Prof. Dr. Halit S. TürkmenJournal Papers (SCI)
1) Halit S. Türkmen and Zahit Mecitoğlu, Dynamic Response of A Stiffened Laminated Composite Plate Subjected to Blast Load, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 221, No.3, pp. 371-389, (1999). 2) Halit S. Türkmen and Zahit Mecitoğlu, Nonlinear Structural Response of Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to Blast Loading, AIAA Journal, Vol. 37, N. 12, pp. 1639-1647, (1999). 3) Halit S. Türkmen, Structural Response Of Laminated Composite Shells Subjected To Blast Loading: Comparison Of Experimental And Theoretical Methods, Journal of Sound and Vibration, V. 249, N. 4, pp. 663-678, JAN 24, (2002). 4) Halit S. Türkmen, Paul R. Dawson and Matthew P. Miller, The Evolution of Crystalline Stresses of a Polycrystalline Metal During Cyclic Loading, International Journal of Plasticity, V. 18, N. 8, pp. 941-969, (2002). 5) Roland E. Loge, Halit S. Türkmen, Matthew P. Miller, Ronald Rogge, Paul R. Dawson, Modelling the distribution of lattice strains following plastic deformation of a polycrystal. Application to aluminum AA 7075 T6,, Materials Science Forum, 404-4, pp.69-74, (2002). 6) Halit S. Türkmen, Roland E. Loge, Paul R. Dawson and Matthew P. Miller, On The Mechanical Behaviour of AA7075-T6 During Cyclic Loading, International Journal of Fatigue, V. 25, N. 4, pp. 267-281, (2003). 7) Roland E. Loge, Halit S. Türkmen, Matthew P. Miller, Ronald Rogge, Paul R. Dawson, Influence of Modelling Variables on the Distribution of Lattice Strains in a Deformed Polycrystal, with Reference to Neutron Diffraction Experiments, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, pp.633-663, (2004). 8) Halit S. Türkmen, Matthew P. Miller, Paul R. Dawson and John C. Moosbrugger, A Slip-Based Model for Strength Evolution During Cyclic Loading, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 126, pp.329-338, (2004). 9) Halit S. Turkmen and A. Cihat Baytaş, Thermal stresses due to conjugate oscillatory free convection in an enclosure, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 49, Issue 12, pp. 3439-3446, (2008). 10) Sedat Susler, Halit S. Turkmen and Zafer Kazancı, The nonlinear dynamic behaviour of tapered laminated plates subjected to blast loading, Shock and Vibration, Vol. 19, pp. 1235-1255, (2012). 11) Z. Kazancı and H.S. Turkmen,The effect of in-plane deformations on the nonlinear dynamic response of laminated plates, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 42, pp. 589-608, (2012). 12) C. J. Keulen, E. Akay, F. F. Melemez, E. S. Kocaman, A. Deniz, C. Yılmaz, T. Boz, M. Yıldız, H. S. Turkmen, A. Suleman, Prediction of fatigue response of composite structures by monitoring the strain energy release rate with embedded fiber Bragg gatings, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, DOI: 10.1177, (2014). 13) E. S. Kocaman, C. J. Keulen, E. Akay, M. Yıldız, H. S. Turkmen, A. Suleman, An experimental study on the effect of length and orientation of embedded FBG sensors on the signal properties under fatigue loading, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, DOI: 10.1515/secm-2014-0029, (2015).
International Journals (Other Indexes)
1) F. İnce, H.S. Türkmen, Z. Mecitoğlu, N. Uludağ, İ. Durgun, E. Altınok, H. Örenel, A numerical and experimental study on the impact behavior of box structures, Procedia Engineering, vol. 10, pp. 1736-1741, 2011. 2) A. Kadir Yavuz, A. Deniz Senalp, Halit S. Turkmen and S. Leigh Phoenix, Interacting Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis with Boundary Cracklet Method, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 445, pp. 1017-1022 (2012). 3) D. Kavrar, M.L. Ovecoglu, and H.S. Turkmen, Production of a Helicopter Tail Boom and Associated Mechanical Tests, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 445, pp. 566-570 (2012). 4) O. Coskun and Halit S. Turkmen, Bending Fatigue Behaviour of Laminated Sandwich Beams, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 445, pp. 548-553 (2012).
