SAFAK YILMAZ................

Istanbul Technical University

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Makina Malzemesi ve Imalat Teknolojisi ABD.

80191 Gumussuyu Taksim Istanbul TURKEY




Born 1964 in Turkey, married and have a boy.

Current Position


(Istanbul Technical University-Mechanical Engineering Department)



Istanbul Tech. Univ., B.S. Aeronautical Eng.,  1985

Istanbul Univ., M.S. Business Administration, 1988

Istanbul Tech. Univ., M.S. Mechanical Eng.,  1989

Istanbul Tech. Univ., Ph. D.Mechanical Eng., 1995


Research Interests

Research on

       relationships between properties and microstructures of  metals, ceramics, plastics and composites”

      micromechanical modelling of materials” and

      simulation of manufacturing processes”

 fields using also the  modern techniques such as

                  -Numerical Tools based on “Finite element Method”

                  -Experimental Tools based on “Synchrotron X-Ray


Teaching Interests -Courses Thought In The Past


Material Science

Manufacturing Processes

Numerical Methods

Forming of Metals

Ethics in Engineering


Material Modelling in Manufacturing

Finite Element Modelling in Manufacturing

Polymer Engineering

Mechanics and Analysis of Metal Cutting

Engineering Mathematics 


Research Assistant, Istanbul Technical University, 1987-1996

Assistant Professor, Istanbul Technical University, 1996-1998

Visiting Scholar, Northwestern University, Department of Material Science and Engineering, 1998-1999

Assistant Professor, Istanbul Technical University, 1999-2004

 Project Assistant, Vienna Technical University,  Sept. 2004-Jen. 2005

Associate Professor, Istanbul Technical University, 2005-2009

Professor, Istanbul Technical University, 2009-present


Selected Publications



1.        “The Microplastic Flow In Particle Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Analyzed By FEM”, S. Yilmaz and A. Aran, Material Science Forums, Vols. 217-222, pp. 1121-1126, 1996)

2.        “Finite Element Analysis Of Deformation Behavior In Ductile Matrix Containing Hard Particles”, S. Yilmaz and A. Aran ,Material Science And Technology , Vol. 14, p.1154, 1998

3.         “Finite Element Analysis Of The Effect Of Particle Alignment On The Deformation Behavior For A Ductile Matrix Containing Hard Particles”, S. Yilmaz and A. Aran, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol.38, No.3, p.201, 1999

4.        “Phase Transformation In Thermally-Cycled Cu-ZrW2O8 Composites Investigated By Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction”, S. Yilmaz , J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (2002) 365–375

5.         “Thermal Mismatch Stress Development in Cu–ZrW2O8 Composite Investigated by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction” S. Yilmaz, Composites Science and Technology 62 (2002) 1835–1839

6.        “Finite-Element Analysis of Thermal Expansion and Thermal Mismatch Stresses in a Cu–60vol%ZrW2O8 Composite”S. Yilmaz , D.C. Dunand , Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1895–1898

7.        “Increased Osteoblast Adhesion  on Nanoparticulate Calcium Phosphates with Higher Ca/P Ratios”, C. Ergun, H. Liu , T.J. Webster., E. Olcay, S. Yılmaz,  F.C. Sahin,  J. Biomed Mater Res. 85A  (2008)  236-241

8.        An approach for predicting the elastic modulus of heterogeneous materials”, Yilmaz, S., Materials and Design, 30 (8) (2009) 2938-2945






1-“Finite Element Analysis Of Deformation Behavior And Local Damages In Al Matrix-SiC Particulate Composite Microstructures”, S. Yilmaz and A. Aran, The 5th. Internatiaonal Conference On Aluminum Alloys, Vol. 217-222, p. 1121-1126, 1-5 July , 1996,France


2-“Finite Element Analysis of Effect of Particle Alignment On Deformation Behavior Of Metal Matrix Composite” , S. Yilmaz and A. Aran , 15th. Physical Metallurgy and Material Science Conference, Vol. 2, p.691, 17-21 May ,  1998, Poland

3- “A Synchrotron Radiation study of the phase fraction, texture and strain evaluation in superelastic NiTi, R. Vaidyanathan , S. Yilmaz, D. C. Dunand, MRS  Symposium 1999-Fall, USA

4- “A Synchrotron X-ray study of texture induced by application of magnetic fields during phase transformations in shape memory alloy Ni2MnGa.”, R.Vaidyanathan, S. Yilmaz,  R.C. O'Handley, D.C. Dunand,  MRS  Symposium 2001-Spring, USA

5-“On The Arrangement Of Inhomogenity For MTM Method Used Elastic Moduli Estimation Of Particulate Composites”, S. Yilmaz, 3th International Conference Multiscale Materials Modelling, p. 249-252, 18-22 September, 2006, Germany

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 08/15/2008 09:08 Eastern Standard Time