Enver Ozdemir


Enver Ozdemir

Informatics Institute and Computer Engineering Department,
Istanbul Technical University.

University of Maryland,
College Park, USA.

Research Interests:
Computational Number Theory,
Network Security.

Previous Positions:
2010-2014: Research Fellow,
NTU, Singapore.

2009-2010: Lecturer,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Maryland.

I am also the deputy director of National Center for High Performance Computing (UHeM).

Email: ozdemiren@itu.edu.tr
Phone: +90 212 285 70 64

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Web Standards & Accessibility
  • JQuery
  • Wordpress




  • PhD in Mathematics,
    Curves and their applications to factoring polynomials, University of Maryland, College Park, 2009.

Journal Publications

  1. 1. (With S. Ling and C. Xing) Constructing irreducible polynomials over finite fields, Mathematics of Computation, Vol 81 , no. 279, 1663-1668, 2012.
  2. 2. Computing square roots in finite fields, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 59, No 9, 5613-5615, 2013.
  3. 3. (With S. Ling and C. Xing) A relation between embedding degrees and class numbers of binary quadratic forms, Mathematics of Computation, Vol 83, no. 290, 3001-3004, 2014.
  4. 4. Compositeness Test with Nodal Curves, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol 94, no. 9, 1879-1889, 2017.
  5. 5. (With S. T. Basaran, M.Gokceli, G. Kurt, E. Yareneri) Error Performance Analysis of Random Network Coded Cooperative Systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16, no. 8, 5325-5337, 2017.
  6. 6. (With G. Karabulut-Kurt, A. N. Ozkirisci and O. A. Topal) A Key Verification Protocol for Quantum Key Distribution, IEEE Access, Vol 7, no:1, 141386-141394, 2019.
  7. 7. (With G. Karabulut-Kurt, Y. Khosroshahi, N. Tavakkoli, O. A. Topal)  A Hybrid Key Generation and a Verification Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol 16, no 1, 703-714, 2020.
  8. 8. (With Y. Aydin, G. Karabulut-Kurt and H. Yanikomeroglu) A Flexible and Lightweight Group Authentication Scheme, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol 7, no 10, 10277-10287, 2020.
  9. 9. (With U. Altun, S. T. Basaran and G. Karabulut-Kurt) Authenticated Data Transmission Using Analog Function Computation, IEEE Communications Letters, vol 24, no. 11, 2421-2425, 2020.
  10. 10. (With Barış Celiktas and İbrahim Çelikbilek) A Higher-Level Security Scheme for Key Access on Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, vol 9, 107347-107359, 2021.
  11. 11. Polynomial Factorization over Finite Fields, Int. J. of Number Theory, vol 17, no. 07, 1517-1536, 2021.
  12. 12. (With Y. Aydin, G. Karabulut-Kurt and H. Yanikomeroglu) Group Handover for Drone Base Stations, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 8 (18), 13876-13887, 2021.
  13. 13. (With S. E. Cebeci, K. Nari) A Security Protocol for E-Commerce, IEEE Access, Vol 10, 10359-10370, 2022.
  14. 14.(With Y. Aydin, G. Karabulut-Kurt and H. Yanikomeroglu) Authentication and Handover Challenges and Methods for Drone Swarms, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, vol. 6, 220-228, 2022.
  15. 15. (With U. Altun and G. Karabulut-Kurt) The Magic of Superposition: A Survey on Simultaneous Transmission Based Wireless Systems, IEEE Access, vol. 10, 79760-79794, 2022.
  16. 16. (With S. Guzey, G. Karabulut-Kurt, A. Mhaish and N. Tavakkoli) Secure Device-to-Device Caching with Blockchain, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9 (20), 20750-20762, 2022.
  17. 17. (With K. Nari, N. A. Ozkirisci) Strong Pseudo Primes to Base 2, The Ramanujan Journal, vol 59, 1323-1332, 2022.
  18. 18. (With U. Altun, S. T. Basaran and G. Karabulut-Kurt), Scalable Secret Key Generation for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, 6031-6041, 2022.
  19. 19. (With I. Celikbilek and B. Celiktas), A Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme: A Unified Approach for Scalability and Efficiency, IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 70568-70580, 2024.
  20. 20. (With G. Karabulut-Kurt and K. Nari), Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Connected Autonomous Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 4998-5010, 2024.
  21. 21. (With E. Adiguzel-Goktas), Square Root Computation in Finite Fields, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, to appear.