Surname : |
Guler |
Forename: |
Hakan |
Addresses: |
Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Engineering Department 34469 Maslak/ISTANBUL |
E-mail: |
Internet: |
Telephone: |
+90 212 2853669 |
Fax: |
+90 212 2853420 |
1998-2005: |
PhD, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Railway Engineering Devision |
1995-1998: |
MSc, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Railway Engineering Devision |
1989-1995: |
BSc., Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Department |
1994-1996: |
Project and Field Engineer on Construction and Construction Materials |
1996-1999: |
Research Assistant at Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department |
1999-2000: |
Research Assistant at Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Engineering Department |
2000-2001: |
Military service as a lieutenant |
2001- : |
Research Assistant at Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Engineering Department |
1. |
Guler, H., "Analysis of Railway Track Structure Using Finite Element Method", MSc thesis, January 1998. |
2. |
Guler, H., "Modeling Railway Track Geometry Deterioration: An Information Systems Based Study", PhD thesis, (2002-2005). |
1. |
SAP2000, SAP90 (Finite Element Methods) |
2. |
MS Office (Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint) |
3. |
Visual Basic, Map Basic, Excel Macro, QBasic |
4. |
AutoCad, Photo Shop, Front Page, Corel Draw, Matlab, SPSS |
5. |
MapInfo , ArcView (Geographic Information Systems) |
1. |
Finite Element Methods |
2. |
Neural Networks |
3. |
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) |
4. |
Transportation Modeling and Planning |
5. |
Programming |
6. 7. 8. |
Creating Internet-Based GIS applications Railway Assets Management Systems Railway Measuring and Monitoring Systems |
1) Irfan PAMUK, Hakan GULER, "An Evaluation of Highway Transportation Systems' Effects on Environment: The Case of Sapanca Lake", IAEWP (International Association of Educators For World Peace) 1997 International Eurasian Congress, Giresun, August 2-9, 1997. 2) Ismail Hakkę DEMIR, Hakan GULER, "Difficulties Caused By Coordination Deficiency Between Existing Transit Transportation Systems in Adapazarę". 1st Urban Infrastructure Symposium, Turkish Association of Engineers & Architects, Gaziantep, November 20-22, 1997. 3) Irfan PAMUK, Hakan GULER, "An Investigation of Rehabilitation Requirements Based on Mechanical Properties of Superstructure". II. International Transportation Symposium & Exhibition, Istanbul, October 1-4, 1998. 4) Hakan GULER, Inal SECKIN, "Pre Designations Required for Examining Railway Track Maintenance and Renewal", University of Balękesir 4th Engineering & Architecture Symposium, Balękesir, September 11-13, 2002. 5) Hakan GULER, Stasha JOVANOVIC, "Getting More Efficient Railway Track By Using ECOTRACK System, Technical Congress of Kucukcekmece and Its Periphery", Istanbul, May 22-24, 2003. 6) Hakan GULER, Ersin AYDIN, "Analysis of Railway Track Structure By Using Finite Element Methods", XIII. National Mechanical Congress, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, September 8-12, 2003. 7) Hakan GULER, "Investigation of Relationship between Railway Track Maintenance-Renewal Works and Accidents ", 6th Transportation and Traffic Congress, Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Ankara, September 26-27, 2003. 8) Huseyin SELCUK, Hakan GULER, S. Erkan KACMAZ, "Evaluation of Water Quality and Supplies by Using Geographical Information Systems in Istanbul", 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in Mediterranean Region", Antalya, Turkey, October 4-8, 2003. 9) Hakan GULER, S.Erkan KACMAZ, "Applications of Geographical Informations Sytems on Railways", Trasportation Politics Congress, Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Ankara, October 16-17, 2003. 10) Yasar VITOSOGLU, Hakan GULER, "Estimating of The Intercity Automobile Travel Matrices And Transferring Them into GIS Environment", Trasportation Politics Congress, Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Ankara, October 16-17, 2003. 11) Hakan GULER, Gungor EVREN, Stasha JOVANOVIC, "Application of Geographic Information Systems for Railway Track Maintenance and Renewal Management", 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 04 - 08, 2004. 12) Stasha JOVANOVIC, Hakan GULER, "Airborne Digital Terrain Mapping For Railroads Infrastructure Asset Management", 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 04 - 08, 2004. 13) Yasar VITOSOGLU, Hakan GULER, Gungor EVREN, "Estimating of The Intercity Automobile Travel Matrices and Transferring them into GIS Environment", 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 04 - 08, 2004. 14) Yasar VITOSOGLU, Hakan GULER, Nurbanu CALISKAN, "Analysing Rail Freight Transportation in Turkey: A GIS Application", 9th International Conferance on Computer Aided Design, Manufacture and Operation in The Railway and Other Advanced Transit Systems, COMPRAIL 2004, Dresden, Germany, May 17 - 19, 2004. 15) Hakan GULER, Murat AKAD, Murat ERGUN, "Railway Asset Management System in Turkey: A GIS Application, FIG Working Week 2004, Intercontinental Athenaeum Athens, Athens, Greece, May 22-27, 2004. 16) Yasar VITOSOGLU, Hakan GULER, Pelin ALPKOKIN, "Use Of Transyt's Platoon Dispersion Model in Assessing The Impact of Headway Control on Some Performance Measures", 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 6-8, 2004. 17) Hakan GULER, S. Erkan KACMAZ, Pelin ALPKOKIN, "Evaluation of Railway Accidents by Using Geographic Information Systems", 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 6-8, 2004. 18) Hakan GULER, Huseyin SELCUK, Miray BEKBOLET, "Environmental Impacts of Transportation Systems: A Case Study for Istanbul", 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 6-8, 2004. 19) Hakan GULER, Stasha JOVANOVIC, "The Application of Modern GIS Technology in The Development of Railway Asset Management Systems", International Conferance on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE-SMC), The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13, 2004. 20) Murat ERGUN, Hakan GULER, Yavuz DELICE, Nurbanu CALISKAN, "GIS-Based Transportation Infrastructure Management Systems of Istanbul: Case of Sariyer Municipality", 24th Urban Data Management Symposium, Venice, Italy, October 27-29, 2004. 21) Hakan GULER, Stasha JOVANOVIC, "Required Designations Before Increasing Speeds on Railways", 6th Transportation Congress, Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Istanbul, May 23-25, 2005. 22) Hakan GULER, Yasar VITOSOGLU, Nurbanu CALISKAN, "Evaluation of Freight and Passenger Transportation in Turkish State Railways by Using GIS", 6th Transportation Congress, Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Istanbul, May 23-25, 2005. 23) Murat AKAD, Murat ERGUN, Hakan GULER, Yasar VITOSOGLU, "A Transportation Plan Strategy For Turkey", Advanced OR and AI Methods in Transportation, Poznan, Poland, September 13-16, 2005. |
1) Turkish National Master Transportation Project (2003-2005). 2) Modernization of TCDD and Investigation of The Train Accident of 22 July 2004 Near Pamukova, Turkey (2004). 3) Measuring TCDD Railway Track by Using UFM-120 Track Recording Vehicle (2005). |