National Journals
1) Halit S. Türkmen, Zahit Mecitoğlu and Oğuz Borat, Nonlinear Structural Response of Laminated Composite Panels Subjected to Blast Loadings, Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 126-133, (1996). 2) Halit S. Türkmen, Structural Response of Cylindrically Curved Laminated Composite Shells Subjected to Blast Loading, ARI, Volume 51, Issue 3, pp. 175-180, (1999)
International Conference Papers
1) F. Usta, Z. Eren, H. S. Türkmen, Z. Kazancı, Z. Mecitoğlu, Numerical investigation of stepped concentric crash tubes subjected to axial impact: The effects of number of tubes, Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST) 7th International Conference, İstabul, 16-19 June, 2015, pp. 39-43. 2) E. Ok and H. S. Turkmen, Multi Objective Optimization of a Composite Drive Shaft Using Particle Swarm Algorithm, The Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 1-4 September 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. 3) Z. Eren, F. Usta, Z. Kazancı, H. S. Türkmen, Z. Mecitoğlu, Axial Crash and Crush Response of Novel Nested Tube Designs, 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (ICM12), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015. 4) Erdem Akay, Halit S. Türkmen, Mehmet Yıldız, Multiaxial Strain Measurement Using Embedded FBG Sensors During the Fatigue Testing of FRP Composites, 31th Danubia-Adria Symposium, Kempten University, Germany, 2014, Keynote Speaker & Selected for publication in journal "Strain". 5) Erdem Akay, Halit S. Türkmen, Mehmet Yıldız, Structural Performance of Laminated Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Manufactured by Resin Transfer Molding and Vacuum Curing & Debulking Table, Advanced Materials World Congress (AMWC) 2013, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey. 6) Hulya Cebeci, Roberto Guzman de Villoria, Robert Jones, Karl Schulte, Halit S. Turkmen, and Brian Wardle, Effective Stiffness of Wavy Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Modeling of Controlled-Morphology Polymer Nanocomposites, 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference<BR>20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, 2012. 7) M. Tuna and H.S. Turkmen, Transient analysis of tapered plates using differential quadrature method, The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods, Gold Coast, Austuralia, November 25-27, 2012. 8) S. Süsler, Z. Kazancı, H.S.Türkmen, Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Tapered Sandwich Plates Subjected to Blast Loading, The Fifteenth European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), Venice, 24-28 Haziran, 2012. 9) A.K. Yavuz, A.D. Şenalp, and H.S. Turkmen, Fast and Accurate Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis with the Boundary Cracklet Method, Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 6-9, 2011. 10) M. Tuna and H.S. Turkmen, Static Analysis of Laminated Plates with Variable Thickness using the Differential Quadrature Method, Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 6-9, 2011. 11) S. Susler, Z. Kazancı, and H.S. Turkmen, Analysis of Laminated Plates with Parabolic Thickness Variation, Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 6-9, 2011. 12) H. Cebeci, H.S. Turkmen, B.L. Wardle, Mechanical Behaviour of waviness-dominated controlled morphology aligned carbon nanotube polymer composites:Modelling study correlated with experiments, 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju Island, Korea, August 21-26, 2011. (Abstract) 13) Cebeci, H., Türkmen, H.S., Wardle, B. L., Waviness Dominated Controlled Morphology Nanocomposite Modeling with Experimental Correlation, Cebeci, MRS Fall Meeting, 2010, Boston- Oral Presentation. (Abstract) 14) Z. Kazancı, H.S. Türkmen, Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Laminated Plates Subjected to Localised Blast Loading, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 14-17, 2010. 15) S. Süsler, Z. Kazancı, H.S. Türkmen, Dynamic Behaviour of Tapered Plates Subjected to Blast Loading, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 14-17, 2010. 16) E. Tengiz, D. Balkan, H. S. Türkmen, and Z. Mecitoğlu, Dynamic Behaviour of the Laminated Sandwich Plate with a Stepwise Graded Viscoelastic Core, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 14-17, 2010. 17) O. Acar Ezer, D. Keçeci Balkan, H. S. Türkmen, and Z. Mecitoğlu, Dynamic Response of a Laminated Composite Plate with Viscoelastic Stiffeners subject to Blast Load, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 14-17, 2010. 18) Z. Kazancı, H.S.Türkmen, The Effect of In-Plane Deformations on the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Laminated Plates, ECCM, Paris, France, May 20, 2010. (Abstract) 19) B.G. Tugay and H.S. Türkmen, Cyclic Behaviour of Axially Loaded Laminated Composite Beams, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, B.H.V. Topping, L.F. Costa Neves and R.C. Barros (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, paper 204, September 2009. 20) N.K. Alpaydın and H.S. Türkmen The Dynamic Response of the Sandwich Panel Subjected to the Impact Load, Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11-13, 2009, pp. 176-180. 