// JSP to wrap the JSONP request to load the mashlet.json file Ema.containers['http://labs.researcherid.com:80'].mashletsConfig = ('{ "Test.Chart": { "type": "Test.Chart", "version": "1.0", "title": "Test.Chart Mashlet", "small-icon": "small.gif", "hideTitlebar": "true", "medium-icon": "medium.gif", "description": "Test.Chart Mashlet", "properties": { "dataUrl": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Data URL", "defaultValue": "/mashlets/Test.Chart/data.xml" }, "chartUrl": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Chart URL", "defaultValue": "#{prestoResources}/common/js/FusionCharts/Charts/Bar2D.swf" } }, "resources": { "js": [ { "script":"FusionCharts.js", "property":"FusionCharts" }, { "script":"main.js", "property":"Test.Chart" } ] } }, "CitedNetworkMap": { "type": "CitedNetworkMap", "version": "1.0", "title": "Cited Network Author Map", "hideTitlebar": "true", "small-icon": "small.gif", "medium-icon": "medium.gif", "description": "This is djleon", "properties": { "helloString": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Hello String", "defaultValue": "Hello World!" } }, "resources": { "js": [ {"script": "main.js", "property":"CitedNetworkMap" }, {"script": "http://www.google.com/jsapi", "property": "google"} ] } }, "badge": { "type": "badge", "title": "", "description": "Sample Inline Mashlet that demonstrates creation of a Badge", "properties": { }, "resources": { "js": [ { "script": "prototip-min.js", "property":"Prototip" }, { "script": "badge.js", "property":"badge" } ], "css": ["#{mashletDir}/prototip.css"] } }, "HelloWorld": { "type": "HelloWorld", "title":"Hello World!", "description": "A HelloWorld sample to demonstrate the basic Mashlet APIs ", "properties": { "helloString": "Hello World!" }, "properties-meta":{ "helloString": { "type": "string", "description": "Hello String" } }, "resources": { "js": [{"script":"hello.js", "property":"HelloWorld"}] } }, "Presto.ServiceMashlet": { "type": "Presto.ServiceMashlet", "disallowInMashletMaker": "true", "title": "Service Mashlet", "description": "Generic mashlet type used to create basic mashlets for most Presto services. Instances of this mashlet type are generated using Mashlet Maker.", "properties": { "sid": "", "oid": "", "pageSize": "25", "RSS_showPreviewByDefault": "false", "disableRemotePaging": "false" }, "authPolicy": "USER_LOGIN", "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": true }, "js": [{ "script": "main.js", "property":"Presto.ServiceMashlet" }] }, "properties-meta": { "sid": { "readOnly": "true", "description": "Service Id" }, "oid": { "readOnly": "true", "description": "Operation Id" }, "pageSize": { "description": "Page size for Grid views" }, "RSS_showPreviewByDefault": { "description": "Configuration to control whether the RSS items must be expanded by default" }, "disableRemotePaging": { "description": "Disable remote paging. This will bring back all results of a Service invocation and hence it could result in bad performance" } } }, "Sample.YahooMap": { "type": "Sample.YahooMap", "title": "Test.YahooMap Mashlet", "description": "Use Case: Search for Local businesses and plot the results on a Map
This sample demonstrates the the use of Yahoo Map view, Presto Connect to invoke services in Presto and Presto.Dataset to store the results", "authPolicy": "USER_LOGIN", "properties": { "mapUrl": "" }, "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": true }, "js": [ { "script": "#{prestoResources}/common/js/includeYahooMap.js", "property":"YMap" }, { "script": "src.js", "property":"Sample.YahooMap" } ] }, "properties-meta": { "mapUrl": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Map URL" } } }, "Presto.MashletCallout": { "type": "Presto.MashletCallout", "disallowInMashletMaker": "true", "title": "Mashlet Callout", "description": "", "properties": { "tag": "", "calloutMashlet": "" }, "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": true }, "js": [ { "script": "src.js", "property":"Presto.MashletCallout" } ] } }, "Amazon.Callout":{ "type": "Amazon.Callout", "version": "1.0", "disallowInMashletMaker": "true", "title": "", "description":"Quick Amazon Search Callout Mashlet", "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": true }, "js": [ {"script":"main.js", "property":"Amazon.Callout" } ], "css":[ "amazoncalloutmashlet.css" ] } }, "Sample.RSSReader": { "type": "Sample.RSSReader", "title": "RSS Feeds", "description": "Use case: Query Presto for all RSS services and let the user easily view these feeds.
