July, 22nd, 2024


I.T.U., Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Astronautical Engineering Department,

34469 Maslak / Istanbul-TURKEY

Tel:       +90 (212) 285 31 08

Fax:      +90 (212) 285 31 39

E-mailyarim @ itu edu tr


The most recent and detailed version of this document can be found at




         Date and Place of Birth: August, 1966; Hatay-TÜRKÝYE

         Nationality: Republic of Türkiye

         Marital Status: Single



         2005-Present:    Assistant Professor in I.T.U., Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering Department

         1991-2005:         Research Assistant in I.T.U., Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering Department

         1988-1990:       Military Service (Training: April 01-July 30, 1989; Service: July 31, 1989-July 31, 1990) (During the service, he worked as an Aeronautical Engineer at 1st Air Supply and Maintenance Center of Turkish Air Force, in Eskisehir for 1 year)



         1994-2002:         PhD: I.T.U., Institute of Science and Technology, Space Sciences and Technology Department (January 30, 2002)

         1990-1994:         MSc: I.T.U., Institute of Science and Technology, Space Sciences and Technology Department (September 6, 1994)

         1983-1988:         Undergraduate: Istanbul Technical University (I.T.U.), Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aeronautical Engineering Department (October 5, 1988)



11) January 4-8, 2010: CMPD&CMSO (Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics and the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization) Winter School on “Shear Flows and Momentum Transport in Lab and Astrophysical Plasmas”, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Cuma Yarým is grateful to the organizers for partial financial support.

10) January 5-10, 2009: CMPD&CMSO (Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics and the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization) Winter School on “Dynamo, Heat Transport and Collisionless Shocks”, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Cuma Yarým is grateful to the organizers for partial financial support.

9) January 7-12, 2008: CMPD&CMSO (Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics and the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization) Winter School on “Instabilities in Laboratory, Space and Astrophysical Plasmas”, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Cuma Yarým is grateful to the organizers for full financial support.

8) January 8-13, 2007: CMPD&CMSO (Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics and the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization) Winter School on “Plasma Turbulence and Transport: Commonalities between Lab, Space and Astrophysics”, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Cuma Yarým is grateful to the organizers for partial financial support.

7) January 7-14, 2006: CMPD&CMSO (Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics and the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization) Winter School on “Physics of Magnetic Reconnection”, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Cuma Yarým is grateful to the organizers for partial financial support.

6) July 2003-September 2004 (15 Months): Research Visit, (as a Post-Doctoral Associate for 10 months, and as a Visiting Scientist for 5 months in Research Laboratory of Electronics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ‘Linear and Non-Linear Theory of Drift Tearing Mode’. Study supervised by Prof. Bruno Coppi.

5) October 2002-December 2002 (3 Months): Research Visit, Institute of Plasma Physics, Juelich Research Center (Germany), ‘Stability of Poloidal Rotation and Evolution of Toroidal Rotation of Edge Plasmas in Collisional Large Aspect Ratio Tokamaks with Steep Gradients’. Study supervised by Dr. Albert Nicolai.

4) 10-21 July 2000, 37th Culham Plasma Physics Summer School, Culham-England.

3) July 1999-February 2000 (8 Months): Research Visit, Institute of Plasma Physics, Juelich Research Center (Germany), ‘Toroidal and Poloidal Rotation of Edge Plasmas in Collisional Large Aspect Ratio Tokamaks with Steep Gradients’. Study supervised by Dr. André L. Rogister.

2) 21-25 September 1998, Summer University for Plasma Physics, The Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Munich-Germany.

1) 7-19 September 1997, Third Carolus Magnus Summer School on Plasma Physics, Spa-Belgium.



7) July 15-August 21, 2012: CLTP-3 (Cansat Leadership Training Program), Tokyo-Noshiro, JAPAN.

6) March 12, 2010: Marie Curie Research Programs and Scholarship Information Meeting, Ý.T.Ü., Ýstanbul, TURKEY.

5) February 15, 2010: Workshop on Advising in Graduate Education, Ý.T.Ü., Ýstanbul, TURKEY.

4) October 12-13, 2009: OECD Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education, What Works Conference on Quality of Teaching in Higher Education, Ý.T.Ü., Ýstanbul, TURKEY.