21) B. Tugay and H. Türkmen, Structural Optimization of the Landing Gear of a Mini-UAV, 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 10-12 September 2008, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, paper 2008-5878. 22) E. Akay and H.S. Türkmen, A Numerical Model for the Bending Fatigue Behaviour of Composite Materials, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, paper 315, 2008. 23) H. Türkmen, V. Dogan, E. Madenci and A. Tessler, Vibration of Sandwich Panels Using {3,2}-Order Plate Theory, 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 23-26 April 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, paper 2007-2382. 24) Murat Tuna and Halit S. Türkmen, Dynamic Behaviour of a Plate Under Air Blast Load Using Differential Quadrature Method, Proceedings of IMECE 2007, 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 11-15, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA, paper IMECE2007-41553. 25) Hüseyin Murat Yüksel and Halit S. Türkmen, Air Blast-Induced Vibration of a Laminated Spherical Shell, The Seventh International Conference on Vibration Problems, Işık Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 5-9 Eylül 2005. 26) Halit S. Türkmen, Matthew P. Miller, Paul R. Dawson and John C. Moosbrugger, A Formulation for the Pseudo-Saturation Behavior Observed During Variable Amplitude Multiaxial Cyclic Plasticity, 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Columbus, Ohio, 13-17 June 2004. 27) Halit S. Türkmen, Erhan Eren and Murat Büyük, Dynamic Behaviour of a Laminated Balsa Beam Under Impulsive Load, 9th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, Houston, Texas, USA, March 7-10, 2004. 28) Murat Büyük, Hasan Kurtaran, Halit S. Türkmen, Zahit Mecitoğlu, Influence of Damping on the Response of a Beam-to-Plate Connection Under Mass Drop, 9th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, p. 61, Geneva, Switzerland, May 25-29, 2003. (Abstract) 29) Halit S. Türkmen, Matthew P. Miller, Paul R. Dawson and John C. Moosbrugger, A Restricted Slip Based Model for Variable Amplitude Multiaxial Cyclic Plasticity, 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Penn State University Park State College, Pennsylvania, USA, October 13-16, 2002. (Abstract) 30) R. E. Loge, H. S. Türkmen, M. P. Miller, R. Rogge and P. R. Dawson, Modelling the Distribution of Lattice Strains Following Plastic Deformation of a Polycrystal. Application to Aluminum AA 7075 T6, 6th European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS6), Coimbra, Portugal, 10-13 July, 2002. 31) Paul R. Dawson, Halit S. Türkmen and Matthew P. Miller, Modeling Intergranular Stress Evolution During Cyclic Loading of Structural Alloys International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials III, Hyannis, Massachusetts, U.S.A., September 18-22, 2000. (Abstract) 32) Matthew P. Miller, Halit S. Türkmen and Paul R. Dawson, Intercrystalline Stresses During Cyclic Plasticity 8th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Whistler, Canada, July 17-21, 2000. (Abstract) 33) Halit S. Türkmen and Zahit Mecitoğlu, Structural Response of Laminated Composite Shells Subjected to Blast Loadings, 35th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, U.S.A., September 27-30, 1998. (Abstract) 34) Halit S. Türkmen and Zahit Mecitoğlu Dynamic Response of A Beam-to-Plate Connection to Impulsive Load, Proceedings of the 2nd Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 256-259, September 9-11, 1998. 35) Halit S. Türkmen, Structural Response of Isotropic Plates Subjected to Blast Loading, Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 101-107, August 18-20 1998. 36) Halit S. Türkmen and Zahit Mecitoğlu, Dynamic Response of A Laminated Composite Shell Under Blast Load, Uluslararası Havacılık Sempozyumu, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sivil Havacılık Meslek Yüksekokulu, Eskişehir, 10-14 Mart 1997. 37) Halit S. Türkmen, Zahit Mecitoğlu and Doğan Çelik, Transient Response of A Thick Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Detonation Load, Dördüncü Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu, pp. 448-457, Bursa, Temmuz 1995. 38) Halit S. Türkmen ve Zahit Mecitoğlu, Şok Yüküne Maruz Katmanlı Bir Kompozit Plağın Dinamik Davranışı, Birinci Uluslararası Havacılık ve İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, pp. 475-484, İstanbul, Mart 1995.
National Conference Papers
1) Murat Tuna ve Halit S. Türkmen, Anlık Basınç Yükü Altındaki Basit Mesnetli Plakların Dinamik Davranışının Diferansiyel Kareleme Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi, XV. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, 03-07 Eylül 2007, Isparta, Türkiye. 2) Halit S. Türkmen and A. Cihat Baytaş, Kapalı Bir Kapta Zamana Bağlı Hesaplamalı Eşlenik Doğal taşınım : Düşey Sağ Duvarda İletimin ve Isıl Gerilmelerin Etkisi, XIV. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Antakya, 12-16 Eylül 2005. 3) M. Buyuk, H. Kurtaran, H.S. Turkmen, ve Z. Mecitoğlu, Çarpma yükü etkisi altında bir kiriş-plak bağlantısının cevabı üzerinde sönümün etkisi, XIII. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, Gaziantep, 8-12 Eylül 2003. 4) Halit S. Türkmen ve Zahit Mecitoğlu, Bir Uçak Dış Yükü Yapısının Statik ve Dinamik Analizi, Birinci Havacılık Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 225-232, İstanbul, Haziran 1994. |