DoƧ. Dr. Geoff Bove

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Istanbul Technical University

Below are some academic policies that I employ without exception. They are intended to promote the fair and equal treatment of all students, and to preserve the academic rigor and integrity of the courses that I offer. Academic rigor and integrity are important because without them, the quality of your education, and your degree suffers.

1. Plagiarism is defined as presenting the words or ideas of someone else in your drafts, papers or quizzes/exams, as if they were your own. Failure to include citations of words or ideas that are not your own in your drafts, papers or quizzes/exams is also considered plagiarism. Plagiarism will result in failure from the assignment or course, since it constitutes an act of academic dishonesty. It may also result in disciplinary action.

2. Unless otherwise stated (as in cases of extended research assignments) the object of my assignments is to have students read the material and formulate your their own ideas about the texts presented. Therefore copying from the internet or other sources in drafts, papers or quizzes will result in failure from the assignment or course, since it means the goals of the assignments were not understood.

3. Unless otherwise stated, the use of cell phones and other internet enabled devices during classes, quizzes and exams is expressly forbidden and will result in failure of the assignment or course. Unless otherwise stated the use of notes during quizzes and exams is expressly forbidden and will result in failure of the assignment or course.

4. Assignments are due in class and delivered in person on the due date. Late assignments will only be accepted in cases of exceptional circumstances, and any exception must be approved a minimum of one week prior to late submission.

5. Missed quizzes will only be excused in cases of documented exceptional circumstances, and any exception must be approved a minimum of one week prior to the presentation date.

6. Missed presentations will only be excused in cases of documented exceptional circumstances, and any exception must be approved a minimum of two weeks prior to the presentation date.

7. Attempts to contact me by email or in person citing extenuating circumstances for poor performance, or requesting lenience or assistance in grading is considered inappropriate and may be considered harassment, which is unethical and, in some cases, illegal; such actions are subject to disciplinary, and in excessive cases, legal action.