Galatasary University Ancient Philosophy Seminar, January, 2019.
17. "Caucig's Phaedrus," Sehir University Philosophy Department Talk, November, 2018.
18. “War, Teleology And Kinetic Mimesis in Aristotle’s Philosophy,” Istanbul University Faculty Of Letters Social Sciences Congress (CONGIST '18), September, 2018.
18. “Aristoteles Latinus: How Scholastic Philosophy could have benefited from Alexander’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics,” Bogazici University Department Talk, June 2018.
19. "Ethics and the Two Automata," A Different Ethics is Possible Conference, University of Wroclaw, Poland, May, 2017.
20. "Anaxagoras and the Ephesian Artemis," Turkiye Felsefe Kurumu Conference, Urla, Turkey, November 2015.
21. “Platon'un siyasi dusuncesi,” US Atolyesi, Istanbul, Turkey, January 2015. (TR)
22. “Thaumata or Coincidence in Aristotle,” University of Victoria Philosophy Department Speakers Series, Victoria, B.C., Canada, November 2014.23. “
23. Efes'li Herakleitos,” Doga Kolej Seminer, Izmir, Mayis, 2014. (in Turkish)
24. “Efes’in Antik Tarihi ve Felsefesi,” d’Mun Junior Konferansi, Izmir, Nisan, 2014. (in Turkish)
25. "The Rational and Political Animal: Aristotle on Biology and Ethics," Molecular Biology Biotechnology and Genetics Research Center Seminar, ITU, March 2013.
26. "Science and Technology in Ancient Greece and the 17th Century," Philosophy Graduate Seminar, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, December 2012.
27. "Descartes, Epictetus and Stoicism" UNESCO Hierapolis/Pamukkale Epictetus Conference, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, November 2012.
28. "Aristotle on Organic Imitation," 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC, Oct 2012.
29. “Plotinus in the Service of the Mind Body Problem, and Mechanical Mind Body Models in the 20th Century,” 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC, October 2011.
30. “Ethics in the Public and Private Sphere in Ancient Greece” Eurospheres Ph.D. Course Guest Lecturer, Sabanci University, July 2011.
31. “Aristotle on the Origins of Philosophy and Plato's Cave,” Koç University Philosophy Department Talk, February, 2011.
32. "Plato's Thaumata and Other Wonders," Arts Lecture Series, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, December 2010.
33. "Socrates and the Seven Sages," 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC, October 2010.
34. "Socrates Outside of Plato," Myths of the Mediterranean Conference, Bilim ve Sanat Vakfi, Istanbul, May 2010.
35. "Psychology in Plato's Republic," Istanbul Technical University, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Talk, February 2010.
36. “Aristotle on Nature: Ancient Technology and Organic Imitation,” Bogazici University Philosophy Department Talk , Istanbul. December 2009.
37. “Plato as Literary Author,” Bogazici University Philosophy Department Talk , Istanbul. December 2009.
38. “The City Soul Analogy in Plato's Republic,” 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC, October 2009.
39. “Alfarabi and Avicenna on Plato's Republic,” 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC, October 2009.
40. “Plato as Literary Author,” TRU Philosophy Proemial Lecture, October 2009.
41. “The Clitophon and the Medici Codices,” Philosophy Department Talk, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, March 2009.
42. “Protreptic Discourse in Plato,” Philosophy Department Talk, California State University at San Bernardino, Los Angeles, March 2009.
43. “Plato’s Clitophon and the Medici Codices,” Philosophy Department Talk, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NFLD, March, 2009.
44. “Our Obligation to tell the Truth,” Philosopher’s Café, Kamloops, BC, October 2007.
45. "Philosophy in the Aegean," 11th Annual Meeting of the Symposium in Mediterranean Archaeology," Istanbul Technical University, April 2007.
46. “Meno and Protreptic Discourse,” Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, March, 2007.
47. "Soiled Medici Manuscripts, Sullied Reputations: The Republic and Socratic aporia," Bogazici University Philosophy Department Talk , Istanbul. October 2006.
48. “On the Anger of Archytas,” Philosophy Department Talk, Bilkent University, June 2006.
49. “Ancient Greek Technology and Ivan Illich’s Tools for Conviviality” GE 300 Course on Science, Technology and Society, Bilkent University, Dec, 2005.
50. “Ancient Philosophy – Philosophy as Unified Discipline,” Bilkent University Philosophy Department Colloquium, Dec, 2005.
51. “Clitophon 410c” 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, New York, Oct, 2005.
52. “Philosophy and Protreptic Discourse: Plato’s Meno”, Philosophy Department Talk, Bilkent University, Mar 2005.
53. "Ancient Quarrels between Politics and Philosophy" Mediterranean Cultures Symposium, University of Catania, Italy. (Invited) Nov, 2004.
54. "At the Mercy of the Translator," Bilim ve Sanat Vakfi Conference on Rethinking the Classical Istanbul, Oct 2004.
55. "Plotinus on the notion that the end of the journey is beyond being: a Pythyagorean/Neoplatonic reading of Plato's Republic," International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, University of Liverpool, Jun, 2004.
56. "Clitophon and Republic I," Philosophy Department Talk, Bilkent University, Mar, 2004.57. “Plotinus’ Use of epekeina tes ousias,” 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, NYC, Oct –Nov, 2003.
58. “More on Structural Prolepsis,” Philosophy Department Seminar, Bilkent University, Oct, 2003.
59. “Towards a Theory of Structural Prolepsis in Republic I,” World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Aug, 2003 (Panel organized by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy).
60. "Some Elements of Plato's Political Philosophy," Bilkent University School of English Language Guest Lecture, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May, 2003.
61. “A Reassessment of Justice in Plato's Republic,” International Conference on Conflict Resolution Cathedral of St. John in NYC, Mar, 2003.
62. "The Platonic Metaphysical Hierarchy," CCI Colloquium Series, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, Oct, 2002.
63. "Anamnesis in Lee Young Li's Persimmons," CCI Colloquium Series, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, Dec, 2001.
64. "On Perspective and Structure in Plato and Parmenides," International Symposium on Ancient Greek Philosophy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Oct, 2001.
65. "Structure and Perspective in Plato and Parmenides" Philosophy Department Seminar Series, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, May, 2001.
66. "Plotinus' Approach to Aristotelian Trends in Middle Platonism" Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton, NY, Oct, 2000.
67. "Platonic Education and Free Market Curriculum," SUNY Global Conference, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey, Jun, 2000.
68. "Plotinus' Place in the History of Greek Philosophy," SUNY Global Conference, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, Jun, 2000.
69. "Glaucon's Response," SUNY Global Conference, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun, 2000.
70. "What Glaucon Said: The Significance of Apollon at Republic 509" Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton, NY, USA, Oct, 1999.
71. "Nature and Value," Public Lectures at Plato's Academy, Akademia Platonis, Athens, Greece, Apr, 1999.
72. "A Platonic Approach to Environmental Education," International Association for Greek Philosophy, Samos, Greece, Aug, 1998.
73. "Deception and Belief in Curd's Parmenides," Ontario Philosophical Society, Brock University, Oct, 1996.
74. "False Unity in Plotinus," Institute of Cultural Global Studies, Binghamton, New York, Oct, 1996.
75. "Why Plato is Not a Philosophical Elitist," International Association for Greek Philosophy, Athens/Samos, Greece, Jul, 1996.
76. "Plato and Alfarabi on Justice," Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science, State University of New York at Binghamton, Oct, 1995.
77. "Plotinus and Unity," International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, Oct, 1994.