3) July 4-15, 2007: I.T.U., Department of Mathematics, Geometric Modelling and Applications, Istanbul-Turkey.

2) August 24-September 1, 1998: Aerospace Institute, ISNET, International Course on Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Islamabad-Pakistan.

1) June-July 1991: Course on Logic Circuits and Z-80 Microprocessor, Bosphorus University, Istanbul.



4) Dates: Since August 2005

Position: Assistant Professor

Place: Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Engineering Department


a) Research Duties: Tokamak Fusion Plasma Research, Small Satellite Technologies, Orbital Mechanics

b) Teaching Duties: Lectures given (Details are below): UZB242E Basic Astronomy, UZB332 Communications Systems I, DNK201 Dynamics, UZB111 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering and Ethics, UZB352 Orbital Mechanics, TEL212 Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields, UZB489E Electric Propulsion, UZB451E Spacecraft Communications, TEL212 Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields, UZB422E Spacecraft Systems Design, UZB461E Lunar Mission Trajectories, UUM535 Engineering Mathematics, UUM522E Celestial and Applied Orbital Mechanics, UUM517E Spacecraft Dynamics, UUM538E Plasma Theory for Space Applications,

c) Administrative Duties: Vice-head of department of astronautical engineering-COMPLETED (Thank God!), Member of the Faculty’s ‘Adaptation Committee- COMPLETED’, ‘Course Coordination Committee - Dynamics and Control’,  “Summer Practice Committee-COMPLETED”, “ABET Committee- COMPLETED”, ‘Assessment and Evaluation Committee- COMPLETED’,’Graduate Program Execution Board-COMPLETED’, Quality Assurance Committee- COMPLETED’, ‘Education Committee- COMPLETED’, PhD Qualification Committee’, ‘Double-major and Minor Programmes Committee’, ‘Course Monitoring Committee for the Dynamics and Control Group Courses’, ‘Risk Management Committee’, ‘Part-time Student Selection Committee’, ‘Disciplinary Board’.

3) Dates: January 2002 to August 2005

Position: Research Assistant with PhD.

Place: Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Engineering Department


a) Research Duties: Tokamak Fusion Plasma Research (Plasma Physics and specifically Fusion Research has no priority in the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

b) Teaching Duties: Delivered a course (UZB422E Spacecraft Systems Design) together with the experts from Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Information Technologies and Electronics Research Institute (BILTEN), Satellite Technologies Division under the supervision of the Head of Department (Prof. Dr. A. Rüstem Aslan). Teaching assistantship for the courses ‘Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering and Ethics’, and ‘Numerical Analysis’.

c) Administrative Duties: Memberships of the Department’s ‘Assessment and Evaluation. Committee’, of the ‘Course Coordination Committee


2) Dates: December 1991 to January 2002

Position: Research Assistant

Place: Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Engineering Department


a) Research Duties: Tokamak Fusion Plasma Research (Plasma Physics and specifically Fusion Research has no priority in the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

b) Teaching Duties: Assistantship for a broad range of the courses from ‘Calculus’ to ‘Space Environment’ including ‘Thermodynamics’, ‘Dynamics’, etc.

c) Administrative Duties: Memberships of the Department’s ‘Accreditation Committee for ABET Substantial Equivalency’, of the ‘Course Coordination Committee’ and ‘Responsibility for Computer Laboratory


1) Dates: July 1989 to August 1990 (During mandatory military service)

Position: Quality Control Engineer

Place: Quality Control Department of Eskiþehir 1st Air Supply and Maintenance Center

Responsibility: Assuring the quality control in maintaining the Jet Aircraft of Turkish Air Force



         Transport theory of fusion plasmas, Orbital mechanics, Computational applications, Non-linear mechanics, Satellite technologies.




13) UZB461E Lunar Mission Trajectories: Spring 2024 (This course has been designed and offered by Cuma Yarým) (1 time).

12) STA201E Statics: Spring 2023 (1 time).

11) UZB242E Basic Astronomy: Spring 2021-2022, Fall 2023-2024 (This course has been designed and offered by Cuma Yarým) (4 times).

