




Istanbul Technical University

Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions Laboratory



Prof. Dr. Atıl BULU




Klemes, V. and A. Bulu, 1979. Limited Confidence in Confidence Limits Derived by Operational Stochastic Hydrologic Models. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 42, 922.


Bayazit, M. and A. Bulu, 1988. Complex Markov Models to Simulate Persistent Stream Flows. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 103, 199207.


Bayazit, M. and A. Bulu, 1991. Generalized Probability Distribution of Reservoir Capacity. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 126, 195205.


Bulu, A., 199x. Statistical Analysis of Low Flows With Zero Discharges. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, III. Report: 1994-1997, Cemagref Editions, pp. 167-170.


Bulu, A., 1977. Flood Frequency Analysis Based on a Mathematical Model of Daily Flows. III. International. Hydrology Symposium., Colorado, USA.


Bulu, A., 1994. Dry Period Analysis of Turkish Rivers. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Low Flows Droughts Desertification Seminar, Romania.


Bulu, A., 1995. Reliability Analysis of Reservoir Capacities. EGS, Hamburg, Germany.


Bulu, A., 1995. Probability Distribution of Water Storage. Statistical and Bayesian Methods in Hydrological Sciences IHP Conference in the Honor of Prof. J. Bernier, Paris, France.


Bulu, A., K. Cigizoglu, and S. Cokgor, 1995. Statistical Analysis of Low Flows on Thrace Region. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY Conference, Thessalonique, Greece.


Bulu, A. and H. Aksoy, 199x. Frequency Analysis of Low Flows on Arid Regions. Water and Statistics Conference, August 28-30, Ankara, Turkey.


Bulu, A. and S. Cokgor, 1997. Turkey’s Southeastern Anatolia Project: Cause of Conflict Between Turkey, Syria and Iraq. IX. World Water Congress of IWRA, September 1-6, Montréal, Canada.


Bulu, A. and B. Onoz, 199x. Frequency Analysis of Low Flows by PPCC Test in Turkey. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY’97 – Regional Hydrology: Concepts and Models for Sustainable Water Resource Management, IAHS Publication No: 246, 133-140.


Adler, M. J., A. Bulu, V. Vukmirovic, Z. Radic, 1998. Regionalization of Droughts in the Eastern Part of the AMHY Area. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Low Flows Expert Meeting, June 10-12, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Bulu, A., 1998. Statistical Techniques in Low Flow Hydrology. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Low Flows Expert Meeting, June 10-12, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Bulu, A. and H. Aksoy, 1998. Low Flow and Drought Studies in Turkey. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Low Flows Expert Meeting, June 10-12, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Bulu, A., 1998. International Report on Low and Drought Studies in the AMHY Group of the FRIEND Project. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Low Flows Expert Meeting, June 10-12, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Bulu, A. and T. Akar, 1998. Time Series Modeling of Sediment Discharges. XIX. Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrological Bases of Water Management, Osijek, Croatia.


Bulu, A., 1998. Frequency Analysis Techniques in Low Flow Hydrology. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY’98, Annual Meeting, October 13-16, Istanbul, Turkey.


Bulu, A. and T. Akar, 1998. Stochastic Modeling of Sediment Discharges. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY’98, Annual Meeting, October 13-16, Istanbul, Turkey.


Bulu, A. and T. Akar, 1998. Stochastic Modeling of Sediment Discharges. Stochastic Models of Hydrological Processes and Their Applications to Problems of Environmental Preservation, NATO ARW, November 23-27, Moscow, Russia.


Bulu, A., 1999. Turkey’s Water and Energy Potential: Some Transboundary River Courses in Turkey. NATO ARW, October 11-15, Thessalonique, Greece.


Akar, T. and A. Bulu, 2000. Modeling of Suspended Discharges in Rivers and Dead Volume Estimation. Small Dams in Mediterranean World, May xx–xx, Tunisia.


Bulu, A., 2003. Statistical Techniques in Low Flow Hydrology. XI. South African National Hydrology Symposium, September 3-5, Port Elisabeth, South Africa.


Bulu, A., 2004. Risk Analysis in Hydrology (in Turkish). III. Turkish National Hydrology Conference, June 21-25, Istanbul, Turkey.


Vukmirovic, V., Z. Radic, and A. Bulu, 1998. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Low Flows Expert Meeting Proceedings, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Oberlin, G., H. Aksoy, A. Bulu, P. Ramez, A. Eicholz, 1999. UNESCO FRIEND-AMHY, Annual Meeting Proceedings, Paris, France.


Bulu, A., 1986. Statistical Problems (in Turkish). Teknik Kitaplar Yayinevi, Istanbul, Turkey.


Ilgaz, C., M. E. Karahan, and A. Bulu, 1993. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Problems (in Turkish). Çaglayan Kitabevi, Istanbul, Turkey.


Bulu, A., 2001. Fluid Mechanics. ITU, Istanbul, Turkey.


