Ayşe Erzan |
Current research
interests :
Curriculum Vitae and Publications Some recent
papers M. Mungan, A. Kabakçıoğlu, D. Balcan and A. Erzan, "Analytical Solution of a Stochastic Content Based Network Model " q-bio.MN/0406049, J. Phys. A, 38, 9599-9620 (2005).
D. Balcan, A. Kabakçıoğlu, M. Mungan, and A. Erzan, “The Information Coded in the Yeast Response Elements Accounts for Most of the Topological Properties of Its Transcriptional Regulation Network,” PLoS ONE 2, e501. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000501. (2007)
D. Balcan and A. Erzan, “Content-based networks: a pedagogical overview,” Chaos 17, 026108 (2007).
B. Malkoç, D. Balcan, A. Erzan, “Information content based model for the topological properties of the gene regulatory network of E. coli,” J. Theor. Bio., 203, 281-294 (2010). (click to download Supplement )
M. Erbudak, A. Erzan, “Tracking tumor evolution via prostate-specific antigen: an individual post-operative study,” Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 7:30 (2010)
E. Aygün, A. Erzan, “Spectral Renormalization Group theory on Networks,” J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 319, 012007 (2011)
G. Arpağ, A. Erzan, “An ensemble approach to the evolution of complex systems,” J. Biosciences 39, 259-280 (2014).
B. Danacı, M.A. Anıl,
A. Erzan, “Motif statistics of artificially
evolved and biological networks,” Phys.
Rev. E 89,
062719 (2014). A. Tuncer and A. Erzan, "Spectral renormalization group for the Gaussian model and ψ4 theory on nonspatial networks,” Phys. Rev. E 92, 022106 (2015) B. Danacı, A. Erzan, “Metanetworks of artificially evolved regulatory
networks,” J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. 2016,
043501 (2016) A. Erzan and A. Tuncer, “Explicit
construction of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian on the Cayley tree,” to
appear in Linear Algebra Appl. (2019)
Some Past Courses Biologically Motivated Problems in Statistical Physics Fiz447E İstatistiksel Fizik ve Termodinamik II Fiz 414 Special topics in highly correlated systems (Spin glasses) Fiz 613E Evrensellik, Ölçeklenme, Dalgalamalar (Universality, Scaling and Fluctuations) Fiz 621 |
Other interests: Women in
Science - an IAC report (2006) Science and ethics “Towards common values of the world research area: autonomy, responsibility and the humanitarian tradition” summation at ALLEA meeting on Advice and Autonomy, Amsterdam, May 2005. Science and society Making the invisible scientist visible – 2008 APS March meeting, Forum on International Physics |