10) UUM535 Engineering Mathematics (Graduate Course, In Turkish): Spring 2017, 2018 (2 times)

9) UUM522E Celestial and Applied Orbital Mechanics (Graduate Course): Spring 2013, 2016, 2018, 2020-2024 (8 times)

8) UZB489E Electric Propulsion: Spring 2011- 2013, Fall 2013 (4 times)

7) UUM517E Spacecraft Dynamics (Graduate Course): Fall 2010, 2013-2021 (10 times)

6) UZB352E Orbital Mechanics: Spring 2013-2015, Fall 2020 (Only the last three weeks and the student assessment), Spring 2022 (5 times)

UZB352 Orbital Mechanics (In Turkish): Spring 2007-2012, Summer 2007 (7 times)    

UZ530 Orbital Mechanics (as a Graduate Course to Aeronautics and Space Technology Institute of Turkish Air Force Academy, In Turkish): Fall 2008, 2011, 2012, Spring 2010, 2015, 2018, 2020 (7 times)

Spaceflight Mechanics (To Turkish Airforce Academy, Undergraduate): Fall 2015, 2016 (2 times)

5) UZB332 Communication Systems I (In Turkish): Fall 2006-2008 (3 times)

UZB451E Spacecraft Communications: Fall 2011 (1 time)

4) UZB111 Introduction to Space Engineering and Ethics (In Turkish): Fall 2005-2010 (6 times)

UZB111E Introduction to Space Engineering and Ethics : Fall 2010-2016 (7 times)

UZB101E Introduction to Astronautical Engineering and Ethics: Fall 2017 (Together with Prof. Dr. A. Rüstem Aslan, 1 time; Cuma Yarým was responsible from the ‘Ethics’ part of the course, 1 time)

UZB104E Astronautical Engineering and Design: Spring 2018 (Together with Prof. Dr. A. Rüstem Aslan, 1 time; Students performed a hands-on project on Cansat. Cuma Yarým’s contribution was marginal)

3) DNK 201 Dynamics (In Turkish): Fall 2005-2007, Fall 2021 (4 times)

DNK201E Dynamics: Spring-Fall 2019-2021 (6 times)

2) TEL212 Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields (In Turkish): Spring 2006, 2007, 2010 (3 times)

1) UZB422E Spacecraft Systems Design: Spring 2005, 2006

(In Spring 2005 this lecture was given together with the experts from Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Information Technologies and Electronics Research Institute (BILTEN), Satellite Technologies Division under the supervision of the Head of Department (Prof. Dr. A. Rüstem Aslan). Cuma Yarým appreciates Mr. Gökhan Yüksel (Aerospace Engineer, MSc) for the effort and time he has spent for realizing the support of TUBITAK-BILTEN.



1)    2021 Spring: Emre Ünal, Launch Vehicle Design, Modeling and Trajectory Optimization. Cuma Yarým’s contribution to this thesis as an advisor is marginal.


2)    2007 Spring: Aslý Utku, Orbital Stabilities of a Spacecraft, MSc thesis (Study has actually been supervised by Prof. Dr. Umur Daybelge. After his retirement, Cuma Yarým has taken over the supervision officially).




All the Below Studies (starting from 23rd) Has Been Performed In Context of the Courses UZB4901E Astronautical Engineering Design I and UZB4902E Astronautical Engineering Design II


28) 2023 Fall-2024 Spring; Ahmet Can Ataman, Earth to Venus Trajectories (Developed a MATLAB code to calculate a trajectory of a spacecraft from the parking orbit around the Earth to a parking orbit around the Venus).


27) 2023 Fall-2024 Spring; Osman Berkan Akdere, On an Algorithm for Calculating Collision Probability, Risk Assessment and Mitigation Maneuvers for LEO Satellites, (Developed a MATLAB code to assess and reduce the collision probability of a LEO satellite).


26) 2023 Fall-2024 Spring; Bengisu Kaplan, Orbital Perturbations for GEO Satellites (Developed a MATLAB code to calculate the perturbation effects on a GEO spacecraft and compared them by the results calculated by an another method).


25) 2023 Fall-2024 Spring; Ceren Öztürk, Trajectories from Earth to Moon (Developed a MATLAB code to calculate a trajectory of a spacecraft from the parking orbit around the Earth to a parking orbit around the Moon at a given specific date).


24) 2022 Fall-2024 Spring; Sinan Kartaloðlu, Moon Mission Vehicle and Trajectory (Developed codes in MATLAB to calculate the trajectory of a spacecraft between the parking orbits around the Earth and the Moon.