This demonstrates the use of the Presto RSSView API and Presto Connect.", "authPolicy": "USER_LOGIN", "width": "600", "height": "350", "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": "true" }, "js": [ { "script": "rss2.js", "property":"Sample.RSSReader" } ], "css": ["rssreader.css"] } }, "Presto.Portlet.ServiceMashlet": { "type": "Presto.Portlet.ServiceMashlet", "version": "1.0", "title": "", "disallowInMashletMaker": "true", "description": "Built-in Presto mashlet that allows services to be exposed as Portlets.", "properties": { "sid": "", "oid": "" }, "properties-meta": { "sid": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Service Id" }, "oid": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Operation Id" } }, "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": true }, "js": [ "portlet.js", "renderer.js" ], "css": ["portlet.css"] }, "renderers": [ { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.SingleColumnTable", "title": "Single Column Table", "description": "Renders results in a single column. If multiple fields are configured, record fields will be displayed vertically one below the other.", "config":{ "properties": [], "columns": [{"name": "columns", "type": "COLUMN_ARRAY"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.SingleRowTable", "title": "Single Row Table", "description": "Renders results in a single row with each record from results in a separate column. If multiple fields are configured, record fields are displayed vertically one below the other.", "config":{ "properties": [], "columns": [{"name": "columns", "type": "COLUMN_ARRAY"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.RSSFeed", "title": "RSS Feeds", "description": "Renders RSS feeds in the default news feed format." }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.Table", "title": "Table", "description": "Renders results a table format. Suitable for services that return multiple rows and columns of data.", "config":{ "properties": [], "columns": [{"name": "columns", "type": "COLUMN_ARRAY"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.ExtTable", "title": "ExtJS Table", "description": "Renders results a table using ExtJS toolkit. Suitable for services that return multiple rows and columns of data.", "config":{ "properties": [], "columns": [{"name": "columns", "type": "COLUMN_ARRAY"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.BarChart", "title": "Bar Chart", "description": "Renders a 3D bar chart, single set or multi set depending on the dataset. The first column supplies the x-axis values and subsequent columns supply numerical datasets appropriate for charts.", "config":{ "properties": [{"name" : "Chart Title", "type" : "STRING"}], "columns": [{"name": "X-Axis", "type": "COLUMN"}, {"name": "Y-Axis", "type": "COLUMN_ARRAY"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.LineChart", "title": "Line Chart", "description": "Renders a line chart, single set or multi set depending on the dataset. The first column supplies the x-axis values and subsequent columns supply numerical datasets appropriate for charts.", "config":{ "properties": [{"name" : "Chart Title", "type" : "STRING"}], "columns": [{"name": "X-Axis", "type": "COLUMN"}, {"name": "Y-Axis", "type": "COLUMN_ARRAY"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.PieChart", "title": "Pie Chart", "description": "Renders pie chart using the dataset and columns selected. The first column supplies the x-axis value and the second column supplies numeric values appropriate for pie charts.", "config":{ "properties": [{"name" : "Chart Title", "type" : "STRING"}], "columns": [{"name": "Label", "type": "COLUMN"}, {"name": "Data", "type": "COLUMN"}] } }, { "name": "Presto.Portlet.Renderer.GoogleMap", "title": "Google Map", "description": "Renders makers on a Google map for the given set of latitude and longitude values. The marker label value will be displayed in a popup when users click on the marker.", "config":{ "key":"ABQIAAAAWU-RytYlqGqaPmfH-hKiJxRPDaAnyVCOGTVXv-Sidw2mrpLM7xQgVJkngMrZ__VVeOV7t6bWyTEPHw", "properties": [{"name" : "Default Zoom Level", "type" : "STRING"}], "columns": [{"name": "Latitude", "type": "COLUMN"}, {"name": "Longitude", "type": "COLUMN"}, {"name": "Marker Label", "type": "COLUMN"}] } } ] }, "Sample.AmazonCallout":{ "type": "Sample.AmazonCallout", "title": "", "description":"Use case: Enrich an existing HTML page containing DVD Titles by creating a Callout that queries Amazon.com for the selected DVD title.
This Mashlet does not have a UI of its own but adds behavior to existing components in the HTML page.", "disallowPreviewInMashletMaker": "true", "properties": { "tag": "" }, "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": "true" }, "js": [ {"script":"main.js", "property":"Sample.AmazonCallout" } ], "css":[ "amazoncalloutmashlet.css" ] } }, "Sample.EmployeeList": { "title": "Employees at San Jose", "type": "Sample.EmployeeList", "description": "Use Case: Search for employees in a Company location by their name/location/phone/department.
Demonstrates the use of Presto.ServiceStore, Presto Connect and pagination of search results in a grid.", "width": "500", "height": "350", "properties": { "pageSize": "20" }, "properties-meta": { "pageSize": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Number of records in a single page" } }, "resources": { "libs": { "presto_ext": "true" }, "js": [ { "script": "main.js", "property": "Sample.EmployeeList" } ] } }, "Sample.YUI.LocalSearch": { "title": "Search local business listings", "type": "Sample.YUI.LocalSearch", "description": "Use Case: Search for local business listings
Sample uses the YUI library.", "width": "500", "height": "350", "disallowInMashletMaker": "true", "properties": { "numListings": "10" }, "properties-meta": { "pageSize": { "type": "STRING", "description": "Number of listings to display" } }, "resources": { "js": [ { "script": "http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/yuiloader/yuiloader-beta-min.js", "property": "YAHOO.util.YUILoader" }, { "script": "src.js", "property": "Sample.YUI.LocalSearch" } ] } }}').evalJSON();