Presentations of Prof. Sarac's about


"Poly( 3,4-alkylenedioxythiophene) Nanostructures" on December 2009

"Polymerization of Pyrrole Derivatives on Polyacrylonitrile& P(AN-co-VAc) Matrix:
 Thin film and nanofiber formation" on August 2009



Thank you for visiting our research group.
The main areas of research and expertise of Sarac group include; electrochemical polymer synthesis, electropolymerisation and their electrochemical, surface spectroscopic, and morphological characterizations



for the huge world of electrochemistry




Recently, attention has been devoted to the modification of carbon fiber microelectrodes according to various approaches with the purpose of realizing an efficient interface between the molecular devices and the macroscopic world for the construction of devices efficiently performing specific functions, such as biosensors.

Prof. Sarac’s group is compiled of two members of faculty and composed of about 13 Phd. & Msc. students.












© 2010 SARAC Group

Webmaster: Nazif Ugur Kaya
Originally created by: C. Metehan Turhan
(Last update: 19.02.2010)