23) 2020 Fall-2021 Spring; Petek Dilan Çaðlý, Cometary Mission Trajectory Design (Developed codes in MATLAB to calculate the trajectory of a spacecraft for a mission to comet Halley during its next visit to inner Solar System around 2061).


All the Below Studies Has Been Performed In Context of the Course UZB492E Graduation Project


22) 2021 Fall; Nikolay Lyan, Trajectory Determination by Two Stations (Developed codes in the MATLAB for determining an object’s position and if it is a spacecraft around the Earth its orbital information from the obseervations performed by two ground stations).


21) 2020 Fall; Utkan Güder, Development of a Rendezvous and Docking Simulation (Developed a code for rendezvous and docking in UNITY (game developing tool?) environment).


20) 2020 Fall; Alp Baskýcý: SWIFT Mission, Overview of the Systems and Analysis of BAT Instrument Data (This study has been co-supervised with Prof. Dr. Kazým Yavuz Ekþi from the Department of Physics. Cuma Yarým has supervised the part related with the design of the SWIFT spacecraft).


19) 2018-2019 Fall; Tuðba Doðan: Gravity Assist Maneuvers-Recalculation of the Voyager-1 Trajectory (Developed a MATLAB code for a) finding the best entry point to sphere of influence of Jupiter via gravitationally interacting 2-body equations, and b) simulation of the Voyager-1 mission using gravitationally interacting n-body equations)


18) 2018-2019 Fall; Furkan Çetin: Low Energy Transfer Trajectory to Mars (Developed MATLAB codes for a low energy transfer trajectory using n-body and restricted three body approaches. Well done Furkan! Thank you for your time and effort. Cuma Yarým’s contribution to this thesis as an advisor is marginal meaning that Cuma Yarým has learned almost nothing from this study.)


17) 2018-2019 Fall; Fatmanur Çevik: Preliminary Orbit Determination Methods Using Observations (Developed MATLAB codes for Gauss and Laplace methods for orbit determination and compared their efficiencies for different orbits)


16) 2017-2018 Fall; Turgut Yýlmaz: A Numerical Approach to Physical Pendulum, (Developed MATLAB codes for the equations of an inverted pendulum with different numerical techniques and compared with the experimental results. The experimental part of this study has been supervised by Rahman Bitirgen)


15) 2017-2018 Spring; Ömer Faruk Bayraktar: Transfer Trajectories from Earth to Mars (Developed MATLAB codes to increase the frequency of launch window to a Mars mission)


14) 2017-2018 Spring; Ulubilge Ulusoy, Artificial Gravity Express (AGE): Design of Tethered Space Vehicle with Artificial Gravity and Impact Shielding (The “Impact Shielding” part of this study has been supervised by Dr. Seher Eken. Well done Ulubilge. Thank you for time and effort. Cuma Yarým’s contribution to this thesis as an advisor is marginal meaning that Cuma Yarým has learned almost nothing from this study.)


13) 2016-2017 Spring; Ertuðrul Çýnar: Guidance, Navigation and Control System Design for an Autonomous UAV  (This study has actually been supervised by Dr. N. Kemal Üre)


12) 2016-2017 Spring; Yusuf Ziya Saçý: Gravity Assist Maneuvers (Developed MATLAB codes for a) finding the best entry point to sphere of influence of Jupiter, and b) simulation of the Ulysses mission using gravitationally interacting n-body equations)


11) 2015-2016 Fall; Emre Ünal: Free Return Trajectories to the Moon (Developed MATLAB codes to investigate the necessary injection altitude around the Earth to reach a desired altitude around the Moon and returning to the vicinity of Earth via Figure-8 trajectory)


10) 2015-2016 Spring; Tolga Allýn: Maintenance Optimisation (This study has actually been supervised by Dr. N. Kemal Üre)


9) 2015-2016 Fall; Yeliz Saka: Perturbations of a Satellite in Geostationary Orbit (Developed MATLAB codes for calculating the Moon’s and Sun’s gravity and solar pressure effects on a GEO satellite)


8) 2013-2014 Summer; Cem Oran: Neutron Star Solutions with Realistic Equation of State (This study actually supervised by Dr. K. Yavuz Ekþi from Ý.T.Ü., Department of Physics Engineering)


