Expanded SCI, SSCI, AHCI kapsamındaki yayınlar

, H. Karaagac, "A hybrid solar cell based on silicon-nanowire and organic-thin film", Physica Status Solidi A:Applications and Material Science, Vol. DOI:10.1002/pssa.201, 2014
, H. Karaagac, M. Saif Islam, "Enhanced Field Ionization Enabled by Metal Induced Surface States on Semiconductor Nanotips", Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 24, 2014, s. 2224-2232
, H. Karaağaç, M. Parlak, E. Yengel, M.Saif Islam, "Heterojunction solar cells with integrated silicon nanowires and a chalcopyrite thin film", Material Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 140, 2013, s. 382-390
, H. Karaagac, VJ Logeeswaran, M. Saif Islam, "Fabrication of 3D-Silicon micro-pillars/walls decorated with aluminum-ZnO/ZnO nanowires for opto-electric devices", Physica Status Solidi A:Applications and Material Science, Vol. 210, 2013, s. 1377-1380
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, L. E. Aygun, M. Ghaffari, N. Biyikli, A. K. Okyay, "A Baseball Bat-like CdTe/TiO2 Nanorods Based Heterojunction Core-shell Solar Cell", Scripta Materialia, Vol. 69, 2013, s. 323-326
, H. Karaagac et al., "Au/TiO2 nano-rod based Schottky-type UV photodetectors", Phys. Status. Solidi Rapid Research Letter, Vol. 6, 2012, s. 442
, H.Karaagac, E. Yengel, M. Saif Islam, "Physical properties and Heterojunction Device Demonstration of Aluminum-doped ZnO Thin Films Synthesized at Room Ambient via Sol-Gel Method", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 521, 2012, s. 155
, A. Karatay, H. G. Yaglioglu, AA. Elmali, M. Parlak, H. Karaagac, "Thickness-dependent nonlinear absorption behaviors in polycrystalline ZnSe thin films", Optics Communications, Vol. 285, 2012, s. 1471-1475
, K. Yilmaz, A. Akgoz, M. Cabuk, H. Karaagac, M. Yavuz, "Electrical transport, optical and thermal properties of polyaniline-pumice composites", Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 130, 2011, s. 956
, N.H. Erdogan, K. Kara, H. Ozdamar, H. Kavak, R. Esen, H. Karaagac, "Structural, optical and electrical properties of N-doped ZnO thin films prepared by thermal oxidation of pulsed filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposited ZnxNy films", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 509, 2011, s. 8922
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, "Deposition of AgGaS2 Thin Films by Double Source Thermal Evaporation Technique", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 22, 2011, s. 1426
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, "Deposition and Characterization of Layer by Layer Sputtered AgGaSe2 Thin Films", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 257, 2011, s. 5731
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, "The investigation of structural, electrical, and optical properties of thermal evaporated AgGaS2 thin films", Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519, 2011, s. 2055
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, "Investigation of physical properties of quaternary AgGa0.5In0.5Te2 Thin Films Deposited by Thermal Evaporation", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 503, 2010, s. 468
, K. Yilmaz, H. Karaagac, "Annealing Effects on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of E-Beam Evaporated CuIn0.5Ga0.5Te2 Thin Films", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 256, 2010, s. 6454
, H. Karaagac, M. Kaleli, M. Parlak, "Characterization of AgGa0.5In0.5Se2 Thin Films Deposited by Electron Beam Technique", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 42, 2009, s. 165413-165419
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, "Effects of Annealing on Structural and Morphological Properties of Electron Beam Evaporated AgGaSe2 Thin Films", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 255, 2009, s. 5999-6006
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, "Effects of Annealing on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of AgGa(Se0.5S0.5)2 Thin Films Deposited by Using Sintered Stoichometric Powder", Cryst. Res. Technol., Vol. 44, 2009, s. 440-446
, H. Karaagac, M.Parlak, O. karabulut, U.Serincan, R.Turan, B.G.Akınoğlu, "Structural, Electrical, and Optical Properties of Ge-implanted GaSe Single Crystals Grown by Bridgman Technique", Cryst. Res. Technol., Vol. 41, 2006, s. 1159
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, M. Saif Islam, "Synthesis of Si Nanowires by Electroless Etching Technique and Their Integration into I-III-VI2 Thin Films for Solar Cells.", Mater. Res. Symp. Proc., Vol. 1408, 2012
, H. Karaagac, M. Parlak, M. Saif Islam, "Synthesis of ZnO Nanowires by Hydrothermal Technique for Integration Into Chalcopyrite Thin Films.", Mater. Res. Symp. Proc., Vol. 1406, 2012
, H. Karaagac, M.Saif Islam, "Enhanced Field Ionization Current Enabled by Gold Induced Surface States to Silicon Nanowires", SPIE NanoScience Engineering, Vol. 8467-18, 2012
, H. Karaagac, VJ Logeeswaran, M.Saif Islam, "3D Silicon Micro-pillars/-walls Decorated with Aluminum-ZnO/ZnO Nanowires for Opto-electronic Device Applications", SPIE NanoScience Engineering, Vol. 8467-33, 2012