
Egzoz Gazları Emisyonu


İçten Yanmalı Motorlar
Safgönül, B., Soruşbay, C., Ergeneman, M., Arslan, E., İçten Yanmalı Motorlar,Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1995.
Heywood, J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book Comp, New York, 1988.          
Benson, R.S. ve Whitehouse,N.D., Internal Combustion Engines, Volume 1 ve 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.
Ferguson, C.R., Internal Combustion Engines, John Wiley & Sons, New York,1986.
Stone, R., Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, Macmillan, London, 1992.
Pischinger, F., Verbrennungsmotoren Band II, Technische Hochschule Aachen, 1983.
Automotive Handbook, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, 1986.
Egzoz Emisyonları
Soruşbay, C., İçten Yanmalı Motorlarda Egzoz Gazları Emisyonları, Ders Notları,İ.T.Ü. Makina Fakültesi, İstanbul, 1988.
Göktan, A. ve Soruşbay, C. (Editörler), Otomotiv Sanayii ve Çevre, Bildiriler Kitabı, 
İstanbul I. Uluslararası Otomotiv Sanayii ve Çevre Konferansı, Teknik Yayıncılık,İstanbul, 1995.
Springer, G.S. ve Patterson,D.J., Engine Emissions - Pollutant Formation and Measurement, Plenum Press, New York, 1974.
Patterson, D.J. ve Henein,N.A., Emissions From Combustion Engines and Their Control, 
Ann Arbor Science Pub. Inc., Michigan, 1979.
Degobert, P., Automobiles and Pollution, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1995.
Plint, M. ve Martyr, A., Engine Testing - Theory and Practice, SAE and Butterworth Publ.,1998.
Crouse, W.H. ve Anglin,D.L., Automotive Emission Control, McGraw-Hill Book Company,New York, 1977.
Diesel Combustion and Emissions, Society of Automotive Engineers, Michigan, 1989.
Worldwide Engine Emission Standards and How to Meet Them, Mechanical Engineering Publications 
Limited for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 25-26 May 1993.
Advanced Emission Control Technologies, SAE Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 18-21, 1993.
Perkins, H.C., Air Pollution, McGraw-Hill Book Comp., New York, 1974.
 Starkman, E.S., Combustion-Generated Air Pollution, Plenum Press, New York, 1971.
Bowman, C.T., Kinetics of Pollutant Formation and Destruction in Combustion, 
Prog Energy Combust Sci, vol. 1, pp. 33-45, 1975.
Palmer, H.B., Equilibria and Chemical Kinetics in Flames, Combustion Technology - 
Some Modern Developments  (Palmer, H.B. and Beer, J.M. eds.), Academic Press, New York, 1974.
Kaynak Dergiler
Combustion and Flame
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
ASME Trans. - Journal of Power and Energy
ASME Trans. - Journal of Fluids Engineering
Int Journal of Vehicle Design
SAE Technical Papers
Mühendis ve Makina, TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odası
Doğalgaz Dergisi
Termodinamik Dergisi
Diğer Kaynaklar
Türkiye Enerji Kongresi, (1. - 7. Kongreler), Bildiri kitapları
Yanma Sempozyumu, (1. - 4. Sempozyumlar), Bildiri kitapları
İ.T.Ü. Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Bildiriler kitabı
Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayii Sempozyumu, (1. - 5. Sempozyumlar), Bildiri kitapları