7) 2013-2014 Fall; Osman Eren: Velocity Corrections in N-S Direction for Geostationary Satellites (Developed a Matlab code to calculate the effects of the Moon and the Sun on the orbit of a Geostationary satellite and by trial and error found how much Delta-V is needed to correct the orbit)


6) 2012-2013 Spring; Tunahan Kent: Interplanetary Trajectory Simulation on IOS Platform (Developed a code in IOS Platform for a trajectory of a spacecraft moving in the solar system. The positions of the solar system bodies are calculated from the astronomical algorithms. Well done Tunahan! Thank you for your time and effort. Cuma Yarým’s contribution to this thesis as an advisor is marginal meaning that Cuma Yarým has learned almost nothing from this study.)


5) 2011-2012 Spring; Can Sarý: Orbital Calculations for a Moon Mission (Developed a MATLAB Code to study the motion of a spacecraft with a mission to Moon).


4) 2011-2012 Spring; Derya Baþ: Plasma Modelling in Electric Propulsion Devices (Developed a MATLAB Code to study the motion of a charged body in electric and magnetic fields).


3) 2011-2012 Spring; Gökhan Mehmet Kýlýç: Efficiency of Pulsed Plasma Thrusters (Studied the efficiency definitions and relations among them in PPT devices)


2) 2005-2006 Fall; Mardin Ari Hergel: Analysis of Satellite Motions (Developed a Fortran Code to calculate n-body motion under the effects of mutual gravitational attraction force).


1) 2005-2006 Fall; Fatih Güler: Analysis of Satellite Motions (In Turkish) (Developed a MATLAB Code to calculate n-body motion under the effects of mutual gravitational attraction force).



3) Tincel Foundation, Financial support for 3 months of visit to Juelich Research Center, Germany, 1999.

         2) Koc Foundation, October 1996-June 1997.

         1) Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, October 1984-June 1985.





J-7) Daybelge U, Yarim C, Nicolai A, ‘Bifurcation Behaviour of Rotation Velocities in Collisional Edge Plasma with Steep Gradients’, Nuclear Fusion49, 115007, November 2009. (Nuclear Fusion49 (2009) 115007).




J-6) Nicolai, A., Daybelge, U., Lehnen, M., Tokar, M. Z., Unterberg, B., and Yarým, C., ‘Interaction of Plasma Rotation and Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Fields in Tokamaks’, Nuclear Fusion48, pp.024008-024020, February 2008. (Nuclear Fusion48 (2008) 024008).




J-5) Nicolai, A., Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., ‘Modelling of Plasma Rotation Accounting for a Poloidal Divertor and Helical Perturbation Coils (SFP)’, Nuclear Fusion, 46, pp. S145-S153, April 2006. (Nuclear Fusion, 46 (2006) S145-S153.)




J-4) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Rotation Dynamics and Stability of Collisional Edge Layers in Tokamak Plasma’, Nuclear Fusion, 44, pp.966-973, September 2004.




J-3) Nicolai, A., Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., ‘Modelling of Plasma Rotation Accounting for Neutral Beam Injection and Perturbation Coils in JET and TEXTOR’,  Nuclear Fusion, 44, pp.S93-S107, June 2004.




J-2) Claassen, H. A., Gerhauser, H., Rogister, A., Yarim, C., ‘Neoclassical Theory of Rotation and Electric Field in High Collisionality Plasmas with Steep Gradients’, Physics of Plasmas7, pp. 3699-3706, September 2000.




J-1) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., ‘Pattern of Ion Bombardment on the Poloidal Divertor Plates’, Journal of Nuclear Materials266-269, pp.809-811, March 1999.

         Abstract: http://www3.itu.edu.tr/~yarim/resume/Abstract01.doc




P-24) Aslan, A. R., Toklu, M., Karabulut, B., Yarim, C., Simsek, M., Karyot, T. B., Gallah, N., Ben Bahri, O., Chaouch, A., Lazreg, N., Habbachi, N., Mansour, M., Hamrouni, C., Tahri, N., Alimi, A. M., Besbes, K., ‘Water Quality Management using Nanosatellites’, 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, June 19-22, 2017, Ýstanbul, Turkey.


P-23) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., ‘Rotation Instability of Neoclassical Plasma Near Magnetic Separatrix’, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 13-18, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia (TH/P6-2 Poster Contribution)


P-22) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Spatiotemporal Oscillations in Tokamak Edge Layer and Their Generation by Various Mechanisms’, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 8-13, 2012, San Diego, USA (TH/P4-25 Poster contribution).


P-21) Yarim, C., Daybelge, U., Nicolai, A., ‘Spatiotemporal Chaos in Rotation Profiles Near Separatrix of Tokamak Plasma’, 13th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices, September 19-21, 2011, South Lake Tahoe, California USA (P1-3 Poster contribution).


P-20) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Neoclassical Approach to Angular Momentum Transport and Toroidal Rotation in Tokamak Plasmas’, 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 11-16, 2010, Daejeon, South Korea (THD/P4-01 Poster contribution).


P-19) Yarim, C., Daybelge, U., Sofyali, A., ‘Search for the General Relativistic Effects on the Motion of a Spacecraft’, 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, June 11-13, 2009, Ýstanbul, Turkey.


P-18) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Bifurcation Behaviour of Rotation Velocities in Collisional Edge Plasma with Steep Gradient’, 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 13-18, 2008, Geneva, Switzerland (TH/P4-16 Poster contribution).


P-17) Kurtulus, C., Baltaci, T., Ulusoy, M., Aydin, B. T., Tutkun, B., Inalhan, G., Cetiner-Yildirim, N. L. O., Karyot, T. B., Yarim, C., Edis, F. O., Haciyev, C., Aslan, A. R., Unal, M. F., ‘ITU-pSAT I: Istanbul Technical University Student Pico-satellite Program’, 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, June 14-16, 2007, Ýstanbul, Turkey.



P-16) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Emerging Chaos in Rotation Velocity Profile in Collisional Tokamak Edge Layer’, 21th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 16-21, 2006, Chengdu, China. (TH/P6-16 Poster contribution).


P-15) Yarým, C., Daybelge, U., Nicolai, A., ‘Nonlinear Stability Behaviour of the Rotation Dynamics in the Collisional Tokamak Edge Layer’, 47th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, October 24-28, 2005, Denver, USA (RP1.00101 Poster Contribution).


P-14) Roytershteyn, V., Coppi, B., Yarim, C., ‘Numerical Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Model Equations for the Drift-Tearing Mode’, 46th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, November 15-19, 2004, Savannah, USA (BP1.065 Poster contribution).


P-13) Coppi, B., Roytershteyn, V., Yarim, C., ‘Modern Theory of the Drift-Tearing Mode’, 46th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, November 15-19, 2004, Savannah, USA. (BP1.061 Poster contribution).


P-12) Shaing, K. C., Callen, J. D., Hegna, C. C., Houlberg, W. A., Coppi, B., Roytershteyn, V., Yarim, C., ‘Toroidal Momentum Confinement in Tokamaks and Magnetic Reconnection’, 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, November 1-6, 2004, Vilamoura, Portugal. (TH/P2-29 Poster contribution.Second Part. Pages 5-8).


 P-11) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Effects of Steep Gradients and Stochasticity on the Rotation Dynamics of Collisonal Tokamak Edge Layer’, 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, November 1-6, 2004, Vilamoura, Portugal. (TH/P4-2 Poster contribution).


P-10) Coppi, B., Roytershteyn, V., Yarim, C., ‘Magnetic Reconnection and Intrinsically Associated Thermal Energy Transport’, 31st European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics, June 28-July 2 , 2004, London, UK. (P5-177 Poster contribution).


P-9) Coppi, B., Roytershteyn, V., Yarim, C., ‘Magnetic Reconnection and Intrinsically Associated Thermal Energy Transport’, International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 26-28, 2004, Missoula, Montana, USA. (2C28 Poster contribution).


P-8) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Coupled Toroidal and Poloidal Plasma Rotations in Collisional Tokamak Edge Plasma’, 45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, October 27-31, 2003, Albuquerque, USA. (FP1-17 Poster contribution).



P-7) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., Toroidal and Poloidal Rotation Dynamics of Tokamak Edge Plasma’, 10th European Fusion Theory Conference, September 8-10, 2003, Helsinki, Finland. (P2-18 Poster Contribution).


         Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Nicolai, A., ‘Rotation Dynamics of Collisional Tokamak Edge Plasma’, 9th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices, September 3-5, 2003, San Diego, USA. (O1.2 Oral and P1.4 Poster Contribution). 


P-6) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C. Nicolai, A., ‘Rotation Dynamics and Stability of Collisional Edge Layers in Tokamak Plasma’, 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 14-19, 2002, Lyon, France. (TH/P3-11 Poster Contribution).


P-5) Daybelge, U., Nicolai, A., Yarim, C., ‘Behavior of Rotation and Radial Electric Field in Collision Dominated Plasma Edge with Steep Gradients’, 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion, June 17-21, 2002, Montreux, Switzerland. (P1.089 Poster Contribution)


P-4) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Claassen, H. A., Rogister, A., ‘Stability of Neoclassical Rotation in Edge Plasmas’, 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 4-10, 2000, Sorrento, Italy. (TH/P1-21 Poster Contribution).


P-3) Daybelge, U., Claassen, H. A., Rogister, A., Yarim, C., ‘Stability of Revisited Neoclassical Rotation in Tokamaks’, 27 EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, June 12-16, 2000, Budapest, Hungary. (P4_074 Poster Contribution).


P-2) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., Anguelova, M., ‘Nonlinear Plateau Regime Dynamics of the Poloidal Rotation in Tokamaks’, 7th European Fusion Theory Conference, October 8-10, 1997, Juelich, Germany.


P-1) Daybelge, U., Yarim, C., ‘Particle Interaction with the Walls of a Divertor Tokamak’, International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer Under Plasma Conditions, June 4-8, 1994, Izmir, Turkey.



         R-2) Yarim, C., Daybelge, U., Nicolai, A., ‘Modelling of Rotating Plasma States and Their Stability Accounting for Neutral Beam Injection and Helical Perturbations’, Jul-4091, Technical Report, Juelich Research Center, October 2003, Germany.


         R-1) Nicolai, A., Daybelge, U., Rogister, A., Yarim, C., ‘Numerical and Analytical Interpretation of Rotation and Radial Electric Fields in Collision Dominated Edge Plasmas’, Jul-3958, Technical Report, Julich Research Center, February 2002, Germany.




5) Contributed as a researcher to the project “Development of intelligent control modules for nano satellites”. The project is a joint work of Ý.T.Ü and MHESR of Tunisia under the 2510 – TÜBÝTAK-MHESR (Tunus) Collaboration Programme. Project no: 114M843. Turkish side of the project principal is Prof. Dr. A. Rüstem Aslan.


4) Contributed as an internal reviewer to the project “BeEagleSat: A Standard Atmospheric Double CubeSat”. The project is a joint work of Ý.T.Ü. and Turkish Air Force Academy. 2012-2017. This project is a part of the QB50 project led by Von Karman Institute, Belgium.


         3)  Contributed as a researcher to the project “TURKSAT, Intermediate Satellite Project-I” (Design and manufacturing of engineering and flight models of a nano satellite-3U Cubesat). The project is supported by TURKSAT- Turkish Satellite Communication, Cable TV and Operation Inc. for 1 year in 2013.


         2) Contributed as a researcher to the project “Design and manufacturing of engineering and flight models of a pico satellite”, submitted by I.T.U., Aerospace Engineering Department. The project is supported by Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), State Planning Organization, and I.T.U. for 30 months.


         1) May 1999-April 2003, Contributed as a researcherNeoclassical Theory of Plasmas in the Low Collisionality Regime Revisited: the Roles of Finite Larmor Radius Effects and Inertia, Joint project submitted to Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Juelich Research Center (FZJ, Forschungszentrum Juelich) of Germany. The project is administrated by Dr. André L. Rogister (FZJ) and Prof. Dr. Umur Daybelge (ITU).



3) Evolution of Rotation in Tokamak Plasmas’. PhD thesis submitted to I.T.U., Institute of Science and Technology, supervised by Prof. Dr. Umur Daybelge, January 2002.

2) Effects of Nonaxisymmetric Perturbations on the Divertor Tokamaks’. MSc thesis submitted to I.T.U., Institute of Science and Technology, supervised by Prof. Dr. Umur Daybelge, June 1994.

1) An Analytical and Numerical Study of the Discontinuous Solutions of Euler Equations’ (in Turkish). Undergraduate thesis submitted to I.T.U., Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, supervised by Prof. Dr. Umur Daybelge, September 1988.